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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Totally agree @Alfresco - as long as you don't give a fellow passenger or the guard enough cause to be offended you will be fine. (And if someone did report you to the guard for more of a public exposure offence than a wetting, you'd perhaps be more likely to have Transport Police meeting you at your destination- but that would be more if you'd nonchalantly exposed yourself to piss in front of people causing gross offence and not for an unavoidable wetting accident). Very much the same situation exists on public buses too - I was talking to someone around a local company that provid
  2. Gets my vote! Doesn't have to be anything too lengthy or time-consuming to write, just a couple of paras to tell us the outline of where you were, what you were wearing and most importantly how enjoyable a pee you had. Anything else is a bonus. And keeping it as a single thread and adding to it gets you more interest and keeps the site tidy too. Can't wait to read more...
  3. Me...? I'm a huge fan of female pee... desperation, holding, naughty or deliberate peeing. Sometimes accidents. Only thing is, it has to be enjoyable for the lady involved. Real upset and trauma is a turn-off but as long as she can laugh about it (or preferably more than just laugh) then that's good for me. I do enjoy similar myself, circumstances say it has to be a solo sport generally - but never say never. Thanks for asking!
  4. Beaten to it on exactly what I was going to say - sounds like you have a great friend there, not precious about 'what if it smells' or other issues, just a great understanding friend. I'll bet she's been in similar situations herself and maybe didn't find it so bad a situation.
  5. Hi and a huge welcome to the site. You’re definitely not alone - maybe the one good thing about winter??? If you type ‘snow’ or similar terms into the search bar you should find lots of material to meet your interests, whether it be discussion, fiction or male & female pictures and video links - happy browsing.
  6. Empty your bladder, then down a few pints of lager with water chasers… you’ll be peeing liquid clearer than it went in!
  7. @Albionis - I’ll completely echo what @Kupar said. As you’ve said, here we are free to be ourseleves. For me this weekend’s theme for me seems to have been not only that, but even though there are clearly lots of different su-categories and preferences to our kink, yet we have complete respect even when those don’t directly align with our own choices. I’m not going to open a religious or political ticking bomb (so we’ll park my comment here), but it’s so ironic that you received that treatment at the hands of supposed religious people - followers of the man who apparently told people to
  8. Looks like I'm the first to welcome you in John. Hopefully by now you've had chance to have a proper browse around, to see what this community is all about and to get an idea of who we are. Hopefully also by now you've realised we're a community of friends who welcomes and accepts all - that sales pitch really isn't needed but thanks anyway. Enjoy the site!
  9. [ Just giving this thread a bump back to the top as a great place to share any desperate fun in real time ]
  10. Well - hope we didn't embarrass her... and you do deserve her. You deserve each other of course.
  11. Amazing and wonderful - I'm always in awe of people who mutually enjoy such moments as this. And thank you so much for sharing with us too. ❤️
  12. That's a very good point @NotNowBob - I do tend to think that in any group of people the exuberant, outgoing group will be heard most because they shout loudest even if they are the ones in the minority. And a little the same here, the brash 'I tell everyone and I don't care' brigade really aren't the majority. There's even a possibility that what they type from the safety of their keyboards maybe doesn't fully reflect reality either. So shy, reserved people and those with a healthy spirit of self preservation - you are not alone, you are not a minority and there is nothing wrong with y
  13. You have all of us and we very much thank you for sharing with us. Mille Grazie. But I know what you mean - it would be wonderful to have a person at your side and two puddles.
  14. Are you at an age where you get involved in chores around the house, cleaning, laundry that kind of thing? Do you mind me asking how old you are? Maybe if you're cleaning or doing laundry there's options for being naughty and then cleaning after?
  15. Hi @ShyPeeMan - and a huge welcome to the site. Based on your opening line, looks like you're in exactly the right place and definitely amongst friends. Enjoy, and do shout up with any questions.
  16. Nice pics. As NorthEast has said, the site here doesn’t actually support direct uploading of videos but you can place it onto a third party site and then could post the link here.
  17. There are two separate issues here which the site staff are here for - and please do get in contact directly as necessary. Firstly, on the subject of hurtful and fetishizing comments - as I hope you realise we try our very hardest to welcome all to the community. Time after time we are described as one of the friendliest and openly welcoming communities. We have site rules too around that - Rule 3 around harrassment, insulting and intimidating people. Rule 4 around homophobia. Rule 9 regarding criticising content or experiences. So I like to think this is a safe place, irrespective of st
  18. I do have a fear every time I post about an experience or sighting - From time to time I refer to a couple of events I'm involved in, and if someone visited here also present at those events it wouldn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure my exact identify from my role at those events. Same could apply to many of us from childhood experiences too I guess - that person we first saw pee outside... that sort of thing. At least if they're one of us it would hopefully be shared only inside our circle here...
  19. @Eliminature - Is Spanish Rioja or decent beer (not San Miguel lol) an option?
  20. From everything you've described, if you were as an example to take some washing down, potter about in the kitchen with it, make a brew, it sounds like there's a reasonable chance of getting into conversation with the secretary either on a work or social matter. Then mid conversation it wouldn't seem at all unnatural for you to ask "would you just excuse me for one moment" before ducking into the nearby downstairs toilet. And whilst doing so it wouldn't be too unreasonable to swing the door mostly closed, but not actually shut and lock it. After all it's your house - why do you need to
  21. Well, first of the month always seems to be an extra long list of birthdays. Maybe people just maintaining a little separation from real life by choosing 1st of the month - I mean I did that and only recently came clean about mine. Anyway we'll go with the dates, and in the active category today are some huge PF names... A very, very Happy Birthday shout today to @wetwulf @amack @Love pussy @Luvgirlspee
  22. lindos melones = cute melons 🤣 🤣 🤣
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