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Everything posted by DoctorDoctor

  1. My guess is multiple pee sessions. There are two obvious residual marks from someone standing and peeing against the wall (one against the tile wall to the left of the corner where it ran down to the floor and towards the left along the wall, The other standing stain is just left of the seam on the black painted wood aimed towards the corner. The pee ran down and to the right along where the wood met the floor. I am guessing both from a male that was standing, but some women stand and pee against objects too. There are also a bunch of stains on the floor. No idea about the origin of
  2. Thanks for sharing. Nice to see another with hair!
  3. @hold_on Yes, I can hold, right around 1100 ml, even though above 900 becomes painful. @ABBYPEEGODDESS Nope! I am not even in the same league.
  4. I like the fact that it has handholds and the grates covering the in-floor troughs. If the grates are designed correctly, they could significantly reduce splatter. I would suggest wastebaskets for used tissue and sanitary supplies. The other question on my mind is facing towards the wall or towards the possibly queue of waiting women, which could be uncomfortable. Seems like facing the wall is more private.
  5. You have mentioned in previous posts about the awkward situations caused by your large bladder and forward facing urethra, such as aiming your stream, controlling the pressure, and needing to stand to pee in toilets. Do you ever get a chance to just empty your full bladder naturally, just relaxing and letting it go at full flow in your favorite posture without aiming or worrying about it? Where and how do you do it?
  6. Do you do this alone or with your friends? Ever seen anyone else peeing there after the movie?
  7. Do you ever intentionally aim or send that jet against anything intentionally to see the effect?
  8. If you need to take care of emptying a full bladder, then it is natural and you have to do what is necessary. 😉 It would be a little abnormal if there was a clean toilet provided nearby and you still went behind a tree, even if you prefer it. Also peeing in open view of others in your party might be considered strange, so you might want to find a private spot. But, I am guessing if you have to pee, then others with you may also need to pee. Have a good picnic and let us know how it goes!
  9. DoctorDoctor


    Beautiful muffin! We are very grateful for you sharing!
  10. I have to ask the somewhat obvious question, does keeping the panties on and peeing through them provide any benefits other than being less noticable that you are peeing? For example do they help direct the stream downward away from the front of the skirt? Do they make it quieter? Do they keep your thighs drier?
  11. I am guessing it is because you are looking at the bump from above where it is less noticeable, while I find it is most noticeable to view directly from the side or from the side and slightly above. Maybe look at yourself from the side in a mirror or take a pic from that view. My GF made it obvious to look, because she was tugging at the waistband. The top of her bladder bump was almost to her leggings waistband (not high-waisted leggings, just normal ones) - That was a big bump.
  12. Maybe he is into BDSM or not admitting it to you. Seems suspicious.
  13. I always carry a roll in the car. For any female passengers that need it and also if I need a #2 in a place with no toilet paper.
  14. I picked up my GF from her shift at her job, because her car was in the shop. (As I mentioned before, she isn't into any type of pee play at all - just doesn't interest her, so I don't push it). As she was getting into the car, I noticed that she had both thumbs inside the waistband of her tight, black leggings pulling them forward and away from her waist, slightly. I also thought that I noticed a sizeable bladder bump. I asked her about the strange waistband tugging and got an earful. She told me she was holding them off of her bladder because she hadn't peed since the morning (about
  15. Mmmmm. I enjoy reading the descriptions of your naughty female pee stream hitting different surfaces.
  16. I bet you can get up to 550-600 ml with some practice. There is no real need to go above that, but many people can hold more. I rarely use over 600 ml of my capacity and that is enough for several hours of holding.
  17. I had a couple pints at a bar with workmates for happy hour and decided to walk home. My bladder was fairly full when I left the bar trying not to "break the seal". A broken down freight train across a street crossing partway home delayed my trip. My bladder felt like a painful melon and finally needed relief, so I ducked into a alley and started to piss, but the stream was slower than normal at the beginning. It wasn't until I'd pissed for a good 20 seconds did the stream reach full speed. Then I continued on for another 30-40 seconds making an enormous puddle and pee river. Does an
  18. Wow, those are some big pee amounts. Have you measured your max. capacity?
  19. I think a couple 2-3 bath sized towels (layered) and a waterproof mat under them should be good. (You never said how much your bladder could hold. I can hold a pretty good amount and that combination is good for me.) Let us know how it turns out.
  20. Even 750 ml is a fairly large amount. Any idea what your normal amount that triggers your desire to pee?
  21. Wow, do you normally enjoy seeing the guys piss puddle or does it just remind you of what occurred there? He was likely aware. 😉
  22. May I ask how you get your stream up there? or is yours a low glovebox?
  23. As a guy, when I see this at a public restroom urinal, I am thinking to myself, like "WTF?" It exposes more than necessary. Nobody would ever say anything from my experience, but it does seem attention seeking.
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