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Everything posted by Eliminature

  1. Standing. Exactly the same way a man would, including raising the seat.
  2. I'm certainly not criticising your own or any other of the fab stories on here. I read and enjoy them - though I personally prefer the real life encounters. Just pointing out that they aren't necessarily evidence of whether women leak or not. Particularly if they are in the fictional section. To be fair, littlebladder didn't specify whether this was in the fictional section or the real life one. Sorry about that. My bad. Well, some might be aroused by it. You never know. 😉 It doesn't turn me on, though. Thankfully my last time doing that was over a year ago.
  3. I'm not 100% certain that I can squat, actually. I can physically squat, that's no problem. Releasing my fluid in that position is another matter entirely. Inspired by this website, I tried it recently in the shower. Nothing. My pelvic muscles would just not allow anything out. As soon as I stood up, my muscles became their usual elastic selves again and allowed me to aim a stream against the shower wall. Yes, I know. I'm weird.
  4. If my lovely music teacher sees this, I'll be outed immediately but I'm learning (amongst other things) Riders on the Storm by The Doors. One of my favourite songs.
  5. Keep in mind that most of those stories are fictional. They also tend to be written either by men, or at the very least, for the masturbatory fantasy and pleasure of men. They certainly don't reflect reality. Speaking for myself, the only time I have ever leaked/wet as an adult is during an epileptic seizure. They render me unconscious so my bladder empties. It's almost as though your brain in a computer or laptop and briefly needs to reboot. I've never leaked whilst conscious. I can assure you that having an accident when your brain blacks out isn't arousing in the least. This might exp
  6. If it was a quiet public lavatory where I'm not likely to be disturbed, I would be straight in the gents' to soak the urinal down with some female pee. I don't think I'd want to make a huge mess, though. Partly because I've been on the receiving end of that, having to clean it up, but also, it's not really my thing. I actually enjoy getting all my stream into the urinal, bang on target, without a penis more thsn I would making a mess. Having said that, if I were in a park, I wouldn't use the loos at all. That's what trees and bushes are for.
  7. That. Precisely that. 😀 Or go outside somewhere. Ultimately guys would just not put up with queues. I guess how discreetly or not they did it would depend on the establishment and its clientele. It would also mean that guys would have to confront the reality that us women also evacuate our bowels (shock horror!), and that once a month we have an additional reason to be in the lavatory too. Not you guys, but I can imagine many men would be squeamish about those things. Speaking for myself, as long as guys (and other girls) let me "sit down" and pacify my monthly visitor in relative
  8. Not in person. I don't have many female friends in real life. And most of them don't really want to see me pee. Nor are they interested in learning from me. I have given some ladies a few tips on this very website. Whether or not they have put them into practise, I couldn't tell you. I'll see if I can find one of the posts I made on this subject. Just a moment...
  9. He has before, but only at my instigation. He prefers to pee in the toilet. As for "sitting down," yes. I only use the toilet to pee when I'm also doing that. To answer the inevitable question, no I don't stand up for that! 🤣
  10. We were mainly waiting for him to leave because we thought that he would (understandably) be uncomfortable with someone in there taking photos. Less for our own benefit and more for his, if you get what I mean. I don't tend to get desperate that much. I used to when I was younger. Less so now. Maybe my bladder simply grew as I did? Who knows? I'm not really into holding that much, more into releasing, so I don't tend to feel uncomfortably full before I find somewhere to relieve myself. I prefer to find somewhere discreet to water down rather than hold, but that's just me. If I can have s
  11. Perhaps, but I just can't see guys putting up with the lengthy queues, to be fair. Maybe a communal urinal in another room, to bypass queues? Simply labelled as "Urinal" as @Alfresco describes so both ladies and gentlemen can use it? With hand basins too, of course. In answer to your question, as long as he was just there to do what he needed to do, not at all. Indeed, I have seen grown men with learning difficulties in the ladies' lavatory accompanied by a female carer. This is relatively rare, though. They mainly use the disabled lavatory.
  12. I think that's just the fashion of the time. The image was taken in 1995, I understand. But no, it isn't me! 😉
  13. Nah! I prefer urinals, trees, walls, grass etc. Toilets are boring. 😉
  14. Or perhaps: "Yippee!! Another golden shower!' 🤣😉
  15. I'm biased, I guess, but I honestly don't get why male and female urination isn't considered more beautiful and titillating than it is. Pee flows put of the same channel as semen for men. The female muscles that hold and release urine are the same as the ones that contract during orgasm in ladies. I often wonder why urophilia is so niche.
  16. Our bath is used exclusively as a urinal now. We shower instead of taking baths. Along similar lines, I don't pee in the toilet any more. Only the bath, shower or sink. It saves water. I do use the toilet for the other thing.
  17. It isn't me, but you can find a little bitof info on it here. Hope you enjoy looing through my images nonetheless.
  18. Thank you. Had another driving lesson today. I'm getting better. ☺
  19. Well, guys don't like being called pretty, I know. But seeing pee travel out of the end of the penis is a sight that I will never tire of - just as you guys presumably like to see a stream rush out of a lady's urethra.
  20. I like how yellow your stream is. Seeing it coming out of your cock is a pretty sight!
  21. A stream braid? Three together? Maybe. Or maybe I could cross streams with you both separately.
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