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Everything posted by Eliminature

  1. Kicsit tudok magyarul. Ik spreek een beetje Nederlands. ועברית English is my main language, of course. Anyway, go look at my latest images!
  2. Can't get enough of Lagartija Nick by Bauhaus at the moment. I keep playing it on repeat.
  3. Slightly inebriated earlier, I noticed that the single loo at the micro brewery that Mr Eliminature and I were visiting had a queue outside it. I went around the back of the building to a small area with weeds and grass, lifted up my overcoat and sent a long, clear stream into the grass. Roughly a metre and a half in front of me. Much relieved, I went back into the micro brewery seating area. Mr Eliminature quipped: "In the words of Pete Townsend of The Who: I saw ya!" He didn't actually see me peeing, just looking at the queue, and leaving the area before coming back and using han
  4. Has Mrs K made any more attempts to stand and shoot? I hope so! If it means anything from a random person on the internet, I'm encouraging her!
  5. *blushes* That's quite funny! Laughing with you, not at you. ☺
  6. I love reading BB's and Alfresco's sightings! I fantasise about being caught watering down a wall or tree by a friendly urophile. It would be great if I was walking around this town/city (no idea where this is, by the way) looking for somewhere to release the beer I had drunk. Heading for the steps/subway that you talk about (I don't think I'd want to pee in the churchyard), lifting my black skirt/dress and positioning myself into the corner whilst BB was wandering around, looking for sightings. He catches sight of me - distinctive because I always wear black - and immediately becomes ar
  7. I can only speak for myself, but I do it. I don't sit to pee, except if I have to. Yes, I am a clitoris owner. A biological female. Like most boys, I would imagine, I learned outside to begin with before doing it in the loo. Though these days, I tend to use the sink to save water.
  8. The short but possibly unsatisfying answer is no. I'm not into peeing all over things that other people then have to touch and handle. I just do what I do, which tends to be standing to pee in the open. Lockdown notwithstanding, I will use urinals when I get the chance.
  9. I've done it. Not a deluge straight from my bladder. Just a few drops in a cup, watered down.
  10. I'm definitely still playing the piano! I practise every day and I'm learning new skills and songs. Haven't done much driving lately, but my gear changing is a lot smoother and I panic a lot less now! Overall, it's improving.
  11. Uh oh! Eliminature is annoyed. Apologies, but I need to vent my spleen a bit. I'm freshly back from a hiatus (again, I'm sorry for that, but because of lockdown and cold winter, my mental wellbeing and libido was on the floor) and one of the first things that I find is what appears to be a recurring theme. A male newbie who expresses a preference for what I am known for - women peeing standing - all well and good. However, he then proceeds to give me a list of his predilections and tell me that I "definitely have to" try them, that he wants to see live action videos and asking me am I rea
  12. To pee, absolutely fine. For the other thing, I just couldn't. I guess if you are in the US Military, you have no other choice and everyone is in the same position. You probably get used to it after a while.
  13. Yesterday, Mr Eliminature and I went for a walk in a local rural area to celebrate a special event - I don't want to out myself here. I already needed to go a little bit when we arrived, but after a wander around (got to get the lockdown fat off), I mentioned that I could do with going very soon. We wandered a little way down a footpath and I made my way through what seemed like a wall of small but thick saplings to one side. In a clearing, I lowered my trousers, moved my underwear to one side and sent a stream a few feet in front of me. It glinted a but in the sunshine and a few drops s
  14. I know exactly what's going to happen here - indeed, I can already see evidence to it in my notifications. I'm putting a pre-emptive stop to it right now. Thank you.
  15. Seeing the arc erupt from the cock is orgasmic. 😍 I really want to make a puddle/stream with you, Alfresco. One day... 🤞🏻
  16. As for me, I love posting photographs of myself urinating standing - yes, I really am a clitoris owner. At the moment, with cold weather and lock down, opportunities to share this with you have been a bit thin on the ground. Also, winter and lockdown combined to make arousal and urophilia the last thing on my mind over the previous few months. I'm hoping to change this as soon as I can. The warmer months are edging closer...
  17. Another biological female/clitoris owner who absolutely loves urophilia. It could be a societal norm? Men might be more willing to talk about their sexual desires and experiences, what turns them on etc? A lady might be less willing due to fear of being harassed or labelled immoral? The other side is that ladies may be more willing to discuss thrir raw emotion whilst society demands that men keep a lid on it. Just a (possibly erroneous) theory.
  18. Never been much of a squatter so I can't really comment there. I suppose it would trickle on my bottom if I did try that. Leaning forward when sitting should help to prevent this!
  19. If I were stuck in a lift with you guys, I have to be honest, I'd just pee brazenly against the wall. I'd probably encourage you to watch. If I were with others, after politely explaining the situation, I'd ask if people could help me forcerhe doors open a bit, both for air and so I could point my vulva down the lift shaft and release a sparkling arc. Meanwhile, I'd hope that one of the other people in there is a urophile, either openly or suppressed. I'd also encourage my companions to go too. It's a universal need after all.
  20. Only whilst sitting. When I stand, it shoots right out with the strength and distance of a man. I get the odd spot trickling onto the floor between my feet but not much.
  21. So many beautiful cocks gushing out their liquid as the pressure on the owner's bladder is released... 😍 Each and every one of these members and its stream is beautiful in its own way.
  22. Nice stream! Nice wet mark too. I would love to pee on your wet patch!
  23. I actually have another fetish that is nothing to do with urophila. I also have a foot fetish. Both male and female feet. The urophilia is the main one, though. I chose option no 2. It seemed to fit the best.
  24. I love reading your detailed experiences. You're such a loving couple.
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