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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. I’m much more in favour of terms like ‘curvy’ - so much more respectful. A while ago I created the topic ‘Curvilicious’ in the Pee Pictures area and since then there’s also a similarly named Pee Videos thread. Hopefully both of those will prove there is interest in ladies blessed with ample figures. Personally speaking the most important thing for me is that an actor is enjoying the experience and creating it to share their enjoyment. That’s what we’re about as a community anyway - a bunch of friends with a common kink who love to encourage each other. Nothing worse than s
  2. Sounds a perfect plan - the longer you can hold, the more golden it could be. How gymnastic are you? Handstands in the bathtub, yoga positions, that sort of thing? Or just a gentle burning fountain?
  3. What's your plan @epdreamgirl - are you still on the diapers? Or something different in mind this evening?
  4. Thanks for sharing @Ms. Tito - and please pass on our warmest and most genuine Peefans best wishes to them - we are here for all of our members past and present, and the door is always open for them. I'm assuming that Simpfan4 is the name used on the other forum, and here they went under the username of just Simpfan until their request to leave in November last year. It was a pleasure to share in respectably naughty posts with them many times. They have been missed in the community even before this news.
  5. You have a fucking lawyer... I guess they're more likely to get you off(!) than maybe a tax lawyer or intellectual property lawyer for example. Personally I think I'm going down(!!) for 39 years - assuming the Double Jeopardy law applies and I only get charged once for multiple offences in the same category? If the making porn charge includes selfie pee photos then possibly more than that.
  6. There have of course been statues of Hermaphroditus dating back to ancient times, but agreed that is a bit of a single subject. https://www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk/artifact/statuette-of-standing-hermaphrodite I guess in ancient times, statues were a way of recording an celebrating beauty in a way that now has mostly been overtaken by photos, videos and other modern media. These days we seem to use statues more to recognise and remember those who've become famous for their achievements - rulers, politicians, rock stars. And agreed, unfortunately as yet we don't see too many tra
  7. There was a post, was it in this thread about Ancient Roman latrines? Last week we visited part of Hadrian's wall and one of the settlements alongside it. This pic was on an outdoor wall of the visitor centre, showing the facility in all it's glory. I only had a second to take the pic and completely missed the recreation bench under the display. But it did amuse me to see it displayed so graphically in public like that.
  8. Peefans.... So, so, so much more than just a bunch of weirdos and perverts. And here's the proof.
  9. I’m going to suggest that the entire site is full of the answer to that question- particularly the Real Experiences thread. There’s no need for people to start repeating content here. This post is now locked.
  10. It's now 48 hours on from your post - and first and foremost, hope all is well with you. It's totally out of the ordinary to wish a period on anyone but you know what we mean. The elephant on the room though... your colleague... who's 'always wanted to see you naked' and who you're mutually attracted to... Any news there? That you want to share anyway. If you've been back on shift together have there been any comments from her, looking at you in a different way, anything changed? (And to be totally honest, there's a huge amount of evidence here on the forums that it's perf
  11. Lovely accounts @Chrissy89 glad you got to enjoy so much fun - in each sense. And huge thanks for taking the trouble to share with us too.
  12. Looking amazing there @puddyls - Huge thanks as always for posting.
  13. I'm just going to follow up to my post just above, about the effect of nerves on the need to pee - or more the feeling of needing to pee. This weekend I've been away with my wife in our caravan - basically a big white box 7.5 metres / 25ft long and weighing 1500kg pulled by my car. Now, it takes a lot of concentration towing it - different lines on the road and cornering, lots of thinking ahead and planning. Last night suddenly got very gusty and windy, shaking the van all night to the point of waking us up and in the light of dawn it was apparent how bad it was - 40-50mph gusts. I
  14. It's who we are - we may be pee perverts, freaks and weirdos. But we're compassionate human beings first and foremost.
  15. I know exactly what you mean, and I'm convinced it's entirely driven by my brain more than my bladder. It's that situation where I know when I last had a drink, and went for a pee - so my brain is doing the sums of how quickly I'm going to fill up and when I may need to pee. Then my brain also thinks ahead... If I'm driving home from work and know it's going to be 30 minutes then no issue at all. If I'm setting off on a longer journey then it'll start pinging the alarm bells. One of the worst is if I'm travelling with my wife - who will never ask to stop and would just hold. And
  16. Respect is the key thing there - I'm assuming there were so many things he could have done differently. Even if he couldn't have waited until you'd finished, then at least giving you some personal space, turning to face away from you. Can totally see how disgusting it felt. If he'd pissed on another guy like that, or many other ladies, he'd most likely be eating soup through a hospital straw now. I assume he must have been drunk - but that changes absolutely nothing - he is still responsible for his actions. You are completely right to be disgusted and on behalf of gentleme
  17. Sounds wonderful - bet that towel is absolutely saturated.
  18. So @epdreamgirl - what's the plan...? Bathroom? On a pad? Bed? Sounds like you're just going to carry on until you burst - and a fine plan that is too.
  19. I'm sure you can hang on a little longer if we give enough encouragement - how long do you reckon you've got? Another 15 minutes until half past the hour? Longer? (ps - I've merged your post into the Live Action Thread here).
  20. Which one (if you want to narrow it down) is your favourite @Sophie ?
  21. Just at the moment (08 March 2023 22:00GMT) the site seems to be having a few slow loading and error 500 problems - not being able to load the selected page. In general a refresh seems to work.
  22. I'm not going to argue for or against peeing in pools. A little maths though - the definition of a litre is the volume that fills a 10cm by 10cm by 10cm cube. And that means that a one cubic metre contains 1000 litres. So, if you took a typical 25m long and 10m wide swimming pool and say it's 1m deep at one end and 2m deep at the other, then that gives a volume of 375 cubic metres, or 375,000 litres. And that in turn means that a typical 500ml pee into that pool makes up 0.00013 % of the volume of the pool. If you were really full and added 1.2 litres of pee, then means 0.0003
  23. Hi @Ivy1989 and first things first, thanks for your honesty there. I can understand and of course not disagree with what you're saying there. I know you've described things as not worth sharing - but of course those sort of experiences are what the site is built upon. Do you have anything of an 'exhibitionist' trait at all. I'm not meaning in terms of anything creepy, but for example knowing how well received any reports are. I can think of a few members who write about even a simple toilet wee and get a huge positive boost from the members who read and appreciate it. Sort of a
  24. Thanks - The weather was certainly an encouragement. I don't feel too 'unhealthy' - I'm a reasonably brisk walker and reasonably active, maybe a few kg heavier than I could be and would like to lose a few inches of waistline. I have to keep an eye on max heart rate to keep blood pressure in check and no heavy lifting. My plan was once it got a fraction warmer to set up my turbo trainer in the garage again and use that to rebuild the cycling ability I had a couple of years ago, albeit in a controlled way. But yesterday was too nice to waste. Thanks for the encouragement!
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