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  1. Dear Wet carpet. I started to occasionally pee on my bedroom carpet when I was younger. And am still doing it now that I am 18. I don't know why really but the total naughtiness of it is what turns me on. Ignoring the toilet which is in the nearby bathroom and deliberately peeing on on the carpet instead is just so naughty that it gives me a kind of dirty thrill. I dont do it often of course because I don't want to get found out, and had gotten away with it until very recently. Anyway, some years ago my mum ran off with another guy and dad hit it up with a younger woman who is only
    5 points
  2. I am a young high flyer at a prestigious bank, a 28 year old guy on a generous salary and already buying my own home but mortgaged to the hilt. And I hit a hard time with gambling problems and got into serious financial difficulties. I was in danger of losing everything. So in desperation, I did something stupid and worked out a way to embezzle cash from my employer which got me out of my immediate hole and I was able to kick the gambling habit which helped. I thought I had covered my tracks pretty well but unfortunately my female boss, a much older lady of 42 but good looking and shapely for
    4 points
  3. Well, not as such. If I am with just my freinds and I want to pee I will just pee, and if I am standing I will pee full blast and wet my skirt and legs and feet. More often though there are other people about so I tend to be a bit more discreet and pee gently down my legs or wet my skirt sitting so no one notices.
    4 points
  4. I have had an orgasm with a full bladder plenty of times. Most of the time I lose the need to pee for an hour or two, or if I'm made to pee right after it take a lot of work 😅 One time I managed to pee while I was orgasming, and i found it it to be harder as well. Took a lot of concentration. But I peed on my hand as I did lol.
    3 points
  5. Sex Bizarre Forty Three Mobile phones as big as bricks, shoulder pads, big hair, Princess Diana, Duran Duran, Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, The Sony Walkman, Big Hair, Wham, these are just a handful of things that were signifiers of the 1980’s. At the start of the decade, (I was only five years old!) I noticed that the film, American Gigolo was released starring Richard Gere and Lauren Hutton. I have since watched the film on TV numerous times and have to say that I developed a bit of a crush on Gere! When looking at the first story in Issue 43, ‘Wet Orgasms’, the m
    3 points
  6. You're absolutely right, all men contribute to leave their scent. Most men don't let their primal instincts take over, if they did, I'm sure we would be witness to a lot more openly peeing in public
    3 points
  7. The last time I peed outside with another woman was probably a few months ago, I would share the story but it was quite a while ago. Another pee with someone else is definitely long overdue! I have caught someone else peeing outside, the same friend I mentioned in my above post in fact! It was the summer holidays and I was out playing with my friends and as I we walked around a corner I caught one of my friends squatting on the path between a wall and a hedge, her dressed held up and the biggest puddle ever. She went really shy and giggled that we caught her and quickly pulled up her clot
    3 points
  8. Hi there! My backstory I am actually a little unsure about on the specifics. I remember when I was young I had a water fight with some of the people on the street. My friend got absolutely drenched from top to bottom, buckets of water poured over her, the whole works. We was hanging out afterwards and I was sat on the grass with her stood in front of me. She said something along the lines of "I need to pee. My clothes are wet anyway..." and the very next thing I know she had a stream of pee falling from beneath her dress! She encouraged me to try it but I didn't need to go at the time. A
    3 points
  9. The next encounter came from another very carefree lady. It was a while later in the evening and I was making my way back towards the pedestrianised street to see how things were there. By this time there were a lot of people milling around eating food or waiting for taxis and as I was walking along I came across a food truck parked up in a paved courtyard area with lots of people waiting to get food. I was checking out the crowds and amongst them were two older ladies, maybe late 40’s early 50’s. Both clearly drunk and enjoying their night, giggling and laughing and staggering about the place
    3 points
  10. This story contains extreme piss vandalism, cum and piss sharing and taboo piss activities on a airplane by a flight attendant , all fictional and this story might not be for everyone butterflies entered Yulia's stomach as her morning alarm woke her from her slumber, she caressed her hard nipples knowing today she was going to be a naughty day at work. Yulia worked as a flight attentent for United, and she had a scheduled flight from JFK to London Heathrow in which she planned to do naughty piss activities the whole flight. she started rubbing her swollen clit and her pussy let out a dri
    2 points
  11. I dont know if it has been noticed, but very recently I have suddenly started writing a lot of erotic pissing stories. Fact is I have been prescribed a new med, one of whose side effects is an enhanced sexual interest. This seems to have triggered a joy in writing pissing stories which I havent known for years now. It is like my early days on this forum. I have read some of them afterwards and noticed a tendency for some of them to start out realistically but to get ever more outrageous as they go on. This is because I am getting ever more turned on by what I am writing which seems
    2 points
  12. (A school teacher takes grading assignments into her own hands) Samantha knew in childhood she wanted two things the most, to be a teacher and a mother. Turning thirty and being in her seventh year as a teacher, she'd grown jaded about work, in addition to her failed attempts at pregnancy with her husband, Jeff. With medical guidance, they'd tried for months with no results. Work brought joy and frustration, same as for any teacher dealing with third-grade children. The public school system however, seemed to be getting harder to deal with. Outdated curriculum, incompetent board, l
    2 points
  13. I just peed in the bath. I do it quite often to be fair.
    2 points
  14. The best part of a hotel stay is peeing on the furniture!
    2 points
  15. On rocks overlooking a beach, two hours ago.
    2 points
  16. I love soaking hotel rooms with my piss. I once booked a Japanese call girl and we spent the next three hours guzzling bottled water and pissing all over the room and on each other.
