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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. it's alla matter of angle The internal shape of the pussy is not identical in every girl I know the internal shape of my pussy, but I also came to know the internal shape of the pussy of other girls, many other some of them are almost straight, some are narrow, some are almost crooked, this really changes the kind of piss-spray the pussy can let out also, indeed, urethra thickess plays its part
  2. there's something really visceral in it deep and intimate wow
  3. I utterly agree This is very probably one of the few content-related-forum (indeed because of the conten themselves) where bumping makes no bad at all Some of the most exciting stories had been written by people who are not here anymore, and many thoughts on serious matters beside pee are, as the Boss just said, really timeless Indeed I can be proud to say I read more or less ALL of the forum contents, or at least no less than 80% to be utterly sure This forum is incredible The only thing I find a bit silly is when somebody rushedly answer to a post without taki
  4. In Paris girls pees everywhere Indeed I would never use one of those funny boxes I religiously pee only in my toilet, which is the World
  5. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA my stream is neat but long, yet not exceedingly powerful But the most important thing about my stream, is that it is for all to see in my various vids!!!
  6. None of us should Pissing is one of the holiest thing ever stumbled across by humans We should empower our fetish, not relinquish it!
  7. These images make my kitty to slobber
  8. Such a hot couple, too bad she doesn't actually make him finish herself
  9. The Arctic Fox is my Totem indeed!!! Witches takes this matter quite seriously So thank you!!!
  10. @owlman76 I found this quite hot!!!
  11. real astrologists are occultists who study the quantistic effect of ALL bodies I think you just skipped my own post just a few above of this, I explained it for good Astrology works, if you know how to use it, but from the sources you quoted, let me tell you you just stumbled upon a pile of shit another quite ridiculous concept Virgo is as large as half the zoodiac by itself, signs bear no real connections to the constellations, they are just a name to describe a 30-rough-days portion on the year. indeed constellations exert a degree of spiritual PH but is really mild on
  12. spywareonya

    ROOM 101

    Alex very simply honk them and shout heavy-rated things at them that's very simple!!! these are embarassing for me too simply shout against them threatening report to their bosses I understand you, but I have had to learn mercy, we are all fucked in a way or another, bring me the persons you consider the most perfect one, I'll compare him/her to the non-human standards us Witches daily compare ourselves to, and he/she will look like a paragon of sin and imperfection This really changed me forever MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
  13. spywareonya


    they have countermesures even for invisible men, believe me there's nothing christian in what they keep hidden down there Indeed, it would have been my answer also murdering somebody very important but very nasty
  14. spywareonya


    one of the best lines I ever read from anybody
  15. Hey wow I agree with this 100% Nice one, really some friends played a similar prank into another office I used to work before: a woman squatted near a car, positioned the fake turd in front of it, waited for the owner to come by, then run away passing before him while hiding her face and muttering "holy shit holy shit holy shit" like she was caught when he surpassed the car rear corner and found the fake shit in front of the car, all the Others, hidden behind a column in the underground car park, took a pic of his face in utter disbelief. In the following days, he told t
  16. It is the real reason I am here and the reason I exist To explain people that 99% of what had been described to us a wrong is indeed right, and we are not bad persons, we are GOOD persons, because we enjoy it!!!
  17. Fetish and perversion are two different things a perversion is when a class of desire becomes the hole through which anguishes and problems found expulsion is not safe, and can be diminished by eliminating the original problem that chose the fetish as its puppet a fetish which is not a perversion is a desire that is not used by an uncoscious problem as a puppet, thus is not destructive this is very important: a powerful twisted desire and a DESTRUCTIVELY powerful twisted desire are NOT one and the same, NOR they aimply are the envenomed form of one another: no family car re
  18. We squat on it, like peeing into any other similar object if it is small, we could even actually handle it while remaining on the bed, sticking it between our tighs in front of our pussy directly
  19. I have this kinda feeling Something like "I'm here now's your turn"
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