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  1. Stumbled across this and thought it might interest you guys. Beachmom - I think Louise P on misterpoll would like it!! https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph59505ec8bb9b7 @spywareonya @beachmom
  2. I honestly don't know, I stumbled across it probably ten years ago and then stumbled across it again recently.
  3. Hi everyone! I stumbled across this old story again, which I remember from long ago and and I wanted to repost them here, both so I could find them again and everyone else could enjoy them. So....enjoy! "Ooo, I Gotta Pee" ------------------ "Ooo, I gotta pee," I said, squirming. I was sitting in the front seat of Steve's Oldsmobile between Steve and his friend Grant. They were giving me a ride back to my car after a night of bar hopping and partying. I was drunk, and I'd just guzzled another beer hanging around while the band at the bar we'd been at loaded out. I
  4. Hi all! I've been trying to find an old story, I was wondering if anyone remembered it or the author. I think it was posted on peesearch but not totally sure. In it. two girls go shopping, and the cashier realizes they are desperate but the bathrooms are far so she takes them down a hallway and the three of them pee on the floor. If anyone remembers or can find it, I would be thrilled, as I haven't had any luck.
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