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Everything posted by glad1

  1. Yes, definitely go outside. I peed off my deck last night. I was holding a little too long, waiting until it got dark. Ir was such a rush.
  2. Definitely in nature. I'll use any excuse to pee in the outdoors.
  3. I love these long summer days. There's only problem. It doesn't get dark enough to pee in my yard until late and I have neighbors on three sides very close by. At the moment I'm trying to wait another twenty or so minutes before I step outside, but not sure I'm going to make it. (thirty-some minutes later) Holding myself the last few steps, I barely made it outside. The sky was finally almost black. There were lights on a house three doors away, but I was too desperate to care. I pulled my shorts down once on the deck and immediately peed, a powerful arc that landed on
  4. I'm an outdoor pee-er and prefer the natural surfaces as well. Like you, I also live in the Midwest. Our summers are much too short for us not to take, um, full advantage of the situation. You know what's even better than a freshly peed puddle from a special friend? Making an even bigger one with them.
  5. No panties... such lovely views! Yet there's something to be said for the intimacy of French underwear.
  6. glad1


    ... yes, it's very late for me.
  7. glad1


    Perhaps golden surprises.
  8. glad1


    What a delightful surprise to find you here at this hour! (It's going on two AM here.) Of course, you know what surprises can do?
  9. glad1


    Or, I guess as you say.... Merci
  10. glad1


    I also like to pee outside, too. Although I'm not much good at squatting But, if you were to sneak up and surprise me, you might recieve urine. Of the male variety.
  11. I'm guessing by your name that you can pee pretty far. Ever had a contest for distance with your boyfriend?
  12. Welcome, elo1978. Such lovely pictures. You are a sight to behold!
  13. Sophie, you pee like a proper lady. Not that I've been with one for a long time. 😁
  14. I've actually met in person a couple women I became acquainted with first on this site. Of course, we'd had several weeks, if not months, of chatting first before we had a face-to-face, and then it was in a public setting so we'd feel more comfortable. The first was someone who had what I'd call potential, especially since we talked at great lengths with ease. But, shortly after we'd met, she found herself a serious reletionship. We stayed in touch, but after that our conversations never were the same. As for the other, I'd already known she'd preferred women although she hadn't enti
  15. There's a good reason I keep an empty liter-size wide mouth bottle under the passenger seat. It's come in very handy on several long road trips. I've even used it in stop and go traffic. Good thing I've learned to drive with my knees.
  16. glad1

    Hello 😁

    Hope it wasn't just the inbox that was full! 😉
  17. I don't think I had any more than normal curiosity until I was in my early twenties. A year after college, I joined a hiking club and met a young woman there. We had done a few group hikes together, then something must have clicked as we decided just the two of us was even better. We weren't on the trail very long that morning before we both had to pee. While there were no others nearby, there was no cover either, in case one of us was shy. I was trying not to admit my need, but apparently not doing a good enough job, when she called out, "You need to pee, too?" I smiled liked someone c
  18. That must have made your day. 😛 How fortunate you are to have town employees go above and beyond their job. Not only do they pick up your recycling, but you get your lawn watered as well.
  19. Almost without exception, my first pee is the biggest of the day and definitely the hardest 😉 one to control.
  20. Ahhhh, let me see how many stones I can soak today.
  21. I recall having a lot of wine on this particular evening. I'm pretty sure I got my clothing out the way, at least this time.
  22. Here I am trying to cut another big rock with my lightsaber. I'm hoping the force is with me.
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