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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Realistically, I can’t see that anyone is going to buy digital downloads of photos, even when they are studio quality. I’m not being negative… The reason I say that is that, as a photographer myself, quality makes no difference to most people who will view the images on a mobile device. It doesn’t matter if it’s studio or a grainy phone snap in a lot of cases. And also not only does everyone have access to images so easily - in the case of porn the net is full of freely downloadable content already. Why pay for one image when you can access whole galleries. So the answer then, I
  2. Hi and a huge welcome. As said already, the quickest way to get to know people and for them to get to know you is to read posts and contribute in the forum. It's got a much wider audience than just one person messaging another, and as a community it's what we're about.
  3. There's other threads about it too, so other answers out there. My favourite though in these things is to pose the question in a way that's slightly fun, but you can get out of innocently if needed. And obviously you can't just blurt it out straight. So for example you may be having a fun chat with someone and have a little game of 'ask each other a question' starting with lots of innocent questions - last band you saw live? favourite movie? Coke or Pepsi? Strangest first date you've ever had? Last time you had a wee other than in a toilet? Now clearly if they say 'Ewww gross'
  4. Wow @puddyls - I've completely run out of new things to say, so probably just repeating myself - you're amazing.
  5. That was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING - you are the most talented visual storyteller. I like to think that maybe, Julia from the comfort of a warm bath has time to reflect on events - to realise it could have been much worse, to think about those 'perverts' and actually she had a power over them. Maybe to think that actually there was something quite exciting about peeing on a mountainside... and maybe to dwell on that excitement for a bit of quiet 'Julia time'.
  6. Apologies to anyone who's had a birthday in the last three days and not been recognised for it. Feel free to comment for your own shout, even if it is a little retrospective. But back to the here and now with a double celebration: @HammerheadPilot & @MrTickle both get the shout as current active members with a profile birthdate today.
  7. As I understand it, it's about the risk that if they suffer a moderate impact, the sudden force could easily compress and burst a full bladder just as easily as you or I falling on a balloon (except that is only 1g). So as said, racing drivers do hydrate up before driving and also drink through tubes during longer races. Energy drinks to keep the mind alert and help avoid muscle cramps. Then as the bladder fills it is about them choosing to pee rather than hold a full bladder and risk a potentially life threatening injury should they crash.
  8. So in summary (for oral on a lady at least) - the survey says: 😂
  9. As some people will know, I've recently been photographing a large international music festival which takes place in a UK city. I work closely with the organisers to document the event which sees bands from all over the world (usually) playing at different venues across the city. One such venue is a big old hotel which sort of acts as the epicentre for the event. I'd been working from about 10am through to midnight, then had put camera batteries on charge, had a 'roadie shower' (squirt of deodorant and clean T-shirt) and headed to the bar where there was another three hours of music. Th
  10. This is a public bathroom I used yesterday. Now with Covid we’re very used to lines on the floor we have to stay behind - I reckon I’d have to be properly bursting to reach from there though.
  11. Hi and firstly a big welcome to the site - we're a wide community and all into pee of various kinds, so I'm sure you'll get lots of response. We love to see pee videos of course, and it's worth explaining that for you as a content creator we love to see people sharing easily viewable content. By easily viewable what I mean is free content which is on a safe platform (as a site we can host pictures, but videos must be uploaded elsewhere and links then posted on this site). What we are not is an open advertising platform for pay-per-view content, and we have various rules around posting an
  12. When you say ‘we should be able to drop a general message’ the short answer is ‘maybe - but not on this site’. It’s a topic that was discussed in another thread only this week. The site rules around it and the solid reasons for it are explained in the responses at: https://peefans.com/topic/20676-indianapolis-piss/?do=findComment&comment=282183 Of course, if you were talking about there being some other generic site for that sort of thing, then I don’t disagree - it’s just that Peefans isn’t it.
  13. It's a very valid question and I'm going to tag @Admin, @Scot_Lover & @Sophie so that they can add their response, or can correct my perspective if that's needed. I'll come to your question of 'what harm' in a moment, but firstly and fundamentally let's be clear we're not a dating site - now we could get into a discussion about what 'dating' means... I guess some would say it's a romantic meeting and perhaps someone meeting as a one-off to share pee fun isn't dating? But my interpretation of site rules would be that any time you agree a place and time to meet with someone for the pur
  14. Sometimes, just sometimes this community amazes me in a great way. I mean, a lot of the time it’s just about seeing hot pictures and stories, but every so often there’ll be a post that drives down so deeply, and particularly the answers to that post too. This is exactly one of those - such an innocent question, when did you last have sex? Six simple words and such a complex subject. There are those with an active sex life and absolutely adorable anecdotes of beautiful tender moments. They would normally be very private intimate experiences, but instead shared with us. That takes t
  15. We’re really not that kind of site @spike69 - at least not until you’ve really, really developed close friendships with people. In fact site rules cover not giving away too much personal information which pretty much covers arranging meet ups with random strangers. Instead enjoy your time browsing around with a whole worldwide community to share fantasies and experiences with.
  16. Hi and a huge welcome to the community- sounds like you’ll fit in on so many levels. Do shout up with any questions as you find your war around - great to have you on board.
  17. Hi @dpsbiggestfan and a huge welcome to the community - we are definitely welcoming of all and you'll have no issues here either. I'll apologise in advance if some of our categories seem a bit binary, but please bear with us and just join in as seems best. I can't help I'm afraid on the getting turned on by pee sounds - you make it sound like it's a problem... Seriously though - a huge welcome.
  18. Where there’s a Q(ueue) especially outside the toilets, there’s always a chance of glimpsing a Pee - maybe only a pee dance, maybe a nervous chat about the desperate need, maybe even a pee puddle. Happy exploring.
  19. Hi and a huge welcome to the community. Hope you quickly find yourself at home. I’m going to cut n paste in something I posted yesterday re people messaging you…. It is definitely possible to communicate via messages - as a new member you'd need to make five public posts (well four more now) to unlock the ability, but people can message you. There are a few drawbacks with that approach though. Perhaps what may work well for you is to browse around the posts on the site and get a feel for the place. You may well see posts by people with exactly the same interests as you, or s
  20. I'd have put it in smaller type if I'd known - have a great, quiet day.
  21. I knew I remembered a post about tubing down a river... But it turned out to not be the story you're looking for (which sounds incredibly hot). The one I found is this - worth a bump, although not the one you were after:
  22. Lets have a shout and show some love for a guy who's been here since 2014 and still visits regularly, including being a Gold subscriber: @siegfriedphilip - Happy Birthday Sir.
  23. Hi Terri and a very warm (roughly body temperature and wet) welcome to the community. Hope you find yourself right at home, do shout up with any questions.
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