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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/13/2023 in Posts

  1. Your post reminds me of the time I was in Budapest. I was in a Burger King and needed a pee. I went downstairs and as I was passing the womans toilets I saw a sign on the door. It said the ladies toilets were closed for renovation please use the mens. I went in to the men's toilets and there were four stalls, no urinals. Three stalls had the little red locked symbol showing so I went to the one that was unlocked. I opened the the door to be greeted by a young Hungarian lady about 18/19 years old, peeing with her legs slightly open. She was looking at her phone so didn't realise I'd
    9 points
  2. I have a lot of stories about really needing to pee with my mom. We both had a weak bladder, so peeing was never a super taboo subject with my mom. We were ok with peeing in front of each other and talking about accidents and close calls we had. That meant we were comfortable because we eventually learned to “stick together” in a house full of boys. My brothers LOVED to tease me whenever I needed to pee. I think all these combining factors led to my fetish today. Anyway, I will use this thread to share all the memorable accidents and close calls I had with my mother. I hope you all enjoy it!
    6 points
  3. One of my jobs today was to meet the new tenants as they had reported some problems. I pulled up outside the block, our vans are branded so people who are expecting us usually come to greet us. I pulled up near the bin store and sat and waited as I was early. after a while, a lady got out of her car opposite me and came alongside my drivers door and asked if was coming to number 30. I confirmed I was and she replied that she hadn’t got the keys from her housing association. I made some calls and waited for a call back. The lady was in her early 20s, ebony, with a cute smile, tight white top
    6 points
  4. A few years ago, I was working on a big refurbishment project in east London. I had got to know the client, Tiffany, very well. She’s very easy on the eye and was pleased with her choice of dress for the meeting on site this particular day, casual kaki dress, cut very short and by what I was treated to, braless as well, topped with black cowboy type boots. She’s very well proportioned, copper coloured hair with a nice big bum. The property had been gutted back to a shell. On this particular day, we had also gutted the last bathroom. Tiffany made a comment Oh Steve, where’s the toilet gon
    4 points
  5. some quick peeks before bedtime last night.
    4 points
  6. while multiple user public bathrooms are still gender specific, where i live, by law, all single user public bathrooms are gender neutral. some are signed as much, or might be called a family bathroom; but many are still labeled for boys' or girls'. unfortunately, regardless of the sign on the door, they increasingly seem to only have one normal toilet inside. however, the guys', and family ones, do sometimes have both a sit down potty and a urinal. so yeah, if i'm fortunate enough to find myself in one of those with both, there is like a 90% chance that i will use the urinal instead because l
    4 points
  7. Many moons ago we went camping with family friends. There were 3 families on the trip. One of the moms was a kind of a milf, maybe 35 and blonde. I remember having a bit of a crush on her. Anyway, one afternoon I was exploring the woods near our tents. I was crouched down near some bushes examining rocks when I saw the milf approaching. She didn't see me through the bushes and appeared to be looking around. I was wondering what she was up to so I decided to keep quiet and find out. Lo and behold she was looking for a spot to pee! As luck would have it, she chose to pee right between the b
    4 points
  8. I walked a bit further down the path. When she had gone back to the beach, and was out of sight, I turned and went back the same way. But this time I walked on the sand behind the dunes, not the path. I went into the dunes to check the spot where she had been kneeling. I was sure that she hadn’t kicked dry sand over her puddle, so I hoped I might see where she had wet the sand. The third photograph shows the dunes where she was. You can see her damp mark below the dunes. The next two shots give closer views. You can see that she must have squirted a vigorous stream into the sand.
    4 points
  9. Hey Abby, maybe it's just me but i don't find this too unusual. Bodies are no industrial mass product and no one can choose his dream model. Every single one is naturally made and you get what you get. With all his flaws and beauty. I think doctors often forget this. I'm sure everyone of us understands this, because no one is without some kind of "abnormality". I don't like the word "normal". What is normal? What isn't? Because 1 out of 100 bodies is different, it's abnormal? If everything is working for you painless, what's the deal? Enjoy your body like it is. Thank you m
    3 points
  10. I have an old pot with a broken handle under my bed for this exact reason. Initially, I did it because when I was pregnant, I couldn’t wait for someone to get out of the bathroom when I needed to pee, so I kept an old pot for emergencies. Now, I mostly use it for fun. But I also use it for convenience. I usually wake up in the middle of the night because I have to pee, and I hate having to get out of bed, so I use the pot and dump it out in the morning.
