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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Chances are, out camping you’d both been enjoying the outdoor life and maybe drank less liquids than you’d normally do. It’s possible your wife may have had in mind that she didn’t have the luxury of a warm comfortable bathroom too. In other words, chances are a taste of your wife’s nectar after a comfortable evening hydrating on lemonade or maybe other drinks would have been a totally different proposition. In other, other words - don’t rule out trying once more…
  2. That's definitely already the case - it's always that preferences can be discussed without the fear of abuse, as long as those are within site rules. And pull up / diaper content definitely is. The only reason why you may see less of it is just that not so many people are contributing content to the forum. So go ahead, feel free - get posting. Discuss and celebrate freely. Don't forget of course that site content will show up on search engines, so when content is created it can then be visible to people on the net. So by you posting, could potentially lead to other like minded indivi
  3. Happy Birthday @Spaceloony - Have a great day.
  4. For me, finding pee porn on the internet (way before finding this site) brought together and focussed a number of experiences and led me to understand that other people felt the same way about pee, but it didn't do anything to stop me thinking I was some sort of deviant and pervert. Now, being a member here tells me that there are huge numbers of people all with the same (give or take) kink as I have. Professional people, kind, intelligent human beings I'm proud to call my best friends.
  5. @Torchman - hello and a huge welcome to this community. I've moved your post here, into introductions where I hope more people will see it. I do have to say though, that one-to-one chat, and particularly wanting to chat with females on the site really isn't what this community is about. You will find that initially your Private Messaging is locked, until you have made a number of contributions by posting in the open community. And really, that is what we're about. Yes there are female members as well as male members. We all have our interests and preferences, but I'd recommend g
  6. Come and blow the candle out at > https://peefans.com/topic/20528-the-birthday-shout-thread/
  7. Hi and thanks for your story. Just one request - when pasting in from another source, can you make sure you click to remove source formatting. That way text will appear correctly on all browsers, and all colour templates. Otherwise it's not readable for all users. Cheers!
  8. Pretty much exactly the same for me as both of the above. I get the need coming in waves and at the peak of a wave could easily leak other than by forcing control - if I'm deliberately holding through choice, or whilst driving for example then I will manage to hold, otherwise I'd definitely go and pee at that point. On the worst part of each wave, my body's 'automatic' ability to hold isn't sufficient on it's own and I have to physically clench somewhere deep in my pelvis. Getting to the 'end' which after all is the subject of this post, the chances are that maybe as I get out of t
  9. Yet another reason to love Claire, Rebekah and Tam Tam even more - without them sounds like a strong chance we wouldn't have you...
  10. Hi @Paddypee and a huge welcome to the community - sounds like you'll fit right in, and looking forward to seeing your posts. I was moaning to myself the other day at seeing all the same pictures coming up again and again, so seeing original pictures is always awesome. For info, 'Pee Pictures' is generally limited to ladies' pee pics but is also generally an ok place for golden showers pics (in either direction). Any other men peeing content is great in the Men Peeing section. Don't worry, we can always move stuff about as appropriate and happy to provide guidance. Any questions t
  11. Love it - any longer and you would have had a wet table (sorry - spoiler) and I wouldn't be surprised if you had just a further dribble or two left in there. Either way, great clip - love it.
  12. Bottom line, just like anything at all in life, if you're worried about it then don't do it. And the same as with unrelated questions you've asked in the past, nobody is going to tell you what to do. Previously you asked us how you should watch girls peeing in a public restroom, now your asking us about the danger of certain pee practices - I know which of the two I'd consider more dangerous... You're a grown adult able to make your own choices. Everybody else on the site is an adult too - there's lots of discussion about maintaining hydration, the risks of UTI etc. Maybe a bit of s
  13. Slightly depressing that my newest contribution there is over 25 years old already..... Could be worse though - I omitted the 1812 Overture.
  14. So many choices.... And equally appealing for pissing explosions as for making love to... Fleetwood Mac - The Chain (AKA the UK Formula 1 TV intro music) Iron Maiden - Phantom Of The Opera (Remember the old UK TV Lucozade Advert) Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody Bjork - Oh So Quiet Wings - Live & Let Die
  15. Hi and a huge welcome to a very friendly and like minded community. Hopefully you'll feel right at home - but do shout up with any questions. (And with time maybe your husband can change his mind and join us).
  16. Hi @Purple_minion - and a huge welcome to this community, made up of exactly your people. Lots of different aspects to it, but a definite common bond. Hopefully you'll have lots of fun finding your way around (the search facility is pretty good especially with "inverted commas" to search phrases and using advanced search) but do shout up too with any questions or problems.
  17. So, history lesson time... Way back in 1977 when bands like 10cc and the BeeGees were making 'nice' music, Meatloaf with aid of Jim Steinman created the epic that is Bat Out Of Hell. Not just a song, but a whole album full of melodramatic rock. Wind on to 1984, two similar albums under his rather large belt, but times were changing with the advent of electronic music, and time for Meatloaf to try and stay current. Back then the Bad Attitude album was barely off my player. Back to reality, four and a half decades later and I've just given it another spin - maybe it's nostalgia,
  18. Erm... correct that... Just had a phone call from someone, and standing squirming on the end of the phone realised I wasn't going to last anything like half an hour. As I hung up I leaked very slightly, a wet spot darkening the front of my jeans very slightly, but not easing the pressure at all. I took my socks off and hopped into the dry bathtub, half thinking about sitting or laying down it the tub. As it was I just stood up and relaxed, feeling a glorious warmth flooding around my crotch and down both legs, pooling around my bare feet. The relief felt amazing... Maybe tim
  19. I think I'll hang on for a little while... Getting from car through the front door was definitely a challenge - now just feeling comfortably full again. Probably another half hour left in me, although I can feel another wave coming on so maybe not.
  20. Home and dry as the saying goes although I did wonder at one point. Now, what to do about it. These jeans are going in the wash anyway.
  21. I’m pretty close to home so going to save the pleasure. (don’t worry by the wayI’m not typing whilst driving, just waiting at temporary traffic lights – also not ideal)
  22. As well as it happened the place I was going to was closed. Maybe not a bad thing, at least I don’t have to stand waiting at the counter so just driving home at the moment. Not an ideal time to be stuck in traffic though…
  23. 2 cups of coffee this morning, then a pint of juice and now I’m wondering if coming out to run a lunchtime errand was a bit of a mistake…
  24. Why have I only just read this now.... really hoping Part 2 is coming along soon. Meanwhile, I'll be quietly standing in the corner alongside Matt.
  25. Another huge set of Birthday Best Wishes to a longstanding member @sd91 - Hope you have an amazing day!
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