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Everything posted by DoctorDoctor

  1. Yes. I do that too, but try at avoid wetting at all costs, even if it means spraying everything on the way to the toilet or nearest place to contain my pee.
  2. Yes, lots of backpressure when fully "erect" and then there is the problem with the direction that it is pointing. LOL Just look up "morning wood".
  3. Thumb on top and 2 or 3 fingers on the bottom for support and aiming. (Not like a cigarette, but also not sure if that is the way people hold joints). My grip is solely based on ergonomics. Holding with my thumb on the bottom would put my wrist at an awkward angle. If a woman wants to hold it for me, I wouldn't criticise her grip.
  4. Interested in thoughts of practicality and utility from women on the site?
  5. There isn't an emoji for wow, but WOW! @Bacardi
  6. I agree those are fun. They may not initially feel like a turn on, but re-watching with the sound and the sense of accomplishment of a huge bottle-filling pee are the best.
  7. I know many people have expressed that they try to pee quietly and secretly due to shyness or just wanting to be secretive. How many people pee loudly and have a deep down desire that other people hear them peeing? Where do you do this, and who do you hope hears?
  8. I wish they were real, but I am going to have to say fake. Two reasons, their perfect hemishperical shape defies gravity (but that could be because her arms are up) and the top, inner surface seems to have a wierd "valley" where it meets up to her pec. muscles. Just a guess.
  9. I go mostly all in one go. If I try, I can manage to squeeze another quick squirt or two after the main stream, but it definitely isn't a "stream" - probably just reminants "in the pipe". Oh, I should add that my stream doesn't really slowly trickle down to drips, it slows and then ends fairly abruptly.
  10. Some discussions, I don't have much to contribute, but the comments from others are gold (or golden in this case).
  11. I agree. Seeing pee intentionally on the floor in the men's rooom is rare. Most puddles are due to brief blasts due to bad aim!
  12. If you need a suggestion, how about marking a vertical surface with your stream.
  13. My second favorite sound is the loud muffled hiss and simultaneous "sizzling" from a woman peeing strongly against the porcelain in the toilet bowl.
  14. Visitors might be curious as to why you have a litter box. 😉
  15. Thanks for posting such an erotic and descriptive experience! Now, if you would excuse me for a moment, something came up that I need to take care of.
  16. If my dream involves me peeing or needing to pee, then a full bladder will awaken me soon. However, if I am watching someone in my dream pee, the result can be anywhere from mild arousal to waking after involuntarily filling my underwear with semen.
  17. I was just waiting for this comment to appear. LOL
  18. I was asked to pee my name in the snpw, so I did my handle on here: "DX2" short for DoctorDoctor. LOL I took some B vitamins and let my bladder fill, then went hiking in a pine forest. Also not in cursive! I stopped and started the flow a couple times. (Sorry for the pine branches in the snow. It had been windy earlier and I couldn't find clean snow.)
  19. Welcome to the site and thanks for sharing. Great aim and good amount of pee in that bottle. Good thing you didn't much more. I like the name on the bottle too. Hope you can experience your pee against a wall soon!
  20. Pee shivers? You know when you are peeing and have a sudden whole body shiver like you are cold. I get them randomly, but never know when it will happen. How many people get them? Any particular circumstances? Men only or women too?
  21. @Sunshinestreams you should return the favor and let him listen to one of your big hissy pees.
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