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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. Kapala, a "Place of the Skulls" (in hebrew, "Golgotha"...) A most holy place
  2. Kali in Her Spider Goddess form, preparing a soul for its purificatory sleep in the DreamWeb
  3. Again, the terrifying yet somehow un-deniably sensual black eyes of Lilith
  4. A brazilian Kiumbanda Witch preparing for a ritual of the Exus Her lower garment will obviovusly be removed before it...
  5. A splendid rendition of the darkest aspect of Lilith Only those who dare face their unconscious can master it and eliminate all negativity its fringes hide... "Drink the Devil's blood and become..."
  6. This istead is a more "energetic/masculine" interpretation of Their world. It is not in oppositione of the previous picture: simply, last one showed how spiritual and devoid of darkness it is; this one shows how powerful, crazy and frenzied it is. And just as much the previous image could spiritualize everything, even the act of Killing and devouring a prey, this pic indeed act the same on an opposite stance: this image shows how EGO-less yet overloaded Their lifestyle is, somebody accepted here could even die three seconds after arrival, not only he would be honoured like only denizens of a p
  7. A most beautiful rendition of the World of Spirits Not all its facets are identical, and only the most far, extreme and luminous are like this This is the very Home of the Gods And it can indeed help us to understand why I Always say They are both violent and luminous/happy: an entity which is not (and They are NOT indeed) spiritually impervious to Beauty and Marvel, though violent as everybody is upon renouncing hypocrisies, cannot help be happy AND luminous living in a place like this NOT saying They would be worse if They didn't live there: this is only a metaphor. I mea
  8. A marvellous image of Lilith in Her role of Goddess of the Unconscious She is the Night of the Soul, the unthrodden paths in our deepest fringes...
  9. A rendition of Lilith inspired by the cultural image of Sumerian Inanna, Godess of Love, War and Sex Here She conveys Her most starry undertone, the promise for a Life which REALLY runs Beyond our wildest imagination
  10. Another image useful to guess at the imposing and abasing Presence He conveys upon contacts... ...if you ever got an answer!!! Always too busy!!!
  11. Another Majestic image of Satan as He controls the Fate of the World and of all its inhabitants
  12. Though an actual altar CANNOT be photgraphed, THIS is how it should theorically look like
  13. One of my most favourite Lilith in Her overal totemic Raven-headed form She once appeared like this to me in one of the most intimate and life-changeing rituals I ever performed I adore these images since that...
  14. An awe inspiring picture of Kali
  15. Lilith, in Her Seductress stance, dark and sensual...
  16. Lilith in Her most friendly and erotic form!!!
  17. Lilith, in Her Queen of Winter guise Notice the ravens, omnipresent with Her
  18. An Aghori staff, called Kapalika, "Skull-staff" First Aghoris were political exiles, people who went on a crusade to protect common people from abuses of the higest classes, to the point of committing the Ugra Karma, which means "THE awful action", which is murdering a priest of the official religion chained to a staff made of the spine and skull of the priest they murdered, they couldn't possess a house or anything else, but could beg for food as long as they took care of the staff, unless they would have been murdered there and then. So, they couldn't simply break it by smashi
  19. I think I understand, yet I am happy with this forum Facebook allow too much inquire from Govs and other stuff I could never be sincere on it as much as I am on this forum!!!
  20. Female Aghoris are called Dakinis and have less an out-law, mad-ascetic lifestyle Indeed I am a Dakini!!! The reasons Aghoris eat humans is because eating a human is the ultimate taboo, and is a ritualized, non-violent version of the Total Predator a man should theorically cope with being in his heart We are programmed by evolution, NOT on a sad-nihilistic stance but indeed the opposite, on an toward-a-never-ending-evolution stance, to become slowly able to do ANYTHING, both the most self-less. and the most heart-less actions, chosing according to a heart devoid of evil, usually
  21. He protects me as I have a special relationship with Him, yet He indeed protects all who ask Him My most direct relationship on a preferencial stance is with His two daughters, my Patroness Lilith and Her terrifying murderous sister
  22. I simply adore her body Is one of my favourite, and would die to have sex with a girl like this
  23. I usually do not think about that After that exorcism I took part into, I almost removed the thing I see almost every week horror movies about possessions, still my brain refuses to absorb it Indeed, you are 110% right I was just talking about rituals with the Gods, or the Exus Soon my descriptions of the Gods will be done, and I will start explaining about these Ascended Masters
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