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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/06/2023 in all areas

  1. Tonight I'd had a few drinks and was chatting with some folks here. I needed to pee already, but I decided to wait just a little longer. I figured maybe I'd record another video of my eventual release. I recently found a FWB who shares my pee kink--like, when I asked what he was specifically interested in, he shrugged and said, "Honesty? It's all pretty erotic to me." So when I told him I was doing a hold, he texted back how hot he found it. I described my desperation to him--was probably close to an 8 at this point. I was sitting in bed grinding against the mattress and squirming to find
    7 points
  2. 5 points
  3. I really wish I would have worn some loose shorts today. Since entering my piss demon era ๐Ÿ˜ˆ I've been getting more adventurous and more thoughtful of places I could pee. Today my husband dragged me along to a boring work meeting with the promise of a Starbucks date afterword. After the first hour I needed to pee and checked the single stall bathroom, honest to God thinking I wanted to try peeing over the drain for a second time, but it was locked and not open to the public. Then I went outside and sat next to my car to get some fresh air and stretch my legs, took a look around and realiz
    4 points
  4. Last year I bought a trailcam because I thought it could come in handy since one of my hobbies is wildlife photography. However recently I had the idea of filming myself pretending to be a desperate hiker looking for a place to pee and then unknowingly relieving himself all over the cam! Here's the result ๐Ÿ™‚ https://www.erome.com/a/Zj7bm9J7 And as a little bonus for all the wetting fans amongst you, a short and spontaneous clip of me letting go in my shorts! https://www.erome.com/a/cUrQ8GIt
    4 points
  5. Hello all, For my work, I usually rent cars. Yesterday, even I was alone, the rental compagny gave me a big brend new Nissan SUV. A lot of space, what a waste if not used ! I needed to make it profitable. So I phoned my girlfriend in order to know if, perhaps, she had an idea... I take her home to go to the supermarket and here are pictures of her way to use a brend new car with too much space :
    3 points
  6. A/N: Quick one-off I thought up. Let me know how you like it. As always, feedback is not only welcome, but appreciated Pushing past the occasional family and other mall shoppers, Christina followed her sister Sophie towards the meeting spot. They stopped near a wall, a corner store to their right and a shoe store down the hall to the left. Behind them was a break in the wall that created a small alleyway towards the bathrooms. Christina didnโ€™t notice her sisterโ€™s discreetly crossed legs, the only thought on her mind was hope that her sister would want to visit the restroom too. โ€œMom
    3 points
  7. Last Friday evening I sat on the toilet in my running vest and shorts, K stripped down to her black knickers and sat on my lap facing me. I put my arms around her beautiful body, stroking her back and bottom while I nuzzled her boobs, and then she relaxed her bladder and wet herself and me. Half way through her wetting, I started to add my flow to hers. By the time weโ€™d finished, 30 seconds or so later, her knickers and my shorts were utterly saturated and while much of the pee had gone into the toilet bowl, there was a sizeable puddle on the bathroom floor. I asked her to lift herself up
    3 points
  8. I'm trying to hook up with people for the first time in a few years. It's been going pretty well! I'm also trying to be upfront about my kinks and looking for partners who are interested in pee play. Recently I met up with a handsome nerd (my type!) and after a night of frankly mind-blowing sex we have plans to meet up again! We're both into pee play, and I'm interested in exploring my more submissive side. (Despite what I post on here, I generally end up domming irl) He asked if I'd like to be tied up to the bathtub faucet and "forced" (consensually obvs) to drink his piss. Obv
    3 points
  9. Every once in a while at my job or at a friend's house, I'll need to pee badly and I'll try to pee compeletly secretly (no noise, no mess, no obvious puddle and not being discovered) and get away with it completely. Today, I was at a remote job location in a large warehouse. I knew where all of the cameras were, but not where the restrooms were located. I hadn't peed in 5 hours so my need was pressing. I saw a row of air compressors in an alcove with oil soaking mats* under them that weren't under the view of a camera and had a 5 gallon (20 L) bucket collecting dirty, rusty water comin
    2 points
  10. I see it contained ginseng ๐Ÿ†
    2 points
  11. I wasn't! I just peed for nearly a minute. It spread everywhere.
    2 points
  12. PeteK123, sounds like you only attended the event on Monday? I had been there both days but I found out, for potential future reference (as it depends how it's handled next time), Sunday was a significantly better day for good locations. Now I don't mind either gender, so I was much easier to please. And for sure there was a LOT more men doing it out in the open (I could likely talk about that and the interesting spots I saw them go in endlessly), than I saw women. But there was still significant sightings. Monday however they seem to crackdown on prominent locations (you'll see what I mea
    2 points
  13. Morning shots! (Still freshly wet from my morning pee!)
    1 point
  14. Public service broadcasting at it's best, thanks for testing ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
    1 point
  15. Love is the most powerful force there is. True magic. When you fall in love it is truly all that matters. Love brings so much colour to your life and your heart expands. Everything makes sense. This is a wonderfully intimate song of a love story, in a gorgeous style. Please enjoy. ๐Ÿ’š Midori
    1 point
  16. Same here. Peeing in nature is great; being naked is great (as long as it's warm enough!).
    1 point
  17. I would say it is a lot , you must have been desperate
    1 point
  18. See ladies! It's easy for a man to understand what you want. Just give him a subtle suggestion like this and he will get the idea at once. ๐Ÿ˜€
    1 point
  19. Thank you for your supportive comment. And don't worry, I always take my pee in the most comfortable, convenient and relaxing way, no matter what ;-) No problems for your question, I can answer. I don't take medication that could specifically poison my pee, I think it's just my lifestyle not really healthy. As you mentioned, yes, I am a smoker and this surely affects my pee. Then I am not vegetarian, I drink alcoholic beverages (but I am not an alcoholic!), I take birth control pills... and so on. Surely these elements contribute to make my pee more toxic for the plants in comparison to
    1 point
  20. Very interesting. But when I need to pee, I pee, I don't waste time to try ti sprinkle or what. I don't care to fertilize anything. I just need to pee. The effect you can see by yourself in the pictures I attached to this post. Anyway, thank you for your contribution.
    1 point
  21. My ex-wife and her girlfriend were inseparable since childhood and was a bridesmaid at our wedding. Her girlfriend's husband was from the same town as myself and although we were that close growing, the four of us did many things together. Over the years we all grew closer and my ex-wife's friend said one time that she felt so close to us that she felt she could change her pantyhose in front of us without a second thought. Little did I realize at the time that she felt so close to us that if she was caught short she would pee in front of us! The four of us had gone on a picnic at a state park
    1 point
  22. Thank you, I am a very determined woman who knows what she wants ;-)
    1 point
  23. Not really. I wouldn't pee on it except out of necessity.
    1 point
  24. Yes, I can show it to you, if it is of some interest, of course. Lately I do that way pretty often.
    1 point
  25. Unfortunately it is not like this. It was big and healthy plant and in few days it withered. Consider that we had also a day of strong rain that was supposed to refresh and revive it, but now it seems like burned by my pee.
    1 point
  26. Thank you for your enthusiastic comment, I am happy that you appreciated. Yes, I was right in the same position as in your avatar.
    1 point
  27. Into the water to pollute it. Good man!
    1 point
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