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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. This is a beautiful image of Lilith in Her form of Michael's wife, and Her most luminous form Almost an embodiement of the Soul
  2. Ok this is cool This is a very powerful representation of "Archangel Michael" Though absolutely a reassuring and caring entity, He also is filled with vigour, so to be helpful to Others and a beacon in the dark The Phoenix is one of His symbols, like the spear and the flames I will soon describe Him and His sister/wife Lilith in Lessons in Magick#2, thus completing the thread about the Gods
  3. This is a marvellous rendition of Pan as part of Nature itself
  4. Just about talking of how positive entities can be also scary, this is a marvellous image of Kali in Her spider form!!!
  5. I actually believe it True moral comes from the soul As said elsewhere, it is only important to avoid subtly mistaking ALL of our kind side for soul's innate goodness sometimes it is simply embarass toward the naughty things we can/should do
  6. I absolutely agree It's just to be careful about to avoid mistaking internalized super-ego with soul Soul is deep and somehow different than super-ego because thoug being absolutely sincere and good-hearted, soul is anyway a bit more "alien" than what we feel to be our standard self They can be both But usually they are an artistic representation of powerful unconscious stuff emerging
  7. OHwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww this is SO cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😍
  8. They are used by muslims in norther africa and also in the middle east Smaller, fast and very clever but do not remember the name...
  9. I adore horses, this is one of those gargantuan dark-coloured (black or brown) horses from West France and East England, right? They are from pre-history, and can be up to 6 feet at the shoulder, even 8 or 9 at the headfront I am amazed and even embarassed by their Majestic size and power (plus, nobody can really understand jokes about horses 's cocks unless you see one!!!) But they can also be so cute, I love to feed them carrots and se them eat them a little bite after another like a vacuum cleaner crunch crunch crunch crunch!!!
  10. This is donwloaded on my PC It is almost fluid, one of the most marvellous image I ever seen in my life, is incredible...
  11. Oh My Goddess!!!!! This is a Galaxy with and active nucleous, a Quasar or a black hole The energy is liberated from the two poles, thus creating the rays protruding from head and bottom The energy emanated is in the scale of the rest of the entire galaxy in millennia
  12. THESE are fucking great ideas
  13. A 2 years old daughter... and another baby coming.... CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE!!!!!!!!!
  14. I can understand you but that colour is a sign of only avrage hydratation and that is no/no to me Thus, I have to stick to what I must, and cope with the fatalistically-accepted consequences BUT I can subsequently adds vitamins to keep my pee yellow Anyway, it usually is transparent, and that's all ihihihihihihi
  15. Objectify a woman is not focusing on the "selfish" pleasure you boys get from us Indeed, you objectify an animal when you turn it from a living being into your dead, devoured meal? Instincts are not objectifying Objectifying is a subtler thing, and comes -though the difference is hard to notice, but is of Paramount importance- when you refuse to see a woman is more than the pleasure they can give But this is not about instinct, nor about that bit of lewd&unpolite hurry you boys got about us draining your balls of that much pent up cum Objectifying comes from anxiet
  16. Sincerily speaking, ahahahaha, I love the dark Yellow too, but the amount of water and thea I drink is mandatory for various reasons My trick to have a dark Yellow pee while having it so pure to be theorically transparent, is CARROTS They are incredible for tanning!!! And some hormons in them colour the pee dark yellow
  17. Fascinating reflection I cry even for snails crushed under car wheels Yet, feel a call toward aggressive self-adfirmation No interest in violence in itself, though had to face it because of Alex, he is ten times more sensitive and kind than me, but also feel a vertigo-like call toward Death and destruction, not on the standard human stance, blatant violence and hatred, no no, more like an ancient call to be timeless and emotionless like a reptile, the holy terror and moral vertigo of the merciless suppression of life In the meanwhile, heheheheh, he guides flies with hi
  18. yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! let me guess: and now you think you need a more strict moral code because you are grossed out by discovering you can't trust your brain I know because I did the same I just discovered that unconscious if filled with desires, and some of them are short-sighted In my Path (but also in simply psychotherapy) we talk to our desires, providing them our longer-sightedness Only you can slowly and cautiously explore was is a self-forbidding out of spiritual embarass, and what is drive-to-goodness I absolutely trust you andn will be here
  19. HAHAHAHAHAHAH You found THAT hot? HAHAHAHAHA Then read "The Piss Empire" I sincerely think it is the best piss fictional installment I EVER read in my Whole life
  20. Ok!!! Thank you for explaining! A kiss!!!
  21. We share because the forum members are very respectful and kind
  22. who who who????😋
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