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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. Yes, this account is one of the most VISCERAL story I read recently, WOW!!!
  2. Oh hey boys so glad to have you around here!!! You appreciated my pics, this is so happy ihihihihihi I will probably take some more in the future, got so many funny dresses😋 And what's under them is even funnier eheheheh!!!
  3. Ok can people understand this is not a stage? These are not one but THREE girls baring their asses along a street in full daylight!!!
  4. Loved some of your contributions, I'm just not into desperation for spiritual reasons, but I like your easygoing attitude
  5. I can do that too to avoid drenching people's hair, faces and BEDS when I'm pissing in their mouths Or at least, when I care… heheheheh!!! I am particularly cruel in domination, to me is not a game, if you pick me, it's because you wanna understand what does it mean to be subject to another person, no safewords... So erotic...
  6. I have had so many that telling about one is hard basicly, I usually end up in some alley getting fucked doggystyle or sucking his cock with girls pissing 3 feet from us, gushers of piss, naked asses and pussies in full view, farts, laughs, some of them even looking at me getting screwed or blowing my man's huge dick... AND YET none of them EVER comply for a threesome… that's why I usually fail to tell them… I should fake the story, ignoring the part when I ask them and got tons of NO in a single night… and get angry!!! But I am not the kind of person to modify a story for narration'
  7. Can't decide if your accounts are more hot or more… romantic There is something beautiful in them….
  8. BULLSHIT It was one of the funniest read of the week (and hot too!!!) Indeed a great work!!! Can I make a comment? 10 posts man… we need you MORE
  9. @Starks2010 WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I fingered to this, almost without noticing, my fingers were down there She is SO hot, wow man, but I failed to understand one thing (and I read it twice!) You… did NOT fuck her???
  10. It was somewhere, let's ask @Sephora directly
  11. I'm so noisy when pissing!!! Plus, I fart a lot ahahahahahahaha
  12. In mine too from your simple description, as soon I saw this thread got replies I rushed here!!!
  13. @Sephora A Majestic and sexy woman like you should pee in full public The world should give thanks to witness your shower! I definitely would!
  14. Last one for now, black and white... Love you!!! A Summer of hapPEEness to you all!!!
  15. I have Always fantasized about taking a pic like this😍 I am a butterfly I'm your butterfly...
  16. It's so hot today, can't breath… maybe, if I hike it up just a bit, I could cool off...
  17. hahahahahaha no problem, try to guess!!! ihihihi
  18. Love this long skirt It's from Brazilian Kiumbanda, a dark and terribly powerful derivation of Voodoo It worships entities, Exus (males) and Pombagiras (females) who are dead Witches who ascended to the condition of Immortality and stopped the Cycle of Rebirth, like Buddhas Yet, beside giving advices in every daily stuff and performing terfiyingly powerful spellbinding, they have an incredibly strong relationship with sex and its most obscene, fetishistic and orgiastic stance Pombagiras are the ultimate concept of slutty women, ispiring the most orgiastic rituals of happine
  19. I love these shoes, they are so comfortable and funny!!!
  20. Now an imagination game!!! Guess what's under my hat?????
  21. Helloooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm Nancy!!! Nice to meet you!!!
  22. Ok, I'll try My stream is neat and powerful about distance (not powerpisser anyway) but is NOT that thick, my urethra is narrow It is also a bit upward and frontward inclined, imagine me squatting with pussy frontward, NOT crouching with pussy toward earth (it's both a matter of comfort and of pride), spreading my pussy with my fingers, and producing and arching fountain, creating an arc and Landing 3-4 feet ahead of me, but NOT exceedingly thick, a neat and clear and not messy/spraying jet, but a bit narrow This is my pee stream I have had blind friends, some of them were
  23. Indeed my comments were friendly and funny!!!
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