    3 points
  11. I then went for a short walk in another patch of dunes, quite close to the beach entrance. I thought there was a good chance I might find more wet patches. I didn’t. Instead I saw a girl (also early 20s, probably a student) standing on her own at the top. It looked to me as if she might be intending to pee. I walked away, so as to give her a bit of privacy. As I did so, her friend stood up from behind a patch of dune grass, pulling up her shorts. She had obviously been squatting out of sight, also peeing in the dunes. The two girls walked back to the beach together. The first one I’d
    3 points
  12. I was slightly puzzled by the smaller hole, ahead of the main impact point. I guess she may have started to tinkle, perhaps found that the edge of her bikini was interfering with the lips of her vulva, stopped, adjusted her posture, and then unloaded fully. The attached video clip shows something similar. In it you see that the girl squirts at a bit of a sideways angle when she first begins to tinkle. She then adjusts her posture slightly, and the main release is then better directed. [Sorry - clip is too large to upload here - any suggestions?] There was another wet spot just a
    3 points
  13. Is it just me here? Talking to anyone, or around people and you hear those few words? I have to pee I gotta pee I have to pee so bad I'm bursting Am I the only one that can't help being triggered?
    2 points
  14. Hello Peefamily, Hey everyone it’s Abby here again I’m going to tell you my tell you guys something I keep secret for long time. So many of you who follow and read my content will know I personally like peeing standing. I always use the excuse that my mom potty trained me standing since it more convenient all that was a lie. When I was born I was born with a defect in my urethra first it was shorter than usual, it reached it’s normal length when I was 2 but the first couple of years I struggle UTI’s. Now second and most importantly my urethra has an issue that’s facing up
    2 points
  15. @ppppppp Hell yeah! Let's play some Piss-Detectives here! I'm in! Let's see.... Third post, second Photo. This one is very interesting. You said she was kneeling, i don't think so. You can see two marks in the sand left and right near the spot which indicates her feet placement. But you cannot see any marks for knees AND feets. So i think she was squatting. Also you can see a handprint up and right of the peespot with the typical "finger shapes". So i think she lost balance there for a second and recovered by putting the hand down. Maybe even a little print of the
    2 points
  16. Gender neutral bathrooms are a great idea, but I can see why people may be against it. I find that a lot of women’s bathrooms are more communal and a lot of the time we are using the mirror to check our makeup or talking and I’m not sure how that would go down. However I’d love to be able to catch a sneak peek whenever I like
    2 points
  17. A couple of moments later I saw her again. She was kneeling at the base of a dune, facing it. Now I was sure she was pissing on the sand. Was she wetting her bikini, or had she pulled it aside, to try to keep it dry? It was certainly at her waist, not pulled down her thighs. The girl in the second photograph is in a very similar pose. I didn’t have a chance to notice what she was doing with her hands. She hadn’t noticed me, but she’d been emptying her pee as fast as she could. Now she’d finished, and quickly stood up. Without a backward glance she walked back the way she’d c
    2 points
  18. I couldn’t help it. I think I’m addicted to peeing on the carpet lol
    2 points
  19. I would for sure, and have used a gender neutral bathroom. Haven't used the urinals yet because either they were too crowded or I wasn't in the mood to try and aim properly. I've used urinals before but going at it backwards way
    2 points
  20. M knows what it does to me, she is pretty cool in public, but at home, all bets are off. She will announce loudly that she needs to pee, and waits for the reaction. Sometimes I’ll do a @Kupar and squeeze, and depending where we are, she will either squeal and move away, or just let it go where she stands. In our house the only ‘pee safe’ areas are the bathroom, or outside (fully enclosed and private back yard, you can walk about naked, it’s that private) She is also not immune to other people hinting that they have to go, and has told me that watching the squirming while waiting in l
    2 points
  21. So me and my gf have always loved pee but more so me than her. I've always been a lot more into it with her and she's always been sort of a clean freak when it comes to it. But for the longest time we were fine with that. Out of nowhere though something clicked with her. She started really enjoying it and she wanted to get more into it. So she decided that she was done using the toilet. She's done cleaning her spots. She wants to see the stains. She wants the smell of pee everytime she walks into her room. So she chose a corner of her room and that's her new toilet. She's already peed there 4
    1 point
  22. hiya!! im 21 n my pronouns are she/her. ive been lurking here for a couple years n ive finally decided to make my 1st post :3 i like nonchalant peeing n bedwetting the most. ive been peeing in bed for a couple years now. i pee into my mattress unprotected almost every night when im home ^_^
    1 point
  23. I decided to leave the beach. It was a hot summer’s day. Ahead of me a young blonde woman in a white bikini was also leaving the beach, heading for the exit gap between the dunes. She looked a bit like the girl in the first photograph. I guess she probably was a student, in her early 20s. She went through the gap, and immediately turned right, walking quickly on the sand immediately behind the dunes. That was odd. There was a proper path, fenced off from the dunes. If she wasn’t on the path, I guessed she wanted to go into the dunes. But she was in a bit of a hurry. Might she
    1 point
  24. Hello all fans of golden nectar. My name is Mike and I have always had a keen interest, turn on and enjoyment from all things pee. I’m glad to find a place to meet like minded individuals with similar interest/passion for this niche. Welcome to other new members, and a thank you to the ones making me and others feel welcome. I look forward to making new acquaintances and chatting with new people.
