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Everything posted by DoctorDoctor

  1. @vanessa9 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is hot. Pissing a strong stream alongside the guys.
  2. I would be cheering you on (and any other women trying it)! I think woman trying out the urinals would be great to "see" (not from a gawking sense, but to see women sharing the restroom and using a very useful, water-saving device.)
  3. I personally unbutton and unzip the fly, pull my underwear waistaband down with a thumb and then flop my penis over the top of it and let loose.
  4. I just wanted to point out that the edge of a urinal is almost always disgusting and covered in urine splatters and pubic hair (more than a toilet rim). If backing up to a urinal, make sure you don't make contact it. I've seen pics of woman sitting against a urinal and it is shockingly gross.
  5. Sounds hot that she had such a strong stream and rude that she didn't try to avoid her fellow public pissers at the same time. Probaby had to pee so urgently she couldn't control it.
  6. Which size and style is your go to? They all have the same opening, but there is a big size range and some have indentations making them easier to hold.
  7. If you run the water, then I am not quite sure why it would smell; however, if you pee strongly, there could be splatters that aren't getting washed down or even making their way around the sink and those might smell. The other issue that leads to smell is if your pee goes down the sink "overflow" hole(s). That passage doeen't normally get rinsed so stale piss in there could smell. You might try splashing some water down the overflow hole.
  8. This is super-common for men in my experience. I suspected it was for women too, but not many admit it.
  9. @nygirl Nothing to be embarassed about if that is part of your body's reaction to sexual stimulation. If it happens involuntarily as part of sexual activity then it is just what makes you, you. Sex is messy. I don't think you have to explain yourself other than possibly a warning to partners that sometimes things get wet so they can protect their bed. If you ever feel comfortable enough you can explain your kink to partners, otherwise just be you. (All that being said, I don't think it would be polite to intentionally release a full bladder of piss without their consent, just so you can have
  10. I do not posess the right anatomy to provide tips, but your description sounds like you are well on your way to standing pee mastery. You identified a problem that everyone (both men and women) have. Weak streams are more difficult to aim, you have to commit with a strong stream. I have done this more times than I can count. I think it deserves its own thread.
  11. @Bacardi I am not sure she was even fully on the squatty potty. I initially thought that she was leaking little squirts while trying to step up backwards onto it or fell backwards while squatting.
  12. I hosted a Halloween party last night. One of my female guests desperately needed the toilet (I assumed to pee). There was a queue for the main toilet, so she asked if she could the bathroom off of the master bedroom. I said "sure". I have a moveable squatty potty platform device (as gifted to me this past Christmas) that fits around the toilet for #2, but it was still in place around the front of the toilet. A moment later a heard a shriek (like seeing a mouse shriek, not one from pain) come from that bathroom. I knocked on the door and asked if everything was OK. My guest call
  13. I would enjoy camping next to you. 😄 I am suprised that your night time or early morning hissing while peeing doesn't wake people in nearby campsites. You must keep it quiet or have campsites further apart than I am used to.
  14. Do you enjoy watching others or being the doctor or patient?
  15. Thank you for sharing. I wonder how many women have this feeling, but are too embarassed or shy to admit it.
  16. I have a "wet" shop vacuum at home. This gives me some ideas if anyone wants to volunteer.
  17. Anywhere and anyway you feel comfortble! Just a suggestion - Many people here enjoy seeing the puddles left behind and if you are comfortable, the stream too.
  18. I missed another dual parking lot pee. Looks like by about 15-20 minutes by the amount of drying. The one on the right obviously had to pee bad.
  19. I am sure that felt amazing to let it out after such a procedure. I hope they gave you a good toilet and privacy so you could relax and just let it all go.
  20. I would if the fountain's steam comes from a cock or pussy shaped opening.
  21. Speaking only for myself.I don't whip it out and piss unless I have a moderate or strong need to empty my bladder. The feeling of all the pee causing pressure in my bladder is great and can be arousing in itself. Seeing the stream and growing puddle while enjoying the relief is a feeling that one doesn't get while seated on the toilet or even peeing in a urinal. The only better thrill is doing it while camping on a clear, crisp, starry night.
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