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Everything posted by DoctorDoctor

  1. I always try foreplay and wait to be "invited" by the woman to penetrate, but due to my issue fitting, especially at first, I am thinking it isn't long enough,
  2. Only you know how full you were in each picture. If it was due to bladder being fuller, then wouldn't the stream tighten up as your bladder emptied? It could also have to do with how much pressure you are using to pull the labia apart. A slight difference in pressure maybe can change the opening of the pee hole to a slightly different shape. I think the shape of the opening (slit, versus oval, versus round) makes a huge difference, if eveything is out of the way.
  3. Did the tech. notice the leakage? I bet the release afterward must have been incredible feeling and a huge pee.
  4. I have posted before about a medical ultrasound earlier, but I am a guy, so that may not be what you were looking for. I would like to hear about some of your experiences if you want to share.
  5. How much pee volume can you hold to work with in a recipe? Looking for drinks or other foods, such as baked goods?
  6. Empty buildings, sheds, and barns? Off of various raised places like docks at lakes, off of walls, decks,etc.
  7. Sorry, I hadn't read all the prior posts. If he has seen you with a pee river before or suspected you had just peed, then he probably knows what you are up to and is trying to catch you actively peeing. I wouldn't say anything to my neighbors, but I would be interested in catching them just to confirm my suspicions if I thought they were actively peeing. I'd always enjoy a woman actively letting it out.
  8. It would be hot to catch you with a pee river running down the hill in front of you! I would be looking to see if your pussy was still emptying that pee out. LOL
  9. Did it clearly look like a urine river or was it more of a wet spot on the cement? Did they see your pussy? If it was just a wet spot and your pussy was hidden, I wouldn't worry about it.
  10. @greedyneedygirl I am not sure if you have ever posted any pics of your stream, but could you describe your pee stream to us and whether you classify it as thick or thin. Would like to hear your analysis.
  11. I agree, there should be further analysis. Also depends on what you call "a stream". I call a fairly tight, well-defined liquid flow "a stream". If it is fan shaped or messy, then I call it "a spray". Either way, it is worth investigation Yes, anything (labia, foreskin, fingers, hair, etc.) has the potential to disrupt the stream and make it "thicker" or even a messy spray. I always like hearing people's analysis of their own pee stream. Not some selected pic from the internet which is probably an unrealistic best/worst case scenario.
  12. Twice! - May I ask for more backstory of where and how?
  13. Welcome (back), Lilly, I enjoy peeing into cups and also outdoors.
  14. I posted a similar thread a while back called, "Twists in your pee stream". Maybe the admins can merge the topics. I too like twists in pee streams.
  15. I enjoy watching a woman pee with an arcing stream, no matter what position - standing, sitting, squatting (or something else).
  16. Wow, I can't imagine the stream and mess knowing how big your bladder is.
  17. I enjoy hiking this time of year and want to share my latest hiking pee picture and video from my cut cock. Leave a comment if you enjoy. https://www.erome.com/a/scOgJ0H3
  18. Curious in scenario #1, if you were planning on sitting in the chiar just like on a toilet, or leaning back to try to get the stream to extend further? Scenario #2 sounds hot too. Would like to see that stream splashing on the garage wall and resulting puddle. Sounds like fun to try again. Please post if possible!
  19. Nice! Any particular level of bladder filling that gets you off faster?
  20. Can you teach your partners how to touch you in that "very specific way"? I'd love to learn the technique! 🙂
  21. Just curious how much foreplay does it take for you to become "good and ready" for penetration? Either solo masturbation of with a partner. (Say if your partner suprises you and initates sex, not starting off super horny already.) (A short background on why I ask - my GF will tell me she is horny, we fool around and when she tells me she is "ready" we try. It is still a challenge fitting for pentration. If it has been a week or longer since last time, it is even more difficult. Maybe she is overanxious for penetration and not really "ready". I have had this trouble with prior partne
  22. Nice full bladder's worth of pee. Thanks for posting.
  23. Maybe a stopwatch and a beaker would be good enough. Fill all the way up and measure.. It isn't exciting unless you are about to wet yourself. LOL (Just kidding). Does the risk of doing it at work excite you more?
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