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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. Thank you man, thank you I am so happy to have you here again I really missed you!!!
  2. Said from a man who got the literary capability of a million-copies novelist
  3. a Witch never wear any (unless during period when she is authorized to wear them if she is not partying, in which case tampoon, string hidden into pussylips, and no panties)
  4. Tell me too, so I'll ask for employement there… a kiss on the lips Seph… not exactly those on your face...
  5. With you, anytime you want, sweetie
  6. fucking agree quite indeed!!! ahahahaha!!! how they say? LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION ahahahahahahahaha!!! I seem to be the only one never wearing them, uh?
  7. I have never stumbled across this, and I utterly understand how you feel In my mind, this is among the deepest reflection I usually make about our fetishes Urine is sterile in the first 30 minutes after emission, but after that, it becomes polluted, because is so rich in nutrients that bacteria consider it a five-star hotel We piss where we shouldn't, I personally do that very often, and Always ask myself about being the one pranked In my case, the thing is terribly complicated Because my most dirty and twisted side, remember with a vertigo-inducing sensation those old
  8. Interesting I am not gonna make easy or superficial comments You confided me an intimate portion of you, and I will respect that
  9. Sal was great, hope you find also girls to enjoy here, and their undies!!!
  10. Bleargh!!! Looks like you had a bad weekend!!! Next time, cum in a napkin before locking the bathroom to take a dump, and throw it in the toilet... But now let's just stop remembering such bad days!!!
  11. I love Winter too Dark, solemn, beautiful but also cold and hard I respect it too much but Summer, oh Summer... I ADORE Summer!!!
  12. @likesToLick I can tell you a personal thing We women love oral sex just like you boys do, maybe even more because the kind of stimulation we get is something absurd and complete Having our pussies eaten is something we adore so much that believe me, unless we were so disturbed by men propising it too plainly (a woman can feel used if the man is too headlong), we really would open our legs for every single stranger in this world willing to use his tongue properly Or, in my case, HER tongue even more ehehehhee
  13. You want to experience the power of a woman? Or to test yourself? Tell me, is fascinating, YOU are
  14. In a fitting room?? It could be hard...
  15. Let it flow with water, sometimes ask Alex to piss on me before I shower!!!
  16. I witness situations like this sometimes They can strike imagination...
  17. Sally is a member we do not see around since 2016 Hope she is fine with her marvellous pussy and her marvellous character!
  18. @Alfresco This is a reflection I do myself quite often during night outs, but in the end emotions and embarass Always push me to be careful (though being a woman and with my boyfriend is a great cover up ahahahahah)
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