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Everything posted by glad1

  1. Alfresco, I've done a bit of kayaking myself. A few times, I've found myself paddling about on open water. It's a warm day, so I'm not in a wetsuit, only shoes, a shirt and shorts). I'm feeling the need to pee, but what to do? I'm not steady enough to stand up at sea, and I'm not quite long enough for my cock to reach the side of the boat. (Those guys with 14 inches catch all the breaks! :banghead: )
  2. Like you, Jess, I've spent time with a partner on a private and secluded beach. In fact, with one woman, we would have most all our dates there. On almost every date, both of us would have to pee. I suppose the first time we might have been just a little shy, she walked a short distance away. But, as the evening wore on and always after that, we peed in front of one another, sometimes on each other, too.
  3. Very good question, Crissy. I'm a straight male who definitely likes to watch women pee. I've found myself in countless close quarters situations with both men and women (not usually together), where at least one of us needs to pee. Seeing one of my own gender doesn't do nearly the same thing for me.
  4. I sure hope not. That would not go down well with me!
  5. When I was in my teens, I, too, really wished there was something I could take so I wouldn't have to pee. But, in my early twenties I met a woman who got me seeing otherwise. Reasoning that everyone does it, she thought it was perfectly natural to pee. I'm not sure I've ever met anyone who enjoyed peeing as much as her, yet she made it such good, clean (if wet) fun. I went on lots of long hikes with her and saw a lot of nature. We never stood in line for porta-potties and always enjoyed the trees! :)
  6. I knew Duct Tape was useful for almost every project, but I'd never heard of this one. It might be fun to try with someone, with interesting complications if they have a small bladder.
  7. I think women have the definite advantage here. I'm told they can get away with lots of things wearing skirts and no underwear. Perhaps Lizz would know! :wink:
  8. I wish to put away your fears. Not only do I consider myself a very good photographer who can bring out the best in you, but I'm also a master of discretion. I'm sure I can come up pictures that are most revealing but not personally identifying.
  9. This post has been here more than a month and I'm still waiting for replies. If only I could hold this long!
  10. Funny, I say the same thing, only with women! :biggrin:
  11. Isn't this the best part of being out and about? For some, the world's their urinal, and it doesn't have to be just men. I most appreciate nature when I'm in the company of an adventurous woman who's uninhibited about peeing. No matter where we go, even if the countryside is uninteresting, I always get to enjoy some great views! :wink: It's all about waterfalls and streams, anyway!
  12. All too often, that's the story of our lives. If only we could have been there a little earlier or later. :banghead: You'd think somebody could come up with an app so that we get our timing right!
  13. I suppose! While I'm sure the internet has expanded the opportunities, as far as I know it hasn't yet been directly responsible with conception.
  14. Yes, growing up in the days when dinosaurs roamed the earth, we had to use our imagination, didn't we? Every last bit of conversation was examined for nuances and double-meanings. It almost makes you want to relive the good old days. But, ALMOST! For, without the internet, none of us would be here!
  15. I'm looking forward to those showers, Crissy! In fact, I'll probably want to shower at least two or three times each day! :)
  16. I stand in the shower and, leaving the door open, aim towards the far end of the tub, nearly ten feet away. A good day is when my stream splashes off the back side, an even better one is when it's at least three feet up the wall! :)
  17. At 15, you should have never had to see that. Maybe it would be okay when you were older, but not at any age if you never wanted to! Like most on here, I enjoy the sight of someone of the opposite gender peeing. But, whether I look at it should be left up to me, not them! What I wonder is the impact this event has on you now. After the initial revulsion wore off, did it change your attitude about pee?
  18. I don't think I have "peedar", but I've become pretty good at figuring out who is into pee. I spend a lot of time outdoors and most of the women I date like much the same things I do, namely hiking, biking, boating, kayaking, rowing (what I call the other water sports :wink: ). We're often in situations where we have to pee in close proximity, so I can pretty much tell who dislikes this sort of thing and who is merely being a good sport. Then, there are those who really enjoy it, who bring along extra water bottles and don't seem to care when they get caught short. Funny how I keep seeing
  19. glad1


    I thought I'd stir this pot again. It's been so long since I last used one! :wink: Much as I enjoy Steve's delightful posts on carpet peeing, in real life I'm probably more judging. In fact, I'm what I call a PERP, Person Enjoying Responsible Pissing, you know a good will ambassador for our sport! :) So, let's save our fun for Steve's universe, where all the girls are naughty and the carpets yellow. But, when we're in its parallel one, perhaps if we're a little more careful where we pee, don't damage property and stay out of sight of those who might be offended, we might become, er, mainst
  20. No, but I've been to Canaveral National Seashore, since I prefer the quiet, solitude of nature over the excitement of crowds. I been to many Florida beaches both on the Atlantic and the Gulf as well as in the Keys. Where have you peed, er, been! :wink:
  21. I, too, lived in Florida a few years ago. Even though I'm quite a ways from their beaches, I'm still up for those kind of adventures! But, that's okay, there are a lot of lakes with sandy shores here!
  22. I recall enjoying many a date at a secluded beach, just me, an uninhibited woman and a cooler of beer. It was always great fun watching her foamy pee splash into the sand. While I was sad to see how it would quickly disappear, I knew I would be seeing it several times more over the evening.
  23. Okay, I guess I was a bit too harsh on Mike. Apparently, he has promise, it's just that he's too shy. After all, it was the third date! :wink: One thing I would caution you on, though, is to never rush into sex unless you both feel comfortable enough to pee around (I didn't necessarily say "on" :tongue: ) one another! :)
  24. I don't think so! His shyness certainly doesn't help his case! One thing I learned out on the trail: If he's not comfortable enough to pee in front of you by the third date, the relationship is not going anywhere! :wink:
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