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Everything posted by Eliminature

  1. https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/city-hall-urinal
  2. So as not to derail the topic...
  3. I don't know. I assume they put it over a bucket and emptied the bucket afterwards. Mind you, if they bottled his pee in little vials, I'm sure some crazy fans would pay silly money for them! Not necessarily just urophiles like us.
  4. But it's not a woman's mouth, is it? It's Jagger's. I think Mr Eliminature and I need to visit this museum. And I need to be smuggled into the Herentoiletten to use these particular urinals! https://www.google.com/amp/s/metro.co.uk/2012/02/01/offensive-rolling-stones-urinals-cause-uproar-in-germany-310576/amp/
  5. Precisely this. Pull your vulva forward and upward and spread your labia.
  6. I love these. I think the one off the footbridge is my personal favourite. Very arousing. Closely followed by the bench. Your stains on the walls are interesting too. You say that I had an advantage over you in distance (though I'm not entirely sure about that), but you'd beat me hands down with regards to height. You could probably pee taller even than my height! Thank you for the pics. Even pee artistes like to see other pee artistes at work!
  7. Yes! As someone afraid of heights, this is one of my worst fears.
  8. I'd definitely pee in those, if I came across some! Love it. I wonder what Mick Jagger's reaction would be to those things? Fun fact: Jagger has peed into Marcel Duchamp's Fountain. He had permission to do so, I believe. Though it would have been better if he'd just whipped it out and gone for it! Back to the topic in hand...
  9. First of all, "is my anatomy just not cut out for weeing standing up?" is not a mentality that will help at all. You need to completely disregard that notion and tell yourself that it is possible - you've managed it at least once after all. From what I read, it sounds like you have only tried it a few times. In which case you need a LOT more practice. This needs fine tuning and requires a lot of patience. It can't be rushed. Think of it like learning to play an instrument. It won't happen overnight and there are no easy shortcuts. You have to put the practice in. Ditch the leggings f
  10. Definitely. More so since finding and joining this site. When out and about, I'm always looking for discreet corners that I could use or see someone else using. If I see people peeing in the street, I have to walk past and hope they can't tell that I'm turned on. Of course, during the evening, it's easier to try to join them, if you're an opportunist like that! I try to wear clothes that make peeing standing easier - though this isn't always possible. I've also adapted leggings to make a better fly for peeing in ao I don't have to pull them down. Dreading the colder months when it'
  11. I hope slapping it on the hard surface didn't hurt you. Lovely stream, anyway.
  12. Where do you go to empty your bowels? Surely you have to do that too?
  13. Definitely. I've done it twice more already.
  14. I won't mention their name because I wouldn't like to embarrass them but a highly respected member on here has been a bad influence on me (Joking)! They told me that they like to pee into their sink regularly. Up until now, I was unsure if I could do that because I'm not very tall and can't pee on an upward trajectory. However, today I stood on my toes and my crotch was well above the level of the bathroom sink, so imagining I was this member, I unleashed a yellow stream against the white porcelain. Difficult to explain, but almost as if I was being their understudy in a play or similar.
  15. What about the other bodily function? How do you take care of that?
  16. Having scouted around and done some research, I think that I have found this location and I'm going to water it down myself soon!
  17. Loving these! Hope you can add more pics soon.
  18. One of my childhood memories is a girl at my school telling her friends that after a day out somewhere, she and her mum both "had a wee behind the car" because there were no toilets there. I was about five or six and I remember being interested in this information in a way that I didn't understand. I wondered how they did it - which posture did they use? Were they desperate or was it just a precautionary measure? Where was it? Did they like doing it (presumably the girl did if she was talking about it excitedly to her friends)? I was more curious than anything, but I remember really want
  19. In a car park a short walk away from our home. It was after we had taken the pictures of the lamppost earlier in the evening. We didn't get any pictures, though. I went first, against a tree covered with ivy leaves. Just lifted my dress and let out one of my characteristically forceful streams which I'm sure you're all familiar with by now. My stream wet the leaves and made them slick. A little bit of steam rose from the wetness. My husband peed into the ground, just behind the tree. Yes a few trees grow in this car park. I'm not sure whether they were planted there or if the car p
  20. Looks like you underestimated your piss power! Perfect!
  21. Really loved reading your account. Thanks! 👏🏻
  22. Slightly vanilla in comparison to everyone else's, but here goes nothing. For me, wandering around a European city centre with my attractive musician friend, visiting music shops. Him quaffing his favourite beverage (it's outing so I won't say what it is but he has an addiction to a certain beverage), maybe grabbing a beer too. After a while, he says in his sexy Eastern European accent: "It is no good, I really need to piss," or something similar. I'd say: "So do I. Don't worry, I'll find somewhere for us to go." I take him by the hand and we go somewhere private and secluded. An all
  23. If I'm ever in Sask and I happen to visit you, I'll save on your water by aiming a stream into it myself! ☺ I hope your wife enjoys using it and finds it helpful.
  24. Could Mrs Speedy use it for target practice? It might help her aim. Nice stream, by the way! I like that! I like drains/grates for a discreet piddle. The evidence is immediately sluiced away. I think I weed more down drains (whilst being held over them) than in the toilet as a kid.
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