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Everything posted by Eliminature

  1. I'm fairly broad minded about what I like in pee porn. There are very few things that I don't like. The only thing that I really can't stand is when it is lumped together with scat. Sorry, but I really don't find that arousing. I find it a bit nauseating. No disrespect to anyone who likes it. If you enjoy it, I'm pleased for you that you can embrace that. It isn't for me, though.
  2. Pissing is pissing, I don't really have a preference for male or female pissers. I enjoy thrm both. I must say, I wasn't specifically looking for a trans gent, but the image aroused me when I saw it. Female sexuality can be very fluid! Hehe!
  3. For what it's worth, my reaction would be: "If you aren't going to aim properly; use the sink or bath, please. If I can aim and clean up after myself, so can you." My view is, if you do spray a bit, it's not the end of the world. However, you should always clean up after yourself. Especially if you're in someone else's bathroom.
  4. Handsfree naked pees have me instantly aroused.
  5. These photographs have been giving me some inspiration to frig lately. Now, if you are a straight male, I don't recommend you look at these. If you are attracted by or don't mind seeing guys pissing, then proceed. This chap is, to me, an absolute stunner. I love his long hair and the fact that he isn't afraid to try popping a squat. That stream travelling from his cock. He really looks like he's enjoying watering that grass. I know it's traditionally frowned upon, but there's something so daring when a gent lowers his trousers and underwear to take a leak. He's not
  6. The sensations described here don't sound all that dissimilar to a female orgasm. The world contracting to a tiny point between the legs before expanding and exploding in waves of pleasure. I don't ejaculate semen, obviously but the clitoral, vaginal and even uterine contractions seem to echo what is being described here. The main difference is that after orgasming, I'm ready to go again! 🤣
  7. An article comparing the various locations in Newcastle city centre that are good for a discreet outside pee. My only complaint about this particular article is that it seems to exclude women - though maybe the male author was trying to be polite and not draw attention to female pissers. Give them some privacy. https://thetab.com/uk/newcastle/2017/10/25/pisswatch-what-is-newcastles-best-piss-alley-27553 Without giving your own location away, can you list any good piss locations near you? I can think of a few where I live (I don't live anywhere near Newcastle, but when I visit, I'll
  8. Since I feel that I can pee just about anywhere a man can pee, if I woke up with a penis, I'd probably be mor interested in getting an erection, having a good wank and seeing what ejaculating feels like? I've always wondered that. Does ejaculation feel similar to peeing when desperate?
  9. If I knew the guy in question, then yes. I probably would have gone with him to find somewhere else to pee. Hoping that he'd be willing to go against a wall or somewhere and I would have the chance to pee next to him as we watched each other. Though, if I didn't know him, I probably wouldn't risk it. I love hearing about these sightings, BB. Maybe one day, I can make a pilgrimage to this particular town/city and see if I can see a chap hanging around close to the church, see a few male and female pissers and of course contribute to the water level myself! One thing that and I
  10. Not on my bottom and thighs, but sometimes it tapers towards my outer labia a little towards the end. My outer labia then gets wet with wee. In which case, I wipe it with paper. I never need to wipe when I stand because it mainly shoots forward, though I sometimes need a shake.
  11. I prefer to spread my labia and pee into the sink or the shower. It saves water too.
  12. All of the questions you have asked me have been asked and answered in the negative multiple times already.
  13. Eastern European accents - especially German, Dutch and Hungarian - are very attractive to me. I also have a foot fetish. My very attractive piano teacher, who I have mentioned a few times before, is Eastern European and likes to be barefoot at home. He also has a pretty relaxed attitude about where he puts his feet. Sometimes he even rests them on his piano! I can't help but wonder what they smell like and I never thought I'd be jealous of a sustain pedal! With his Eastern European accent, long hair and his feet out everywhere, I often have to really apply my concentration during
  14. Touching streams is one of the best parts of peeing standing together. I hope Mrs Kupar keeps up the good work. Please keep practising and don't worry about any dribbling for now. I promise you it does get easier. 👍🏻
  15. Kicsit tudok magyarul. Ik spreek een beetje Nederlands. ועברית English is my main language, of course. Anyway, go look at my latest images!
  16. Can't get enough of Lagartija Nick by Bauhaus at the moment. I keep playing it on repeat.
  17. Slightly inebriated earlier, I noticed that the single loo at the micro brewery that Mr Eliminature and I were visiting had a queue outside it. I went around the back of the building to a small area with weeds and grass, lifted up my overcoat and sent a long, clear stream into the grass. Roughly a metre and a half in front of me. Much relieved, I went back into the micro brewery seating area. Mr Eliminature quipped: "In the words of Pete Townsend of The Who: I saw ya!" He didn't actually see me peeing, just looking at the queue, and leaving the area before coming back and using han
  18. Has Mrs K made any more attempts to stand and shoot? I hope so! If it means anything from a random person on the internet, I'm encouraging her!
  19. *blushes* That's quite funny! Laughing with you, not at you. ☺
  20. I love reading BB's and Alfresco's sightings! I fantasise about being caught watering down a wall or tree by a friendly urophile. It would be great if I was walking around this town/city (no idea where this is, by the way) looking for somewhere to release the beer I had drunk. Heading for the steps/subway that you talk about (I don't think I'd want to pee in the churchyard), lifting my black skirt/dress and positioning myself into the corner whilst BB was wandering around, looking for sightings. He catches sight of me - distinctive because I always wear black - and immediately becomes ar
  21. I can only speak for myself, but I do it. I don't sit to pee, except if I have to. Yes, I am a clitoris owner. A biological female. Like most boys, I would imagine, I learned outside to begin with before doing it in the loo. Though these days, I tend to use the sink to save water.
  22. Not so much actually listen to it whilst actually in the act, but Slow by Depeche Mode always seems to make me amorous... It helps that Martin Gore is one guy I'd love to see relieving himself.
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