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Everything posted by glad1

  1. Haven't figured exactly how I'll celebrate it (it's only 9am where I live) nor the guest list yet, but I'm sure it will involve some heavy drinking.
  2. Welcome, Kiria. I think you'll fit in fine here. No matter what your particular interest is, there's something for everyone. I'm pretty sure you'll get all the praise you'd ever need.
  3. In your case, I'd call that a never-fail approach!
  4. That's a great idea! I think I speak for many when I say you should post more about your walks, where you went and, especially, the stops you made along the way.
  5. Don't be so hard on yourself, Eliminature. I'm sure you'll make it to Canada with a little more practice. And when you do, you'll have a great cheering section here welcoming you.
  6. All I can say is practice, practice, practice. Of course, you can always ask for direction.
  7. Hearts and kisses... how can you be better dressed?
  8. I was taught to give myself a shake, too. Of course, in some situations I may have taken it to excess.
  9. Agree! Ever notice how beer seems to give you that little extra "push" when it decides (usually not you 🙄) it wants out?
  10. Who deserves the company of another. 🤣
  11. Some years back I led introduction to hiking trips for mixed groups. There were usually as many women as men there. Some showed up because they were interested in the sport, but I think a great many thought it was a good way to meet men. I was often surprised by what some would show up wearing. Maybe they didn't realize they'd be several hours on the trail without toilet facilities. It was bad enough for the women who wore tight jeans. At least they could pull them down with some effort, and it usually wasn't all that revealing. But, it was the ones who wore one-piece jumpsuits who alway
  12. Even though this has happened in real life several times for me, it's still a recurring fantasy. Quite often I've suggested to a potential date that we go on a hike, usually first meeting at a coffee shop or something of the like, if only to sort out if we really are who we claim to be. (Yes, I have dated that psycho from hell!) Then, we head out on the trail, usually filled with a cup or three. An hour or so later, sometime less, our bladders are desperately demanding our full attention. More often than not at about the same time. What I find so interesting about this is, in all our
  13. I think I comprehend. But, perhaps you could have better explained it in terms our members understand. Like, instead of having to find a new place to pee every time, your keep adding to the same puddle. Or, rather than put on a new pair of undies each time you wet them, you keep peeing in the same ones.
  14. Speaking of buckets, it reminds me of a story I heard from a woman who took an Outward Bound trip. They were traveling from one island to another on a somewhat small boat, about 12 people total men and women, when the motor failed and they were adrift for a few hours. To make things worse (or better in our case), they'd been told before they got onboard to drink up their water so they wouldn't risk dehydration. They wound up having to pee in the large bucket they'd carried aboard. Some sooner than others, maybe a few more than once. I was told it was a great bonding situation.
  15. The same here. For those who aren't familiar with boats, I'll let you in a secret I learned from an old salt. A ship of any size, even down to the smallest rowboat always has a working bucket.
  16. Nice seeing the two of you enjoying some quality together time.
  17. Isn't it wonderful how beer can give you that extra push?
  18. Aw, Rose, you missed out on the best part of a fishing trip, peeing off the boat. 😁
  19. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't have found it worse that she joined me, though I might have had trouble getting started if I hadn't already. But, isn't that the best part of hiking, how quickly you make friends?
  20. I'm sure seeing her enjoy a much-needed wee would yield explosive relief.
  21. Maybe you need to take them more places where a toilet isn't an option. It also helps in their learning when mom sets a good example.
  22. Some years back I was trying a new protein drink. Apparently it had an excess of B vitamins. I was peeing neon yellow and pretty near freaked out my hiking partner.
  23. I'm all in favor of fully enjoying the outdoors. The fuller, the better. One of my favorite experiences was a time I was kayaking with a partner. We'd been onn the water a couple hours and found ourselves in need of a nature call. Hurriedly paddling ashore, we walked a few steps into the woods. In the process of shedding some clothes, she suddenly insists on having her way with me. Who was I to complain? In seconds, I'm laying down and she's on top of me. Something about the sunshine and fresh air had us very quickly ready with me inside. While the session may not have lasted long, o
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