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  1. I went into town today with my daughter to get out of the house and do a little shopping but my main goal was to have a wee next to someone in the ladies. I had left the house with a full bladder, I was at the point where I would normally get up and go at home, never mind leave the house! To top it off we stopped at a cafe for a hot chocolate. I must be mental! By the time we had left my body was screaming at me to find a toilet. I didn’t dare stand still out of fear of completely wetting myself. We went to a shopping centre a short walk away and I immediately spotted the sign for the toilets
    7 points
  2. The second sighting from the pedestrian street came not long after. This time from a much more vocal younger girl. I was standing towards the end of the street watching people coming and going when someone shouted “come on!....tell her to hurry up…I need a piss”. I looked round and located the source of the shouting. Three girls had just come off the main road and the one shouting was a tall leggy brunette in a white top and a teeny tiny black skirt. She stood talking to her friends before once again shouting down the road, clearly waiting on others. Eventually a couple more girls appear
    7 points
  3. This story happened over a decade ago when I was still in high school. I won't share what my own age was when this incident happened for several reasons. Anyway let's say this one day in high school I was in the main office of our school to do something. And I was sitting in one of the chairs in this one area which had several chairs. There were a few other students sitting in the other seats in the waiting area some of them were boys like me and one or two students were also girls. Some other school staff were also in the office at that time including some female staff on the computer in the
    6 points
  4. aside from just watching traffic go by as i sipped on some wine out by the street, a random pedestrian walking by stopped to ask me what time it was. and as intimidating as that can be sometimes, it can also feel just as naughty and exciting having an unfamiliar man standing so close knowing my panties are very much visible. i couldn't see his face that well in the dark, but i wonder if he realized what was right there in front of him as well? 🤭
    4 points
  5. Good question! I can't think of anywhere specific but if I were to travel to any place in the world I would want it to be somewhere open and accepting, nice weather (who wants pee fun in the cold miserable rain?) and preferably somewhere that speaks English but not a requirement. As for the pee activity, I love the idea of a group wetting, the more people the better. Have you ever seen that clip of about 20 women all stood in a line wetting themselves? I want to do something like that. I love the thought of 50 of us all stood on a stage absolutely bursting to pee and when given the
    4 points
  6. During my wanderings I ended up back at the pedestrianised street with a handful of bars and it was quite busy so I spent some time wandering up and down and from that got two simple sightings courtesy of the long queues for the bars. The first one came from a gorgeous curvy blonde milf type in a figure hugging orange dress. She came with a group of friends down the street and they stopped outside one of the bars. They were looking up and down the street at the different bars and debating whether they wanted to go somewhere else or call it a night. As they were debating the blonde starte
    4 points
  7. Update 4: New girlfriend is not so new now as been together for five months and enjoying her and her sister. Over Labor Day weekend I had both of them over with both spending the night with me though only one in my bed. I was entertaining my g/f with plenty of beer while feeding her 19 yo half sister pop and water. Both of them gave me incredible satisfaction in the pee department. My g/f had a short black skirt with white lace panties on and a white halter top with her nips sticking straight out from her lacy skimpy bra. Though she is only a 'B' cup she is very firm since she i
    4 points
  8. This is the next chapter in the Tales of a Furniture Wetter series. It contains female desperation, peeing, wetting, furniture wetting, and masturbation. As the work day ended, I stepped out of my office and debated stopping by the bathroom before making the long trek to my car. I would have considered another trip to the 6th floor, but so many of my coworkers were on the elevator, and I couldn't think of a proper response if they asked why I was getting off on the 5th floor. Instead, I rushed out of the building to the elevator and walked carefully to my car. I was feeling some pre
    3 points
  9. I'm a woman and can just speak for myself but I'm not about to pack up and meet just anyone I meet on a fetish site. I'm married with children so I'm not looking to meet anyone anyway. There are several people on the site that I would be willing to meet up in person with. Probably not for pee sex since I and the majority of them are in committed relationships, but for coffee? For a walk? To go shopping? Of course. We're friends and have been friends, some of us for years now. But a stranger that inboxes me that I've never met before asking if they can come to my house for pee sex? No tha
    3 points
  10. well kinda the opposite of pulling mine down. but, by rolling up the waist of my skirt a little, it became too short to keep my panties out of sight as i walked down the street. 😇
    3 points
  11. Letting my mind and emotions dictate what I do. I am quite a quiet and shy person and I have let that affect me, especially growing up. There has been so many opportunities and experienced I missed out on growing up because I was too scared and "I wouldn't like it". I didn't even give it a chance. I didn't go on that rollercoaster, I didn't go out on that adventure away for two weeks, because "I wouldn't like it" How did I know I wouldn't like it? I didn't try, I never experienced it to know! I have missed out on talking to people and making friends because I let my mind take over an
    3 points
  12. Hi Steve, I love this question! I think if I was going into scientific research and I had the ability to do it, my first choice would be virology. There are so many awful diseases and things people go through every day and it would be incredible to develop a vaccine for them, or even just medication to make things easier for people.
