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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. Don't know how did she do, but the position you described is hot as hell I love seeing girls pee that way!!!
  2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA my videos describes it much better than any word!!!!! Usually long, neat, yet not exceedingly thick, desperate or normal it's the same, it's my urethra that is done like that
  3. @wetwulf won the best fictional writer award for a reason😋
  4. Many women are very sexy with leggins, I have them too for the very rare occasions I need to wear them for some reasons But usually I prefer to be as naked as I can
  5. I am happy anyway that such a touching subject has been brought to the attention
  6. Indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If somebody wants to be showered, piss proud!!!
  7. @steve25805 the concerns you raised are perfectly agreeble, indeed your morality "drive" is the key Let me explain better The instinct to be terrible is just a tool evoultion put in us: nothing in us is evil But you are right raising concerns, because indeed there is a subtle fact that your heart feels and that is right in making you uncomfortable Our EGO The drive to kill and torture is just a series of acts you perform driven by hormons. BUT INDEED since it was built by Good, it is programmed NOT to be stirred out like nothing. 99% when we feel it sourging,
  8. I am an unapologetic farter Sometimes, when really drunk, I messed myself farting too strong and with too less concern I started laughing and Alex started making fun of me So I rushed to clean myself ahahaha Absolutely true Agree Whole-heartedly Indeed Alex and I have sex with many girls (sigh, we USED to have, last months were pussy-free... except that glorious night I wrote about) And about rough sex, it is an animalistic drive, there is no point in having moral concerns with it. Sex can be a tool to express many feelings, sometimes love, sometimes en
  9. Oh, you can bet on it!!! Very few in this world are as naughty as me!!! I've seen too much darkness to get brainwashed into thinking that sluttying around could be morally wrong I've been on the run from criminals, took part in exorcisms, fought for my very life... THAT is evil Naughty sexuality is the exact opposite. Is Life. Is pure Good.
  10. @owlman76 hahahahahahahaha the ex-girl you described in the last lines is what I will call a "whore", since for me "slut" is a positive word Your wife on the other hand,I consider her among the "sluttiest" woman I ever read about, incredibly hungry for life These are not plain kind words: I really have a thing for her
  11. As Puddyls marvellously grasped, the eroticity implicit in a woman who loves herself and is confident with her body, is deeply slutty, but never degrading We could sum this up with this little provocative thought: "I am a plaything, but I'm not an object"
  12. @puddyls Before sleeping, think of a problem you got without in any way trying to solve it Just notify it to an hypothetical somebody who wanna know what's about Then visualize your period No Wicca silly stuff, I really mean it, feel the laws of existence which shaped us, manifesting in the incredible cyclicity of our Nature, like the Seasons, or The Serpent changing its skin Visualize the deep, dense blood, bringing the most inner DNA signature, that of your ovocites,and feel its high Iron content, linking with the heightened quantistic field of Earth be
  13. @puddyls Holy shit wow, Period during Plenilune. In my Path it allows people to draw infos from the spiritual world about easing problems lingering in the unconscious
  14. Thank you Puddyls I Always felt in you a soul-refreshing sensation about a deep, but not shadowy nor feministically-vengeful, respect for what it mean to be a woman I am happy you replied here, I feel like I can Always share something intimately feminine with you Thanks again
  15. I will be the judge thought playing. I was joking indeed: I can hold it for hours, it wouldn't be fun
  16. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will play this next time I have friends!!
  17. WOW a bit extreme this site you are talking about!!!
  18. @wetmanjf I play truth or dare about piss when I am drunk with friends
  19. I adore your little appreciations... Do you really think was I single I wouldn't fuck all my dear friends of the forum?!
  20. I am sure about that!!! Did you found the thead I was talking about?
  21. That's why I Always wear microskirts, no panties nor pantyhose!!!
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