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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. Final one I will find more, but will need time I posted all the most important of my personal collection, gathered in years A beautiful girl which was on the PC screen during so many fingering sessions as I have a thing for this pic Gullveig, Lilith in Her Queen of Ice form A glorious conclusion for a glorious thread One day I'll post more but first I must find them!!!
  2. Lilith, in Her dark form as mistress of Withcraft
  3. A Witch performing a celebration, notice the naked girl lieing on her back in front of her A most erotic picture
  4. Pan in His dark and Dangerous form, as a Hungan (voodoo priest) offers Him the blood of a black roaster
  5. A Witch from the Middle-East regions They are still executed if discovered hope she lives in the USA or in Europe now!!!
  6. Well, with a Witch, you know you're Always welcome with that!!!!
  7. Lilith in Her most sensual form Dark and seductive... Glorious...
  8. They are Dangerous because though incredibly spiritual, they consider everything a game They like to trouble people, mainly with cheating It is their way to force mankind to go Beyond hatred and vengenace and become more free and slutty, but they can be a bit extreme with that Gods are most diplomatic!
  9. A joking image of a Witch tempting a priest How long will he resist before giving in to pussy??? ahahahahahahah!!!
  10. Yes, Aztecs Always focused (since they were and expansionistic and warfaring people) on the harsher forms of the Gods
  11. The answer is quite simple Necrophily has nothing to do with this They combine Sex and Death to show them both and make people reflect on them, but has nothing to do with necrophily, quite simple!!!
  12. This is a PombaGira I should not post of them before completing the Gods but I couldn't help myself PombaGiras are the female Ascended Masters, incredibly powerful and sexy Witches which do not undergo rebirth anymore They are crudely sexual, all about dirty sex, and has not the slightest concept of morality in its classical stance There are no actions they would not enjoy, nor any they would shun The ultimate embodiement of sluttiness
  13. Oh this is probably the holiest image I'll ever post This is the Labyrinth of Thorns, where Ammut reigns Men who enters there should not touch ANY of the Thorns or they will sleep there forever, as vines suck them dry of life Only people with the utmost humility and eagerness to submit to Her can walk there and reach the Blue-White Rose in its core, the Graal, granting immortality The Holiest of all places of the spiritual world, and the most dangerous
  14. Religion demonized sex to prevent people from Learning magick and befriend the Gods!!!
  15. The reason is quite simple We learnt to immediately consider Dangerous all that shows a combatant capability that's all is from our evolutionary/animalistic side, and is not inherently wrong, indeed!!! The subsequent passage, usually hidden inside the first one, is considering "bad" something that is "Dangerous-to-US" it is instinctive, but a bit less overall-right that the first one because indeed we should be careful when dealing with Dangerous stuff, but the subsequent passage of considering evil everything Dangerous is a bit superstitious and rushy, preventing
  16. I have a particular love for this Obviously is Elsa from Disney's Frozen, but the way she is portrayed really resembles Gullveig, Lilith in Her DEEPEST aspect as the Queen of Winter Also, the arm-ring with a eight-pointed star, it is a magickal glyph representing chaos, magick, and the chances they unleash
  17. This is very esoteric She is Hela, The Viking Goddess of Witchcraft and protection of the Dead Lilith in Her dark aspect
  18. I have Always adored this image of Lilith, slutty and Majestic!!! So hot and dark!!!
  19. Tezcatlepoca The same entity as Satan, in His Aztec interpretation A God of Darkness, storms, Death, and war but also a god of mysteries, healing, and the ability to come up with solving problems in smart ways Everytime a problem surpasses the gods's abilities to solve them, He pops up with a solution, usually clever but also naughty Very similar to Viking's Odin, who indeed is the same entity
  20. Another Aghori, and one of the scariest images I ever seen of them
  21. An Aghori meditating in a burning ground
  22. Majestic and incredible image of Mexican cult of the Holy Death
  23. A beautiful rendition of Lilith, though She is not linked to fire, is it however greatly ispiring and powerful as an image!!! It could also be Her sister Ammut, but also Her has no direct link to Fire, She's just as Dangerous!!!
  24. Amazing image of Kali in Her "Chinnamasta" form, the "Self-beheaded one" It is an incredibly esoteric image, and represent the deep choice of the Pathwolker to remove all thoughts impairing the manifestation of the Soul and the Fate It is not simply symbolical, it means to REALLY remove ALL blocks, erasing the human from ourself, becoming vessels of something Greater, on the hormonal, psychological, and behavioural stance One of the holiest symbols of Kali cult
  25. While this is Her esoteric form, as Queen of the Uconscious, where all is mysterious and scary, but also holy... One of my favourite images
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