    3 points
  13. That depends on who is asking me. For 99% of people, it would be a hard no.
    3 points
  14. Hi, I am good thank you! How are you? Riskiest place I have peed... hmm... I once peed next to my car near the beach. I had spent the day at the beach and I was sat in the back of my car getting changed out of my wet, sandy clothes. I have become quite good at getting changed without making it obvious or exposing myself, it is a little difficult and awkward but I make it work. It was only after I had changed and I was busy drying my legs, feet etc with a towel that I felt the need to pee badly and quite suddenly. Normally at the beach I would just go in the sea but I had literally just c
    3 points
  15. " Dear Mr Postman, I have disinfected my flaps for you!"
    3 points
  16. We are on holiday now. We are doing a big round trip through Mexico and Guatemala. We are sleeping in a different hotel almost every night. One of those hotels was in the middle of the jungle in Guatemala. It wasn't a hotel with rooms, but they were all seperate wooden lodges amidst the jungle. It was all very basic. We only had a sink in the room and the toilets and showers were outside. As my gf is currently pregnant, she needs to pee more often than usual. She went to one of those toilets first but said they were very dirty and that she would try to avoid them if possible. It was also
    3 points
  17. One of the main perks of my job working in hospitality specifically is the alleyway. Where I work is a busy bar on a popular street so our alley is always being used as a public toilet As a peefan I always volunteer to take the bin out because I know there will always be pee activity. Our kitchen stairs overlook the alley and I always take my smoke breaks there during the weekend to get some good sightings. anybody else have the same experience working in hospitality?
    2 points
  18. @Sophie I'm so sorry this happened to you.
    2 points
  19. You're very brave, as usual! I hope he was aware, and didn't miss out on such a lovely sight!
    2 points
  20. I don't know I've got a real answer to those questions. I wonder though if there are two completely different things... On the one hand the ratio of ladies who enjoy (in whatever way) pee, compared to men. And a completely different measurement of ladies who are actively reaching out to men for pee kink fun, compared to the men who are seeking a lady for the same reason. The first thing is something which has long been debated and discussed - and I reckon it's not so one sided at all. There are a couple of similar topics on the site, probably many more: https://peefans.
    2 points
  21. Taken some time out from heavier deadlifts during the league season, starting to ramp up now. 240kg beltless on the axle went up fine
    2 points
  22. Haha! That reminds me of a joke: A man says to his wife 'apparently the milkman has had sex with every woman on our street except one'. 'I bet it's that stuck up cow at number 36' replies the wife.
    2 points
  23. Wow! Sounds like an amazing and exciting experience.So lucky to hear that and great how you could imagine how she was making those sounds.Great memories.
