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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. Indeed Another Amazing account I sincerely hope tens of people will come here to chat, because this stuff is hot as hell Your wife is amazing Is there a chance to get some pics of her? Obviously without face… It could make the thread more "complete"!!!
  2. I totally endorse the first half of your post The second part, well, a woman is desperate only if she fails to acknowledge her godgiven right to piss as soon as she needs, like I do
  3. I fart a lot Bassy, loud, not long but powerful Both while pissing than also while living daily Love to fart in my sex-slave's mouth...
  4. At this adds realism, which is everything to me
  5. HOLY SHIT this is what is called loyalty to one's job!!! This helped me to really imagine the scene I have a deep, complicated fascination for women peeing in public girls who chose to infringe common slave morality to PISS in the wide world, adfirming their pussies' fluids over the planet Thank you man, thank you
  6. Ahahahahahaha what a great way to spice up a picnic!!!!
  7. Nobody replied, how is it possible? Need really to finger myself thinking this all actually HAPPENED I ADORE your stories
  8. Look at how many naughty girls great story man, marvellous!!!! Holy shit you make me so hot!!!
  9. I am happy you got away with it As an anarchist myself, I absolutely hate the thought of being fined for peeing plus, in my country fines are between 50 and 100 times that amount, enough for a family to be financially ruined Plus, your action was so hot!!! I respect marriage, Seph but shit fuck what I would be willing to give for a shot at you...
  10. it can be a problem I often blow my man in public parking lots but if he notices a regular car we stop to avoid being recorded or whatever Once Alex almost chased one wielding a tree branch as big as a club!!! Anyway @Starks2010 I am reading the Whole production with this title, your stories are really fabulous, and great for fingering!!!
  11. Sounds very similar to my life before meeting Alex, and in my first years At least, here I did not read anything about domestic violence Horror shapes character You and your girlfriend are great would like to know more of you a huge kiss and a hug full of respect
  12. oh, but you are and we are gifted too, gifted with your presence on this forum a kiss Seph!!! You are SO hot!!!
  13. @JustRich This story is AMAZING Rich Not only this girl was willing to play, but she was sexy, hot, energetic I simply LOVE girls like that Indeed, let me tell you this many of my lesbian adventures started like this story of yours it's like an archetype, the one of "parties that go like parties should"
  14. @Alfresco Holy shit this looks like one of my nightouts Incredible story man, Amazing, one of the hottest and more "concentrated" of the Whole forum Thank you for taking the time to write it all Man you are a boss
  15. hahahahahahahahah this is so hot baby!!!
  16. I read this very post somewhere else as a part of another thread I am happy you created a thread for this because to be sincere I fingered in the past reading it, but often lose sight of it in the wideness of the forum itself Now I know where to find it!!!
  17. Indeed but lazyness must be superseded by class and selfishness I would never have pee on my stuff, just as said on other people's bed, well, that's another story….
  18. I did sometimes, when I know I could get away with it Finally a girl who do NOT simply wet herself on the seat, which is something I really cannot understand!!!! Piss proud!!!
  19. hahahahahah THAT is what I like to hear from a girl!!! You are such a naughty… rose!! ahahahahahaha
  20. Sincerely, I consider a waste of good piss to pour it in the toilet ahahahahahahaha
  21. Indeed big corporations will not miss it, but have to admit that the thought of having Others clean my piss is a bit of a turn on 😋 what I like is the actual action of pissing in them, THAT is naughty, and care little for consequences the problem, not only for piss but also for cum, is cctvs imagine this scene I work in a place I find cum on the mirror I get wet and horny then, I have to pretend, unless being fired, that I am angry at the customer who did I use cctvs see the last person who entered for privacy's laws, I can't see within
  22. Astrology and psychich perceptions are similar but not one and the same The mind can process quantistic informations, resulting in pre-perceptions Astrology is being influenced by deep energies that goes Beyond the individual will, is more about Fate
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