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Everything posted by Eliminature

  1. Gosh, reading that back, I sound very spiteful and unpleasant. I'm normally not such a negative person, honest!
  2. I love this. I find myself wanting to cross streams with you! Really appreciate you sharing the photographs and experiences. 👍🏻And yes, I'm wet! 😆
  3. Not until I was older. My dad once saw me peeing against a tree and gave me a funny look but said nothing. If anyone else saw me, they never said anything or tried to stop me. In the secondary school girls' lavatory, I was spotted by popular girls with my feet facing the "wrong way" under the door. I was ridiculed mercilessly when word got through the school year that I didn't sit down like I was supposed to. That was an awful time. It really was. Also, it was harder to attend to a tampon or sanitary pad without being seated. I took to sitting beacuse kids can be cruel. I don't sit
  4. Due to financial and health difficulties, I am still unable to drive. My pet peeve with driving is how difficult and sometimes prohibitively expensive it is in England (possibly Scotland and Wales too, though don't quote me on that) to acquire and retain a driver's licence. Particularly in comparison to the USA. Automatic vehicles are a rarity here. Almost everyone drives a manual here, making automatics expensive, hard to obtain and expensive to run and repair. In which case, you are pretty much forced to learn how to drive a manual - an automatic is no licence at all in the UK. In Amer
  5. That made me wet to read! Sorry! 😆 You're a very good writer. I love how descriptive you are.
  6. @Ms. Tito 😀✌🏻❤ As a little girl, I was lifted up by the backs of my thighs to have a quick wee outside. If we were in town, I'd be taken down an alleyway, usually held over a grate or drain. If we were at the park, I was held behind a tree or bush and released my wee into the grass. Occasionally I was even encouraged to piddle in a garden by being held. It felt nice at the time. I felt loved and safe. I also liked it because my grandmother and/or grand aunt would usually praise me for doing it, too. As Sophie said, I was encouraged to water the flowers/bushes/trees. My grand aunt in parti
  7. Not sure why anyone would think that you were crazy for playing bass, it's a perfectly legitimate instrument. Good on you. 👍🏻 I play simple pieces by Bach and Kabalevsky - just beginner's stuff, really. I'm better with Bluesy stuff. I've only been learning with a teacher for about five months, but he's pleased with my progress. He has also taught me a few of the pieces that Brian Jones of the Rolling Stones and Ray Manzarek of the Doors would have played.
  8. I have the basics of reading music, just about. Treble and bass. Don't ask me about the alto or tenor scale, though! I can sight read, but practice is helping me to get better. I'm using my metronome too and getting better. Reading and playing is one thing, getting the timings and rhythm precise is a whole new skill. I also strum a ukulele and throw chords together on an acoustic guitar just for the fun of it, but piano/keyboard is my main instrument.
  9. Oooh!! Amazing! That is supreme. Especially the Stones. 👍🏻❤
  10. Throughout lockdown, the only thing that has been keeping me anything close to sane is my music practice. I'm an amateur pianist. At the moment, I'm working on some classical pieces as well as popular blues melodies. My music teacher is excellent. Does anyone else here play an instrument? Do tell! I'd love to hear about it. What is your instrument? What pieces do you play?
  11. I remember my first time with Mr Eliminature. We'd been together for just shy of a year and we were in a hotel room. This was before we were married. He knew that I peed standing, but he had never seen it. I'd always closed the door - mainly out of respect for him rather than any modesty on my part. He'd heard my stream hitting the water and commented how it "sounded like a bloke." For those who aren't aware, "bloke" is UK slang for a man - particularly one who indulges in stereotypical masculine behaviour. Now, I don't remember how the conversation went. With the door open, I watched Mr
  12. Thank you all. There's been little to report over lockdown, sadly. We've barely left the home except for necessities. I am peeing exclusively in the sink now to save water. The lavatory is a lot cleaner now, too. No limescale! My husband is used to this, though he doesn't seem too inclined to do it himself.
  13. I'm glad you didn't have eight pints! 🍺 Slightly jealous about your lockdown restrictions - we're very firmly in the third teir. I love the peeing in fenland like that. Very titillating. If I'd seen you, I'd probably want to pee next to you - either at the urinal or on the fenland.
  14. No. A bottle would not have had a wide enough opening. Besides, I didn't want to pee in the car in front of my dad. Also, it was fifteen years ago now.
  15. We wouldn't do that in America. For all we know, there could have been a law against it and my dad didn't want to be arrested away from home.
  16. Sometimes, I remember it and have to shake my head and laugh. 😂
  17. Desperado by the Eagles. That song actually once came on the radio whilst I was really desperate in the car! I was about fifteen at the time and we were on holiday in America. My dad was trying to find a rest area for me, which he eventually did.
  18. I'm going out less at the moment because of lockdown. I haven't gone away, though! 😊
  19. Pretty much what Gee Pee says. Parting the labia minora with both hands and pulling the vulva forward seems to work best for me. Try copying how I do it, if you don't mind studying my photographs. Whether it will work precisely the same for you, I honestly can't say. You may need to experiment. Everyone's anatomy is different. Yes, it might dribble sometimes, but so does a penis, if you watch the videos posted on here. That's why I tend to wear modified leggings or stockings. But trousers are fine if you lower them. If you do get the odd spot on your jeans though, remember that it'
  20. Mr Eliminature and I both took a leak through the railings into the canal below last weekend. Unfortunately, I wasn't as full as I could have been. Still, the sparkling, pale gold arc I managed to make was impressive, even if only fleetingly. It was chilly on my lady garden, though!
  21. Thanks! 😍 Oh boy! I think I need to either frig or pester Mr Eliminature!
  22. Yep. Just now! Seems Mr Eliminature is fine with me peeing in the sink. Since he suggested I do it whilst he photographed it! 😄
  23. Amazing! Glad to have inspired you. I love the little shake as you are still going! Thank you for sharing. 👍🏻
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