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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Loved it as always @DoeHaze -- thanks for sharing.
  2. Awww bless you @Sweets - and love your honesty. Just imagine though if the 'someone else' was one of us and you actually wanted to meet ready with a full bladder - that'd be even more of a nightmare. Although of course after a few ice breaker drinks you'd be ready again I guess. (Sorry, now my mind is wandering...)
  3. Totally agree on all of the above, caffeine and certain artificial products being the triggers for me - so if I drink a black coffee like I am now, I know that almost exactly an hour from drinking I'll go from nothing to bursting, an hour and five minutes and I'd be a little towards frantic and I'd pee literally only 300ml. Not that I'm giving up on coffee... Anyway. That wasn't really my point - what I was going to say is does anyone else get triggered by nervousness too about a particular event? Like just before stepping up to talk in front of a group of people on stage for example
  4. I can fully believe it - after all, the way a lot of people think I'm sure they believe pee is poisonous.
  5. I'm absolutely no medical expert, but I wonder if: - When holding a full bladder for a long time, whether the body slows down the function of the kidneys? Normally the body extracts water from our natural hydration and uses it to wash unwanted matter into the bladder, so does this slow when the bladder is full? Then when the body knows the bladder is empty it can instruct the kidney process to work overtime, clearing the backlog of matter through the kidneys and quickly filling the bladder again. and / or, - As has been said a lot of times, whether the fact the bladder has be
  6. Today's Happee Birthday shout goes to: @elo23 Have a great day!!!
  7. Thanks for the links to the games. Just wondered if by chance you had any screen captures you may be able to post? I know those that will want to play the games will do, I'm just curious...
  8. It's a good point that a near-globally represented porn company like Pornhub should be able to to derive the data. That triggered a thought, in that when I ran my own business website I did try to get into analytics, looking at keywords people were searching for and so on. So I do wonder if Google Analytics does already contain the data and we just need the right key to unlock it? I wonder if it would be possible to interrogate it and examine searches made on a particular word to get a response of how many times that word has been typed in? Of course different countries would have
  9. Exactly as Sophie said - thank you @steve25805 for all of your hard work, dating back a long time before my membership. I hope we’re still going to enjoy all of your posts - between your busy work commitments - it’d be a huge shame not to make the whole year of carpet peeing pics.
  10. Ha ha - A bit of a Victoria Wood-esque performance at the next staff talent night in work?
  11. Having a Dolly Parton moment then: Well, I tumble outta bed and stumble to the bathroom Pour myself a cup of ambition Yawn and stretch and try to come to life Jump in the shower and the wee starts flowing...
  12. There's a simple answer which is that whenever you see a Thisvid link you just scroll on by. Just take a deep breath and skip over it. I agree it's frustrating to find someone has posted a link (to content on any site) and then to find that it's member only, or 'only friends can view' content. But that doesn't mean every single clip on Thisvid falls into that category, and hence (personal opinion speaking) why should we ban 100% of a site just because 30, 50, 70 or 80% of its content is protected by its creators? Another little point I've made there is that it's the content creator
  13. A huge welcome to the site Jack, good to have you on board. If I may help you a little as you get used to finding your way around... I've moved this post into Introductions where it's a little better placed and people may see it more. The quickest and easiest way to communicate with people is in the general topic areas across the site - so by reading, reacting to, maybe commenting or posting in the various organised sections of the posts. People will see and get to know you, and similarly you'll get to know people. We have members from literally all over the world, lots of differ
  14. I was getting worried, after posting the thread and then never seeing any active names popping up.... But just like toilet cubicles when you're dancing on the spot in line, all of a sudden three come up at once. So Happy Birthdays to: @ZooeyGlass @jayjay85 @sven22
  15. Not sure this completely follows the flow of this section - but possibly the most compelling tribute band gig advert you’ll ever see on Facebook…
  16. Hi Chris - I feel your pain, in that it can be incredibly difficult to find a partner, even just to enjoy company and special times with. Add the difficulty of finding a partner who shares, or will at least accept an interest in pee fun and I agree it can seem impossible. However I'm sorry that this isn't the site for you to ask for a real-life relationship. We're not the site to match up people for a quick-hit experience. We've got no problem with online members becoming close online friends and then feeling that they know each other well enough to meet in real life. That would take p
  17. Hi Miles, and as said in chatbox yesterday, a huge welcome to the site and to a great community.
  18. After reading all the discussions above, I actually noticed that when I'm working in the office, there's a cold water dispenser about three rows of desks from mine. When someone comes along an fills a water bottle it makes a very distinctive sound, especially as there's barely any people in the office these days. I'm confident in reporting that the sudden sound of trickling, splashing water hasn't yet re-programmed my subconscious and caused me to have an accident at my desk. (It has aroused quite a few fantasies though based on what it sounds like).
  19. Apologies for going a bit off topic here... but any secret code or euphemism is always at risk of confusion 😂 Demonstrated ably by comedian Peter Kay in his Car Share series here > https://peefans.com/topic/11824-post-funny-stuff-here/?do=findComment&comment=281259
  20. I think the point that's coming out repeatedly here is that for most people, pee is just an innocent and natural bodily function - as I've said many times, just like being hungry or tired. The only slight difference is the taboo around it. So for 'most' people they may tell us they need to wee just like they may tell us they're hungry. The issue that 99club has picked up on is someone knowing we have the fetish telling us - but his friend's later response suggests that wasn't the case, or if so was a forgettable issue. For me, it's not the naivety of other people which is the issue
  21. Top tip - swap hands occasionally... A little more seriously, a big welcome (well-cum?) to the site. Do shout up with any questions as you find your way around.
  22. It's such a life changer isn't it, realising that you're not the only one - that there's literally thousands of people all around the world into exactly (or varying aspects of) the same thing. Thousands just on this site, so maybe millions if you include all those who haven't found this site or haven't even realised that what they enjoy is actually this kink. A huge welcome to the community brother.
  23. I'm not sure I can say whether Indian ladies are shy, whether it is a cultural / religious / language issue. Whichever, it seems (and I hope to be corrected) that we just don't have that many Asian lady members.
  24. I'm not sure this is exactly a pee dream - but certainly pee related. Background is I spent a week staying in my 'other house', sleeping in a different room (obviously) and different layout. A few days after I'd got home I was asleep in my own bed and woke up absolutely bursting for a pee. I say woke up, but actually I think I was still fast asleep. First of all there was someone asleep in the bed and I had absolutely no clue who it was - despite having been married to her for 23 years. If Oscar Pistorius comes up for appeal I could testify. I sort of gingerly got out of bed.
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