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Everything posted by Eliminature

  1. Mr Eliminature and I used to go swimming every week. Unfortunately, the local baths are closed now because of this wretched pandemic. But I peed in the pool every chance I got. I was a lurker here at the time and I used to think of you, @Maggie_555 every time I let my bladder loose in the water. Like you, I was encouraged to relieve myself in the water, but I only recall it happening once. I was at the shallow end with my grandmother, wearing my armbands and said "I need a wee!" My grandma said "Just do it in the water. I always do." And I did. I'm still weeing in swimming pools no
  2. Sorry, but that's more funny than anything! 😂 I can't thank you mods enough for being friendly and supportive, though. 👍🏻
  3. This is another thing that Covid has stolen from us. My husband and I used to go swimming every week. Now we can't! I love letting my bladder go in the pool. I do it every time I swim. I'm trying to persuade Mr Eliminature to do it too. He currently gets out of the pool and uses the lavatory. You should have seen the look on his face when we were in a shower cubicle (door locked) and I aimed a stream against the shower wall into the grating/plughole beneath.
  4. Two years or so after my male friend taught me how to pee standing, his younger brother was old enough to come and play with us in his garden. He was still using his potty at this point and not long out of nappies. When he saw me peeing standing up just like his elder brother, he said "Is Eliminature using her willy to do a standing up wee wee like a big girl?" It turned out that "using his willy" meant peeing standing outside. Indoors he sat on the potty. I think his brother had to give him a rudimentary anatomy lesson after that! 😂
  5. I've only peed in the bath once. No one was in it at the time. We were at a family party and a younger cousin was taking absolutely AGES on the loo because of her chronic constipation. I was really desperate. My aunt suggested that we "have a wee over the bath" because she needed to go too. So we did. I didn't stand, though. My aunt and I pulled our trousers and knickers down, sat over the edge of the bath and piddled into it - all whilst my cousin watched, trying to push out a stubborn turd. I was at the age where I had become a bit self conscious about people seeing me stand to pee. Th
  6. Seeing a guy squat for a tinkle makes me very wet and very happy. Thank you for the photographs. So perfect. And the puddle looks like a girl left it! What a great job.
  7. Glad to know that I have inspired you. 👍🏻
  8. "It's hard to hide your intentions when your intentions are standing to attention..." Not mine, but I thought the quote was quite funny.
  9. Just spoken to my husband. He seems to like the idea. Let's see what happens!
  10. If anything, I have the polar opposite of penis envy. I have proven that I don't need one. I get the best of all worlds, surely. Peeing standing, whilst also being able to experience multiple orgasms and discreet arousal in public. 😉 To answer your earlier question, I have tried that with my husband in pur bathroom, but I was actually sitting and he was aiming between my legs, funnily enough. He was concerned about splashing me. I assured him that I didn't mind. 😊
  11. No. Why would I? I don't need a penis, do I? 🤣
  12. Oh, my dear lady! You look ravishing! May I have this dance?
  13. "What's that? My lady needs to relieve herself? Well a gentleman would never make her do so alone. Nor would he banish her to a single sex facility. Take my arm, my dear. Allow me to accompany you in a park or alleyway. If you will permit me, I would like to take the liberty to ease my own sluices, too."
  14. Perfect! I could kiss your hand and hold your arm and everything! 😆
  15. Definitely. I've used them in gents' lavatories and on the streets in European cities. I'd absolutely use them in ladies' lavatories.
  16. I'm not demanding photographs. I'd never do that. I'd love to try the experience of you "popping a squat and having a tinkle" whilst I "whip it* out and have a slash." However, I'm perfectly happy for it to remain fantasy. 🙂 *'It' being my vulva, of course.
  17. Would you mind if I wore a black suit and long black overcoat instead? 😉 Maybe even a top hat! 🎩
  18. Only once not too long ago. Surprisingly, I panicked for a fraction of a second before thinking "Actually, I don't give a frig."
  19. Thank you for the information. I'm glad for the positive feedback here. Tell us, if you feel able, what is your ideal scenario in this situation?
  20. Interesting, Gldenwetgoose. I like your description there. Making a stream against the wall whilst you made a puddle on the floor alongside me would feel lovely. I've never actually seen a man squat before, only heard about it. I can imagine that fewer men would be willing to be caught squatting to pee than I would be standing.
  21. Not for everyone, I know. Some like it, others won't. Fair enough. ☺
  22. This would, in my opinion, be interesting to try. As everyone on this website knows, I prefer to pee standing in the traditionally male posture. I understand that some males occasionally try a squatting posture. Not only to see what it feels like for a girl, but also to create a female looking puddle and encourage girls to squat there. Some even report placing dummy tissues into the puddle to make it look authentic. It would be fun to try peeing in a city centre with a guy using the traditional postures for the opposite sex. Me standing, him squatting. Not only is peeing with a frie
  23. I don't see why not. I'll ask Mr Eliminature to photograph me in the bathroom. ☺ I haven't done this yet for two reasons. Firstly, I assumed that into the conventional toilet is not considered exciting enough to qualify for a website such as this. Secondly, I was a little bit worried about identifying and outing myself by showing our bathroom, but I guess one is just like another.
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