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Everything posted by DoctorDoctor

  1. Welcome to the site and thanks for sharing. Great aim and good amount of pee in that bottle. Good thing you didn't much more. I like the name on the bottle too. Hope you can experience your pee against a wall soon!
  2. Pee shivers? You know when you are peeing and have a sudden whole body shiver like you are cold. I get them randomly, but never know when it will happen. How many people get them? Any particular circumstances? Men only or women too?
  3. @Sunshinestreams you should return the favor and let him listen to one of your big hissy pees.
  4. It would be yellow snow around here.
  5. I agree and also notice a severely reduced flow rate while sitting and more difficulty in emptying completely. I always attributed it to having to bend my penis downward and tuck it behind the seat, to prevent it from flopping onto the seat and peeing over the front.
  6. I parked in my normal parking garage for work, which I might add is well maintained. There are public toilets only a 5 minute walk away, so I rarely have pee sightings or even see puddles there. Yesterday was different. I parked and walked down two flights of stairs inside of a typical enclosed concrete staircase tower. At the bottom of the stairs, I opened the heavy steel door into the elevator alcove. As I passed through the doorway, I was greeted by the sight of a middle-aged woman wearing knee high leather boots and black leggings tugging up the waistband and adjusting her legging
  7. I am a straight male and prefer watching women pee, but if there is something exceptional about a guy peeing (such as the location, position, amount, intensity, etc.), then I'll watch and possibly enjoy.
  8. Bars commonly have troughs (to this day) inside of the men's room to pee into. Is this what he was meaning? I have never seen troughs around the base of a bar (besides the pictures of antiques in this thread) to pee into,
  9. I was waiting outside a conference room with a female co-worker for the previous meeting to end and before the next meeting started. It was a fairly high level meeting. We were making small talk when I noticed her giant, clear refillable water bottle that held 2 liters (according to the markings on the side). I also noticed that the bottle was already half empty. I made a comment that the next meeting was scheduled for 2 hours and she was bringing in quite the "bladder buster." She thought it was a funny comment and said "I know, right? I'll probably need a pitstop". We both had a g
  10. Anytime I hear of a woman describing "spraying" a morning piss - it sounds naughty, powerful, and urgent!
  11. Top left and bottom right are both familiar positions for me in the morning. LOL
  12. I have heard a couple women on here say that some of these devices can't handle their flow. Has anyone measured the flow they will handle (or won't handle)? I think it would be helpful to prevent purchasing a device that won't work (and I am sure is non-returnable).
  13. I have never peed fully exposed in public, but there is a continuum of between peeing completely privately and completely in public. Maybe work your way into peeing into more and more public situations as you feel comfortable. Wearing clothing that makes access to peeing (and covering back up) very quick. Also trying to pee when you are desperate enough to start, but still able to cut off quickly if needed (or at least it won't continue too long, if you can't cut off the flow).
  14. Just curious on persons acting as the "big spoon" - Where is the best place to place the top arm/hand? I'd like opinions from those acting as the "big spoon" and also those acting as the "smaller spoon" on where they prefer (or secretly wish) the big spoon's arm/hand rests. I never know where to place my arm/hand that is best for both parties.
  15. There is usually an "outhouse (privy)" close by on most farms, but those are not much different than the barn. Maybe the upper class views barn peeing as part of the riding experience.
  16. I wouldn't call it empowered, but definitely a feeling of accomplishment. Especially if it is either a powerful stream or large amount. I only feel guilty if I pee on something of value or that will need to be cleaned, like a floor or furniture. Definitely gets me horny.
  17. Peeing in barns (that house animals) or in dirt floor "pole" barns (3-sided equipment barns) by everyone is quite common. I try to find a place that is discreet and has bedding (straw, sawdust, etc.). As a guy, I don't think too many people are interested in seeing me pee, but I commonly pee after working in the field on a tractor and don't care who is around. All of the waste on the floor gets disposed of together.
  18. Thanks for posting. It may not have gone as planned, but still sounds like a naughty pee!
  19. I know the feeling of cutting it off early and it definitely makes it worse and almost have a burning feeling. I don't know abou the horny feeling - well maybe that came later. LOL
  20. My ears perk up when I hear someone say it that I wouldn't normally expect to say it.
  21. I would like to secretly know what everyone's bladder fill level is at any moment, just by looking at them. For example. Who has no need to pee. Who is getting desperate. Who is absolutely bursting, but trying not to make it obvious.
  22. I like your splatter art. Thanks for posting. I recommend concrete as a great "canvas".
  23. #3 or 18 here, depending upon the temperature.
  24. Thanks, I am not sure if it is the same kind. I don't remember seeing any obvious branding (or at least it wasn't memorable) on the mat that I found worked well. There are many brands of mats that have the "fingers" or "bristles" like this, but they all don't work equally effective in preventing splashback/splattering. @Sophie, I assume they would work equally well for women that have splashback problems, if they were located appropriately in toilets.
  25. Several years ago, I had a moderate to large busted female dental hygienist that used press her breasts against the side of my head and face while cleaning my teeth. I don't think it was intentional, it was just her position to get a good view while cleaning my teeth. I didn't find it sexual, but it was soothing in sort of a primal way and made the dental cleaning experience a lot more calming and peaceful. I am not sure if anyone else has had this experience or if it has the same effect on them. Not sure if straight women would find it calming or maybe more calming with a man's ch
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