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Everything posted by DoctorDoctor

  1. Wow, I can't imagine the stream and mess knowing how big your bladder is.
  2. I enjoy hiking this time of year and want to share my latest hiking pee picture and video from my cut cock. Leave a comment if you enjoy. https://www.erome.com/a/scOgJ0H3
  3. Curious in scenario #1, if you were planning on sitting in the chiar just like on a toilet, or leaning back to try to get the stream to extend further? Scenario #2 sounds hot too. Would like to see that stream splashing on the garage wall and resulting puddle. Sounds like fun to try again. Please post if possible!
  4. Nice! Any particular level of bladder filling that gets you off faster?
  5. Can you teach your partners how to touch you in that "very specific way"? I'd love to learn the technique! 🙂
  6. Just curious how much foreplay does it take for you to become "good and ready" for penetration? Either solo masturbation of with a partner. (Say if your partner suprises you and initates sex, not starting off super horny already.) (A short background on why I ask - my GF will tell me she is horny, we fool around and when she tells me she is "ready" we try. It is still a challenge fitting for pentration. If it has been a week or longer since last time, it is even more difficult. Maybe she is overanxious for penetration and not really "ready". I have had this trouble with prior partne
  7. Nice full bladder's worth of pee. Thanks for posting.
  8. Maybe a stopwatch and a beaker would be good enough. Fill all the way up and measure.. It isn't exciting unless you are about to wet yourself. LOL (Just kidding). Does the risk of doing it at work excite you more?
  9. What kind of place do you work to have access to all of that? I am impressed with even pee volume measurements. Can you do pee flow rate? Or do you think you were maxxed out or could you hold even more (such as when you wake up or after a true hold)?
  10. Urinal, unless there are no open spots. I just choose first available with urinal preferred first.
  11. Thanks for sharing! It is nice that you had such scientific measuring devices to use for your "experiment". Even inexpensive plastic measuring jugs are fairly accurate. I believe that most people who haven't ever measured how much pee they can hold, would be enlightened to do so, just as you did. Hope more people who haven't tried before post here.
  12. Do you pee in the yard too @beachmom?
  13. I'll add more detail to my comment way back on page 1 of this thread. Seeing people peeing realistically large amounts in realistic situations is my preference. Examples of what I see "fake" and would prefer to see less of: peeing in unrealistically nude situations (Most people don't walk arount "bottomless" or wearing strange genital revealing outfits in public), peeing in unnatural poses (Do any women really lean back in public trying to project a better stream or spread their lips with their fingers?), peeing too small amounts (Why are they bothering to pee if the amou
  14. I am not sure why this isn't common (or maybe it is). Isn't peeing "downward" while sitting the same direction as outward while reclined and laying?
  15. Wow, I might need a closer inspection. 😉 Gorgeous.
  16. I have to ask if there is any special technique required for women to use a sink? Or, just sit and let it flow?
  17. Is it always you with the sink and her with the toilet? Or do you ever switch it up, intentionially or unconsciously? What do you think would happen if you grabbed the toilet first next time?
  18. As, I was standing at the urinal today finishing a nice long pee, I noticed that I commonly push (with my bladder, not my hands) out a couple spurts after the initial flow ends, before I wrap up and put my cock away. This is different from the shake to make sure the "pipe is clear". This is (I am guess where the habit started) to ensure that my bladder is empty. I always get 2-3 quick squirts (almost blasts) of pee. I don't HAVE to do it, and the tiny amount of pee that is left over in my bladder probably isn't a problem. Anyone elsedo this? Is this a guy thing, or do women do it too
  19. Let me clarify a little. My guestimates, were for simply into "pee," not in a sexual or shared manner. I think @beachmom has the idea of what I was thinking about. Not necessarily into touching their pussy or peeing in naughty places, but even holding, because they think it feels good or enjoying quick pee somewhere out of the ordinary. Mild pee fun, not necessarily sexual. Do girls/women have pee solo experimentation or contests for holding, distance, or aim. Boys sure do growing up.
  20. Wow, that's taking it deep. Where does it all go? (Cheeky rhetorical question).
  21. Thank you, @Bacardi. I saw an article about 6 months ago about women discussing "peegasms," which fits the definition of holding, and other women commentng that they go turned on while holding, so maybe it is even unconscious.
  22. Thanks for the response and information. I just believe there are a lot more out there that do these activities in private and would never admit it. I have had GFs that stand behind me when I pee, who didn't appear to be into pee, but then again I don't know what was running through their head. Or, do any women secretly hold for pleasure, while home alone?
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