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Everything posted by DoctorDoctor

  1. I am in a long-term relationship and not currently looking to date, but I do remember trying a few dating sites, a couple of years ago. I recently had memories (or "flashbacks") of my experiences and wondered if the dating sites had become better or worse lately. I vividly remember wading through so many seemingly fake profiles (postal/zip codes that didn't make sense, same picture under multiple profile names, looked way to go to be real, etc.) only to get no responses from messages that I sent or messages saying that they were overwhelmed by too many messages. Admitedly, I've been
  2. I can clearly see a big pee puddle! Thanks for sharing.
  3. Thank you for sharing that awesome pee experience! I especially enjoyed your detailed description of how you peed in an urgent and naughty way, but with care to not leave noticable signs. You could have just released that urgent pee in any private spot without any care, but you took care to make it secretive.
  4. Privacy while peeing is probably a modern habit since clothing and modern toilets. Outhouses were usually used for #2, but peeing happened in chamber pots in front of, or near, other family members. They probably just moved far enough away from each other so they didn't splatter each other. I can't think of any other animals that care if they pee in front of each other.
  5. I agree. The attraction to a certain sound is real, but hard to place why.
  6. Similar to the thread "Favourite surface to pee on?" What is everyone's favorite pee sound (to make with your own pee) or enjoying listening to? I'll go first. I like a lot of the sounds, but the sound of a strong stream filling up a paper (or plastic container) is my favorite. The splashing when combined with the rising pitch of a rising liquid level is so hot.
  7. Have you tried this yourself? Or, is this a more of a group challenge?
  8. If men's streams were so predictable, then a lot less clean-up would be required around toilets and urinals. I feel there is a fairly good idea of where my stream will land, but until I start the stream, I cannot be sure. Of course, I quickly make corrections to keep it on the intended target. LOL
  9. My GF isn't into pee at all and I am sure she thought of using the pail an an inconvience since the toilet was occupied. She wasn't doing it for me. I had peed in the toilet just before the drunk party-goer went into the toilet sick or passed out. I was sleeping and I didn't find out he was in there until the next morning, but I figured something was going on, because my GF would never normally pee outside of the toilet. I seriously doubt the person was trying to witness peeing, but was just very drunk and possibly sick. I didn't hear or ask what everyone else did for peeing,
  10. Thanks for sharing and I hope that you find some new spots to be able to share those experiences. 🙂
  11. My GF hosted a party at her apartment last night for mostly her friends. It went very late (early?) and there was heavy drinking - so much so, that several of her friends spent the night on couches, the floor, and even one on the bathroom floor next to the only toilet. As the party was ending, I retired to her bedroom and she handed out blankets and cleaned the last few bottles in the kitchen. I was laying in bed pretending to be sleeping as she came into the bedroom carrying a small white oval plastic pail with a lid (laundry detergent?) and closed the bedroom door and locked it and turned
  12. Wow, that is a huge puddle. No doubt you were desperate. Thanks for posting!
  13. Good to hear that the cause of the "outake" wasn't the peeing, but the photography. The description is great. I am sure there are many of the members here that enjoy pics of the resulting puddles and wet patches. Thanks for posting the experience.
  14. Wow, Just wanted to say that I know this experience well! I find a moderate full bladder the best. Like 8 out of 10. Sometimes after it takes more than one "session" to expell all of the built up fluids, and I don't mean pee.
  15. @Sophie Absolutely no offense with the laighing emoji. I just hope that you have overcome your fear and have learned no injury is caused by that speed.
  16. Is that a handwashing sink or a water fountain for drinking right next to the trough? Seems like a strange location either way.
  17. Many of these questions, I don't really have a preference, so it won't let me submit. Marriage status? - How would I know.
  18. Funny dream experience last night. I was dreaming very lucidly about driving on remote country roads (no other traffic, so obviously a dream where I live) and I had to pee badly. I kept driving and driving, but finally I decided to stop. I pulled over next to a guardrailing and walked behind the car. I stepped up facing into the small gap between the car and guardrail. I pulled my cock out and tried to pee. I couldn't! I kept trying, because I had to pee bad. Still nothing. I am never pee shy, so I didn't understand what was going on. Suddenly, I hear my GF yelling "Stop!" I wake up
  19. I have no problem peeing next to anyone else (male or female or NB). I do have a personal space issue, especially if there is plenty of room available. For example if it is a small alcove in an alleyway, then being somewhat close is fine, but if out in nature and someone pees less than 3 feet (1 meter) away from me, then that would be wierd. I sure would leave more room than that if the other person started first.
  20. Either the site owner updated the security cert. right then, or more likely, your browser couldn't authenticate the certificate as valid (and not revoked) and called it "expired."
  21. Normally, I just add a couple of extra glasses of water in between whatever I was drinking before if I want to fill up to have fun. The thing that fills my bladder the fastest is cheap, light beer, but that tastes terrible.- I most enjoy stouts and good ales, but those don't tend to fill the bladder as quickly.
  22. I would say it works day or night. At night, they may have even more trouble deciding where it is coming from (or if they do figure it out, then you have a cover story).
  23. How about a short skirt with no panties. Grab a watering can (or bucket of water and a sponge), squat down and act like you are watering a plant or cleaning a stain on the floor. Instead, it it flow! Nobody would question the splashing or puddle.
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