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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. You know I prefer pissing onto OTHER'S stuff ahahahahahaha!!!!
  2. Oh, ehm, wait, I was saying something different Dreams obviously are a great way to make the unconscious surfacing and sometimes (yet not often like many love to belive) they can also be a device through which the Gods contact us What I meant indeed was a different thing this time: I meant that the effects of the practices you perform on yourself, shows up with time, obviously when you overcome a problem you feel like after exiting your analist's office after a hard but useful therapy, and you consciously notice the effects on your life! BUT the most powerful changes
  3. Indeed. What happened to Nazis was indeed the most common error when decensoring our primal drives. You have to understand, that these drives are not evil in themselves. Imagine to have to save your family from Nazis, or from alien monsters: that blood-thirsty Killing fury could be an ally. The point is that when you (not YOU Steve, obviously eh) de-censor that energy, it usually falls in service to your character and habits, thus the EGO, and EGO has no love for Others, is just a ratification of habits and features. It is at this point that you begin to be evil, when you, witho
  4. You said it marvellously We ALL have that to face sooner or later, in this life or the next one, but Witches face it in this one. And yes, that is the source of our strenght. We befriend our dark fringes thus we are less stressed and weakened by co-hexisting with unsolved problems
  5. Yes, they were really much much war-faring. It doesn't mean they were evil, it is more complicated. Violence is inscribed in our DNA for various uses: one of these, is to ensure the conquest of a geographical region, subsequently abandoning it when it is done.They were constantly at war with one another, thus violence was never abandoned and was thus felt everywhere... and it leaked in their worship
  6. She is quite easy to be spotted, as She is the ultimate fantasy of all men and women of Earth. She indeed is Eros as an archetype.
  7. @steve25805 Christian hell is a complicated misinterpretation, because many DIFFERENT truths stepped in about it There are TWO places of suffering for souls, one is Purgatory, and is not a place, but a "class of experience", lived by souls in the DreamWeb, who mandatorily have to understand their errors and behold them in order to have them cleansed for free by the White magick of Kali, but if you got a list of errors long like the cock of a horse, you are in for a stressful experience! That kind of suffering, very similar to a bad dream after too much drinking, is usuall
  8. I should have asked you directly, but from the way you engendered the thread, I supposed you indeed did not remember, and I didn't want to be silly nor bother you, so I notified my friend owlman who had been around and very active in the past, maybe he could help... anyway, thanks for the clarification!!
  9. Many of these similarities are what I call "CO-co-incidental" because they are incidental or simply coincidence, but also not, let me explain Witchcraft relies on Entities, and Entities, though being NOT the personification of human archetypes, are indeed quite similar to them, and sometimes uses them as masks to present Themselves to humans because of this, every author delving in his own unconscious even without studying stuff, will un-avoidably ends up producing stuff which is similar to the Gods, because it is archetypical Witchcraft is NOT a religion of archetypes, but inde
  10. Yeah, your girls got a special link to the depths of Existence
  11. Read it again. Fingered again. Really great.
  12. Anyway, could you consider indeed outdoor stuff or is too Dangerous where you live?
  13. WOW this is ONE HELL of a story Shit, you really have had a lot of hot adventures in your life, WOW!!!!!
  14. I actually agree, I have to admit that when playing with a girl, beside some real real crude BDSM when I wanted to drench her and see her breaking point, usually I admit to piss start&stop for practical use!!!
  15. And recently, so many useful sites in so little time These last two sounds promising
  16. Well, we all know ahahahahahahahaha But among west Europe I read France is special A question about India: girls pee so brazenly also in big rich cities or only in smaller towns?
  17. Yes, I am curious to hear other hot girls from this forum reveal their secrets ihihihihi
  18. I, personally, find easier to push hard when squatting and spreading
  19. OK is a bit complicated for me but these are kind of things I have too much respect of to chit-chat about it
  20. Thank you man, read it from the start, lots of stuff here!!!
  21. A new thread about what, indeed? I already have lots of threads, people can meet me there if they want...
  22. Holy shit they are hot like hell!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Hope somebody answered, but if it did not happen, it's not you, feel safe. It's that much people here prefers to remain Anonymous...
  24. How are you on this forum by now?
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