    2 points
  17. So we are in the resort now, having our first full day today. It is all-inclusive, so we can drink a lot. It still is quite humid, so we consume a lot of water. As said my girlfriend is pregnant and we are both not much of a drinker any way, so besides me having 1 or 2 beers we mainly have water or soda. However, we do drink often and it seems that we somehow start to lose all the moisture that our bodies kept during the roadtrip. Our ankles/feet etc were swollen but they are returning to their normal size now. That means our bodies have to dispose of that moisture, so we have to pee a lot all
    2 points
  18. We are on holiday now. We are doing a big round trip through Mexico and Guatemala. We are sleeping in a different hotel almost every night. One of those hotels was in the middle of the jungle in Guatemala. It wasn't a hotel with rooms, but they were all seperate wooden lodges amidst the jungle. It was all very basic. We only had a sink in the room and the toilets and showers were outside. As my gf is currently pregnant, she needs to pee more often than usual. She went to one of those toilets first but said they were very dirty and that she would try to avoid them if possible. It was also
    2 points
  19. While walking around Lisbon, I walked passed a very urine smelling corner. And as I was looking for a nice spot to relieve myself I didn’t pass on the opportunity and emptied my full bladder into the corner. I even needed to step aside as the piss was running towards my shoes.
    1 point
  20. Hi my name is Emma im new here not sure what to say really but im into desperation/relief
    1 point
  21. Hey @wetwulf I just discovered this story and it is great. I'm just struggling a bit to figure out how to read them completely/in order as they seem split over different topics. Any pointers?
    1 point
  22. I live with family so going full nude isn't really an option, as much as I'd like it to be. I usually wear a loose shirt/shorts with no underwear for comfort during the day and at night/during sleep just the shirt. No exhibitionism or anything, just like the comfort and letting things breath lol. If I lived completely alone I'd probably spend all the time bottomless/fully naked depending on the weather.
    1 point
  23. I was at this party once where we were all drunk as hell. For a dare one of the girls got up onto the table and amidst much laughter pissed in the punch bowl we had all been drinking from. And because we were hammered we all carried on drinking it anyway. So I guess we were all drinking alcohol laced with piss, lol.
    1 point
  24. I don't think I'd pee on books. I'd probably squat and pee on the floor.
    1 point
  25. Me when my chiropractor walks into the room to adjust my back.
    1 point
  26. Hey welcome to the site, sounds like you will fit right in here, no shame or guilt we are all here for the same thing! Read some of your content sounds like you have great things to share!
    1 point
  27. After a hard day, she doesn't want to get up... 😁 What do you think, is she beautiful?
    1 point
  28. This story amazing! It's been a long time since I've seen a new naughty piss/piss vandalism story, I'm glad people are still writing them!
    1 point
  29. Dear Wet Carpet. I share a rented house with three other young ladies, all of us in our 20s. As well as being housemates we have all become good friends and drinking buddies, and often come home drunk together. We have long tended to be pretty outrageous when having had a bit too much to drink and when you combine that fact with the tendency of alcohol to make you need to pee a lot, we have been known to be quite outrageous when it comes to pissing, even in the early days. Like the time in this nightclub when there was a queue for the ladies and we needed to go, so we just marched into t
    1 point
  30. Brad, thanks for the feedback. I had the two girls and others over for younger sister birthday party as she just turned 20. When all the folks left the most pee fun began. I will not get into details on my gf who is a power pisser on the porcelain but rather give you another glimpse on her racy sister. Young girl is 5 7 115 and wore three inch heels, black short sleeveless sequin dress with black bra and lacy black panties. I am lucky I can observe her bc my gf and her sister ar3 both into pee and voyeuristic behavior but with just me. Your girl of interest can hold up to 4 hours whi
    1 point
  31. I managed to have a cheeky wee on a night out some time ago while remaining in a conversation with a bystander. I had been stood near a wall by a pub which was part of the beer garden on his side and an alley way on mine, although there was no exit from the pub to the alley. I was on my way home and had nipped into the alley to pee and he was collecting glasses from the now closed pub. We knew each other from nights out in that pub and he sidled over and we chatted for a bit over the wall, which was just high enough to cover my chest. There was a flower bed on his side so he couldnt come
    1 point
  32. I want to have a sex room where I can pee everywhere without ever cleaning up.
    1 point
  33. My main goal is to get more comfortable peeing in front of people in public
    1 point
  34. I've been here for a long time but have never been brave enough to post, and often don't get round to responding to any messages as its rare I get much time to myself. But I thought I would share my wee at the park which went terribly wrong! So I took my daughter to the park for a walk, and a play on the swings. After we had a walk around, I started to get really desperate for a wee, but thought I would try and hold on untill I got home. There were probaby about 10 others walking their dogs etc in the park. As soon as I got to the swings, it suddenly hit me that I just couldn't h
    1 point
  35. June 22nd. Was at this party at this big house with a swimming pool out the back last night, hosted by a few shady characters. But I like living life on the edge. There was loads of drink and drugs all around. And at one point one lady was encouraged to pee on the kitchen floor! And she did as well, lol. Sort of thing I would have done with a lot less persuasion required though, hahaha. A bit later outside on the patio, some men and women ended up pissing on this girl for a laugh. Was tempted to join in myself but I had a much naughtier idea. Whilst the girl was out there having fun
    1 point
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