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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Friday.... And celebrating a BIRTHDAY on a Friday is the perfect way to start the weekend. Am I right, or am I right @uhtred & @420guy
  2. Thanks - and done... The result is a nice collection of all your clips, pictures and comments under the one thread. https://peefans.com/topic/13870-my-collection-of-me-peeing/?do=getNewComment Happy to change the title for you if preferred, and up to you if you'd like to build upon it or start afresh.
  3. No intention to make anyone feel guilty - it’s an option going forwards though 😉
  4. Whether it’s related or not I don’t know, but on my mobile the chat box is playing up slightly… Using the main theme with chatbox on the bottom right, I have it showing - it shows existing gold conversations as it should, but under ‘rooms’ no sign of chatbox. But i can still access the full page chatbox from the top menu.
  5. Whichever you prefer really - you could pick a single one (maybe your ‘my collection of me peeing’ is a good place) and add anything new into it. I’m happy also to merge historic posts in - it’s just if there are threads of comments they will all merge in date order.
  6. Hi and a huge welcome. Lots of stories, experiences an discussions to be found across the forums. Enjoy finding your way around and do shout up with any questions.
  7. Hi and a big welcome to the site. Enjoy finding your way around. Same advice applies as I seem to give to quite a few…. Quickest way to get to know people is to get involved in the forum posts - do your ‘chatting’ in the open and you’re broadcasting to thousands. Much more effective than a one-to-one chat, at least until you get to know people.
  8. Folks... all who post here.... A suggestion if I may. As I look down the list of topics here I can see a lot of posts all containing one video link, or photos. Often the same people making a new post every time. Now that's not strictly wrong, but it does mean every time someone makes a new topic, yours get pushed off the first page. And who looks at the second page? So instead - how about just keeping a post and adding to it. Less separate topics, more chance of your post being seen and you getting the reactions you deserve? Give it a go... (Site Rule 13. Don't crea
  9. For info - there were eight separate posts over the last two years, all asking where people live... Now all merged into this one. It's in the site rules don't you know 😉
  10. It is very much the same process - one smooth fluid process, the only difference being that the car will slow down more when rolling uphill. A similar but slightly different process will apply when you're driving on a flat road in say 4th or 5th gear and you come to a steep hill, and experience will tell you that you need to change down one or two gears to be able to smoothly climb the hill.
  11. I'm guessing you're referring to videos you've posted in other threads. It can be discouraging when you don't get much feedback, partly too as other people post then content gets pushed downwards and off the first page. As anyone trying to promote anything on the 'net will tell you, if it's not on the first page it's dead. In this case I can sense your frustration - but may be worth posting links to them in this post. It's hard for anyone to be positive if they can't see the posts.
  12. Seems I may have to plan to get out and about a little more... 😈
  13. And don't ever let the dominant loud personalities convince you that there's anything wrong with shy and embarrassed. For one it's cute and you can be having just as much fun. Just without the need for everyone to be looking at you.
  14. I promise you it slowly gets more natural, things that seem to take all your concentration become more natural to the point of being automatic. But until then, don't lose heart - stick with it. If it's a steep hill then perhaps just driving up that part of it at a moderate speed is an ok thing to do, until you get higher up and can change gear more easily. If you think about driving on the flat, when you put your clutch in to change gear then the car continues to roll forwards without you really noticing it slowing down. The difference on the hill is that gravity is pulling against
  15. Probably a lot healthier way to de stress, although not any less addictive. if I was returning to an empty home after a night of drinking then imagine the fun.
  16. Similarly, had a few goes with the Honda engined 160cc karts - birthday party outings, that sort of thing. It’s one of those things I go into with a enthusiast optimism and come away feeling quite deflated… With no differential between rear wheels, powering into a corner generally will result in under steer and coming out of the corner far slower than proper technique, and with a single gear once momentum has been lost you become a bit of a sitting duck for everyone to pass. That and power to weight ratio is grossly affected by driver’s weight… Would love to try my hand in a ‘r
  17. No probs - I'll answer as best I can... Pictures can be posted by clicking on the 'choose files' or 'Add Files' at the bottom of the box where you enter the text. There's a size limit on pictures, but otherwise quite straightforward. Videos though need to be hosted elsewhere (because we don't have the space on the site) - so there are various third party sites you could use. Quite a few people use Erome for example. Then just copy and paste in the link. Now in terms of where to post - I will apologise that the site can seem a little binary in for example having a specific Men Pee
  18. Hi and a huge welcome to the site and a very friendly community. Do shout up with any questions and enjoy yourself finding your way around.
  19. Hi and a huge welcome to the community - hope you're finding your way around and enjoying yourself. Do shout up with any questions of course.
  20. Somewhat amusing reading some of the extreme views. Sorry, unhelpful comment from me there. One thing that would be good is now that every digital camera or even phone records full HD quality, if not 4K - shame producers haven’t got their heads around audio quality. I’m a big fan of first person speaking to camera clips, where dialogue is important- but so often muffled, lost in background noise, wind noise and generally rubbish. The same goes for the actual sound of peeing - how often could that be so much better? All it would take is a directional mix or maybe a lapel mic de
  21. Oooh what a lovely treat.
  22. Just a quick request - if pasting in content, please choose the 'paste as plain text' option. It removes the formatting, otherwise the page doesn't always display correctly given the different possible site themes and day / night options.
  23. Hi and a huge welcome to the community. Your wish is sort of met already - our interactions between each other here are mostly based around the public forum, so browse away to your heart's content. Enjoy reading (and viewing) and when you're ready feel welcome to contribute to the posts there in words if nothing more. You'll soon get to know a wide range of the people who are active and it's the quickest way to interact with a whole load of people...
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