    2 points
  24. Probably my kids and the way they're gonna grow up in this world. Everything I do I do for them. From waking up at six am to make sure they're prepared for school, to helping them with homework when they need it, to taking them to all their birthday parties and playdates, buying them what they want and need (when reasonable), and so on. I had to quit my job to put them and their needs first, and my plans after graduating university include working from home if possible. Not only is it what I want cause I am a hermit lol, but I want to show my kids that no matter what they can follow thei
    2 points
  25. Well it has been a while since my last tale about me and my gf kate pee fun. We have had a bit of a roller coaster of a holiday, here what happens. Kate had originally planned for us to go to a nudist in France but due to a outbreak of covid we cancel the holiday and went to Portugal instead. The holiday started off fine apart from spending time around the pool, we did explore the area, had a few sneaky pee exploits in alleys, behind some people homes and a few times in public toilets and if it was quiet we would go into the opposite sex. We nearly got caught a few times as there always seemed
    2 points
  26. This is exactly why I love pissing in public. Taking it out without care and doing what ever chore is on hand is such an great game. Really the best was pissing in front of my exes housemates. They had all seen my cock when they walked in on me but they where cleaning the apartment and and where deliberately avoiding me so I waited until the most busy nosy girl was free and I told her to close the door and come in. I know I took a gambled things and in really worked. out. Honestly this is my I always see if I can get head or push condoms if she wants them. They are a pain in the ass and I usu
    2 points
  27. Brad, thanks for the feedback. I had the two girls and others over for younger sister birthday party as she just turned 20. When all the folks left the most pee fun began. I will not get into details on my gf who is a power pisser on the porcelain but rather give you another glimpse on her racy sister. Young girl is 5 7 115 and wore three inch heels, black short sleeveless sequin dress with black bra and lacy black panties. I am lucky I can observe her bc my gf and her sister ar3 both into pee and voyeuristic behavior but with just me. Your girl of interest can hold up to 4 hours whi
    2 points
  28. As I mentioned in the post above I had two sightings in that Tesco spot. This one happened later in the night after a couple of other sightings but I will post about it first. I was wandering around a stretch of main road towards the centre of the city which had 5 big bars/clubs along it so there were concentrated crowds of people all along the road. I was wandering up and down the road checking out the bar queues and people milling around when I came across my next fun encounter of the evening. As I was wandering around there was a constant stream of taxis and Uber picking people up and
    2 points
  29. A couple of sightings from this evening came from the same place. A few times whilst I was scoping out the crowds and heard people moaning about their need to pee they suggested going to Tesco’s. After a few times of hearing this I was intrigued and whilst wandering around between the different hotspots I found what people were talking about. Along one of the main roads between two of the nightlife spots on the corner of a crossroads was a Tesco’s convenience store and just inside the main entrance was a customer toilet. After checking it out for a while it seemed a lot of people knew about it
    2 points
  30. Except for the car example, I haven't done any of your other examples. But I do pee nonchalantly under the tables of outdoorsy cafes or picnic tables every now then evenif I have company. Or, if I'm out with friends, then all I (them as well) need to do is give a headsup and then find a spot and pee.
    2 points
  31. Sure thing. I was walking with my gf and her friend we had had some drinks and were coming up to a pedestrian bridge. They said they needed to pee so they stopped and pissed in a driveway. I continued up the bridge and stopped at the top to wait for them after a minute I got bored and figured I might as well piss while the pissing is good plus the bridge landing is wide open. So I take my dick out and start flooding out the landing I really had to go and the drinks helped so I had a good loud 6 ft arching stream going. When I'm about half way done they caught up to me. I could feel her friends
    2 points
  32. I've been out with friends (a mix of male an female) and causally been like "sorry, I need to pee" and then just whipping it out and pissing in front of them. Usually they just laugh it off!
    2 points
  33. Couldn't even wait to get it out behind a tree so they had to do it where they were sitting. Must have felt good 😉 Keep this topic up guys, it's super hot.
    2 points
  34. Thought I would share some of my favourite photos of me in my leathers hope you like them x
    2 points
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