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Everything posted by glad1

  1. Since you were 4 or 5? You must be almost blind by now and have calluses on all your fingers! 😝
  2. Like all the time! (Except when it's absolutely necessary, of course.)
  3. These days most all of mine are either around the house or on a trail where people aren't likely walking by. But, back when I didn't have neighbors so close by, I'd regularly pee most any place I wanted to around my yard.
  4. One time I peed through a two-foot length of plastic pipe. I'd been kayaking for a couple hours, my bladder was getting fuller by the minute and I was a long way from shore. I knew I wouldn't be able stand up without risk of tipping over and realized I wasn't anatomically gifted enough to pee over the side while seated, so I used the extension for the bilge pump I'd packed with me.
  5. Looking forward to hear more stories about K's "progress". I find this to be a most useful skill for any woman. For those who spend a lot of time outdoors, it's very practical. And, in the interests of keeping things lively, even those who always sit on the toilet may want to add this to their repetoire.
  6. I usually have a pretty accurate stream. But, if you put a toilet in front of me, all bets are off.
  7. Too bad that she shouted at you, but nice to see it doidn't stop you from doing it again. And again. 🤣
  8. Did you stop, did you finish, did she say or do anything?
  9. What happend then? According to some stories here, their mums would join in.
  10. Wow, for four years non-stop? You must have had to pee really bad, you'd think at one point you'd have run out. 🤣
  11. So, you prefer wetting to the exhibitionist side of things? (As in, you show me yours and I'll show you mine.) How about the naughty aspects, like peeing where you're not supposed to or making a big mess? I'll look forward to your reply, but seeing how you have so little free time, I guess I'll have to do my best to wait.
  12. What's the most fun pee experience you've ever had. And, was it with others or solo? If given the opportunity, what would be at the top of your pee bucket list?
  13. No, having a penis is not a qualifiaction for the Pee Standing Up Club. I've gone on day hikes with dozens of women. From personal observation, I can say it's definitely possible, though maybe not for all of them (it's much more a matter of practice than anatomy). But, most I've hiked with have done so on occasion and some would do so practically every time. While I've seen some who probably had just as good aim as me, I've yet to see one who could write her name in the snow. Maybe I need to do more winter hiking. 😁
  14. Looking forward to read Part Two after you fill up your tank again. Sounds like you have a really big one, or maybe several. 🤣
  15. I'll admit as a man I may have an advantage, but it's only several inches. Still, girls in a skirt seem to do even better, almost no one passing by would know that they're peeing. I can't say enough how important it is to develop the necessary skills for successful outdoor peeing. If nature doesn't give you what you need, there's always the SheWee or GoGirl.
  16. I live in the midwest and take plenty of long trips. I always seem to be seeking out the back roads. Most all the folks out here are very friendly. When they drive by, they nearly always wave. I generally wave back, that is if my hands aren't pee-occupied. 😆
  17. Some years back, I dated a woman who definitely enjoyed her beer. In a good evening, she'd polish off 6 or 8 bottles, in a bteer evening maybe 10. Somewhere into her third one, she'd usually have to pee. And once she broke the seal, it truly was about every 15 minutes she'd have to pee again. She also liked to watch me, so I usually matched her bottle for bottle and often pee for pee.
  18. Beer always seems to do the trick for me. Not only does it make me pee often, it seems to come out faster, usually further too.
  19. Maybe peeing directly into a watering can would be the way to go. I should think two or three bladderfuls should be enough to cover all your garden area. I don't think your neighbors would suspect anything when you pour it out, and you can enjoy your little secret.
  20. That might explain a few things. Based on what I noticed out on the trails, I'd have thought I had at least above normal bladder capacity. The vast majority of my hiking partners would seem to need to pee before I did. Of course, most all of them had long been comfortable with the outdoors, a great many exposed to it as a child and likely given the okay to pee whenever and wherever they felt full. But, there were some who could last all day, or at least would only pee once for every two or three of mine. I think to a woman they were told as a child to hold until they got to a t
  21. I'm all for that. Pretty sure the toilet damages more than just the psyche. Probably our biggest waste of water, as well.
  22. May the force always be with you! 🤣
  23. Wouldn't it be expected when you work for a company named after a major river, you're going to be peeing an awful lot? Packages still need to be delivered and all that water has to go somehwere. Perhaps the Chinese should call their own delivery service Huang He, literally "Yellow River", so their customers wouldn't be surprised by what shows up at their front door.
  24. Probably not many in my circle of friends share the same urination fascination. Most all the ones who've peed in front of me have done so more out of convenience than anything, though a few liked the idea of exposing themselves to see where that might lead. Of course, there have been those two or three who seemed to have it at least as bad as me! 😝
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