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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Have I got you converted @Kupar - and did you know he also drummed for Lennox & Stewart... Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This, Thorn In My Side as prime examples.
  2. Hi and a huge welcome - great posts so far, very hot! Hope you carry on finding yourself right at home, do shout up with any problems or concerns.
  3. At the moment I'm looking at your comment @Spectator9 with my head cocked to one side like your avatar, wondering why.... Riley has always been one of my favourite contributors in the female pee category.
  4. Perfect! BTW, we get a lot of people who see chat as having to PM one-to-one. That of course is part of the site's capability, but before you get to know anyone it's a bit like dialling a random number in a phone book and hoping for someone to answer. Instead reading, reacting, commenting and maybe writing posts across topic areas that interest you is a far more effective way to let people know who you are and for you to get to know a wide range of peoples' interests.
  5. Hi and a huge welcome to the site. There's definitely lots of exactly like minded people on here who share exactly the joy you've found, along with almost every interest too. Enjoy finding your way around and shout up with any questions.
  6. I'm going to suggest that the answer to this would be a 'no' - because if someone were using this site to sell products or services they could easily be judged to be breaking various site rules. For example there's areas of the rules around using this site for profit and around sharing personal off-site communication and personal details. In other words, we are a community, and not that type of site.
  7. Both good points @Alfresco and @beachmom - I've been thinking recently around my formative years and I'm absolutely sure I can't remember at all any instances of my parents either encouraging or discouraging me. But I'm guessing one or the other must probably have happened. One thing that we (of a certain age) will probably agree on is that the way we spent our childhoods is probably different from kids today. At least it feels that way from what I remember, compared to how my son and his peers choose to spend their time. I remember the long school holidays when kids played out all day
  8. Just one point on the cycling shorts topic... Depending on price and on how serious you are, the tight lycra cycling shorts as seen on the average MAMIL cyclist (Middle Aged Man In Lycra) in their Sunday morning rides out, have a thick foam pad sewn into them to give some cushioning between the hard bicycle seat and the pelvic bones. Otherwise cycling any distance quickly becomes painful. Speaking from experience, the pads in those shorts can absorb and hold an incredible volume of pee without leaks or any visual evidence. In the case of a guy, any shiny wetness in exactly the area
  9. I must admit it depends on my mood, and how 'public' I am... If it's a case of driving home knowing the house will be empty then maybe, but in a crowded public space that would be a different matter. I know I'm an hour later than your post - curious o know how you got on?
  10. And a huge welcome to you too. Hope you have lots of fun finding your way around, do shout up if you have any questions.
  11. And a huge welcome to you too Shane. 😁
  12. ^^^ Such a hot picture on so many levels, a huge fantasy area of mine.
  13. Looking at your profile info on the left there @puddyls... Wettest member 2017, 2019, 2020 - I don't mean to jinx anything but I'd say 2021 is looking good. Unless we introduce a 'hotter than the sun' award category.
  14. I'm completely on the same page as you - sometimes it's delicious to just think on the most likely and most appealing rational explanation, without trying to over analyse and without causing any awkwardness. Even if he knows your interests, and even assuming he did go for a pee during your session - it doesn't mean that he was trying to put on a personal show for you. There are of course still the tutor-pupil relationship and respect to be maintained, and he of course knows you are married. Perhaps if he began to make a habit of it, then there would be grounds to explore a little mor
  15. Ah the eternal issue - and I feel your pain. I frequently find myself considering the same issues and I were also able to make the switch, I'd be the girl sheepishly asking if I could also sneak a wee on the same spot. I'd don't have a multitude of suggestions - I'm in the situation where the enjoyment of being able to wet discretely would very quickly be taken away by self consciousness and embarrassment of thinking that people were aware and were judging me. After all, what we are discussing is something which pretty much many, many people would consider insane. One suggestion w
  16. There's obviously that element that's been talked about of whether we derive satisfaction from seeing someone else being humiliated.... Watching a clip of a model in a desperate situation and seeing her wet herself in a public plays tickles the fantasy that we are humiliating her - although in a safe way because we know it's scripted, planned and she really doesn't mind. Reading forum fiction about wetting. Then there are situations we may see a real person in a humiliating situation, maybe just mild embarrassment about people seeing their need to wee or greater embarrassment about actual
  17. All of these boys have no big objections to a peep show. Feel free to do as much unladylike stuff as you want.
  18. I think we’ve perhaps dropped into a little rabbit hole of discussion on this point. The crux as I see it is ‘if’ you are already in a consenting sexual relationship with someone who knows your kink and the arousal it causes you, then I see what you mean. But I really can’t see any other circumstance where one stranger could or would try to use it as a means to pull another stranger. Anyway rather than keep digging, I’m going to suggest that we park this whole aspect here and get back on to the wider question of generally why does it appeal to us to either allow ourselves to be humi
  19. I guess it doesn’t really count in the same way, but as a guy in the gents there are times I’ll be involved in a conversation before, during and after peeing alongside other guys. Now if it was an open mixed bathroom then I’d be finding talking to strangers far more exciting. I’ve been on the phone before now and on conference calls for work and carefully peed into an empty container if that counts. Love the swimming pool tale though.
  20. Hi Sarah and like I said in chat, a huge welcome to a very friendly and respectful community. A really good way to get to know and interact with people is though the posts on the forum - reading, replying, maybe posting your own experiences (it’s what we’re mainly about more than PM chat tbh) Do shout up with any questions.
  21. Hi and a big welcome to the site, a great community. Guys and ladies into all manner of pee related things are to be found here. Happy browsing. Can’t guarantee you’ll meet a chick, but it is a good place to read and share lots of personal experiences from a range of members.
  22. Good call both of you, and both worthwhile posts. I'm also as guilty as everyone in playing out a side of my life in this community which is largely private fantasy. I often caveat it with 'in a parallel universe' meaning that I'll express desires and sometimes playfully join with people's fantasies which I'd not do in real life for various reasons. Totally agree though that consent from both parties is everything. Without consent it has no place here.
  23. And may we also say how adorable it is too. Thank you so much for sharing!
  24. Great @Lizzie_loves_u - love that you took full advantage.
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