    1 point
  25. Hello! I recorded this video a couple of years ago. After a long day in the office without bathroom break I had a full bladder and took a relieving underwater piss into my bathtub. It created a pretty nice yellow cloud. I hope you like it! Link to video: https://www.erome.com/a/pGUGIWer
    1 point
  26. Thank you guys. I have the next short chapter nearly finished and the rest mapped out but I have little time for writing so you may need to wait a while. Rikki
    1 point
  27. This evening has been great fun! I did probably one of my most thrilling wettings that I've ever enjoyed! I got home from work as usual and drank plenty knowing I'd be having fun (my housemate is away at the moment). I got through 2 pints of water having already drank 500ml before leaving work. I then waited for my bladder to fill. Over the next hour or so I allowed it to fill up to the point at which I was having to actively focus on keeping control. It was at this point that I began to get changed into my cycling clothes. I put my sports t-shirt on, changed into a pair of fresh bo
    1 point
  28. I hate men making a mess out of a toilet that I need to sit on, but simply spraying a nearby wall is far better than trying to hit the toilet and making a mess.
    1 point
  29. I can pee up to 17 feet from point A To point B
    1 point
  30. That is flippin unbelievable!! You must’ve been pretty hidden for her to be that close to you while facing you and not even see you!.. how old were you at the time?
    1 point
  31. Hello again, sorry for the long wait, but I finally finalized the third chapter. I hope you enjoy it! 3. The naughty brunette Contains female peeing and pee vandalism/naughty peeing Harry and Monique arrived at the back of the hotel and entered the hotel stairwell. Here they met a horny couple, and the girl was not shy to relieve herself in front of them at the expense of the hotel. ________________________ We walked from where we were dropped off to the hotel and approached it from the back. We were about to walk around the building when I noticed the fire exit wa
    1 point
  32. I have a whole bunch of stuff on my list that requires two people but since those are likely never to come true I will exclude those lol. I'd really like to pee on the carpet of a store and in a fitting room, but just a little bit. Perhaps the same thing I did on the trash in the fitting room: just about a seconds worth of flow. Only because 1. I know I am too shy/not brave enough and 2. I'm too nice to leave a full puddle for someone else to clean up. If there was a way I could let go of a full bladder on the carpet of a store and be able to steam clean it up without being caught I'd do
    1 point
  33. I'd love someone to sit on my lap while we're making out and let themselves go like it's the normal thing to do.
    1 point
  34. even though i'm getting up there in years, i'm still daddy's little girl. ☮️👧🏻 and wearing a pair of kiddy briefs was my own secret way of celebrating his day. so for all you dads, happy father's day!👨‍👧
    1 point
  35. Against a tree or on the grass. If there is a field house I would go against one of its walls - the sound is nice.
    1 point
  36. definitely didn't factor in how lacy these ones are when i put them on. 🥺 j/k. 😇 of course i totally picked them out knowing my muffin would be quite obvious. oh. i forgot. not only are they lacy, but 🤭 also a thong.
    1 point
  37. I peed right on the table during and ultrasound and it was the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to me but shortly after i would touch myself thinking about it.
    1 point
  38. There are a couple of parks near me that have bathrooms that have been closed for ages. One In particular in In a location that has bushes behind it. I like to watch from a distance as people make their way over to them and see what they do when they realise it’s closed. A lot of the time they sneak off round behind them. A lot of times the mums take their kids behind them to pee, either against the wall or in the bushes. It’s common to see used tissues on the ground in these bushes.
    1 point
  39. A couple weekends ago I went swimming for the first time since pre- pandemic. I went with some friends, and we just had a lazy day of hanging out in the pool. I was wearing a one piece swimsuit that was snug fit. As soon as I submerged into the water I was hit the sudden urge to pee! with the temperature change. I managed to hold back then, and talked with my friends for over an hour, us drinking during the time. I eventually got desperate to pee and I was torn with the choice do I try to unleash my full bladder in the pool and risk being noticed or get out. I swam away a little and let out a
    1 point
  40. My mom used to make me get out of the pool to pee my whole life, even out of the lake and ocean too! When she wasn’t monitoring me though, I always made sure to pee in any body of water I was in. We had a large in-ground pool at our house from when I was 13-18, which I regularly peed in (if I wasn’t sitting on the grass peeing through my bathing suit). I used to drink loads of juice, pop, and water while outside most of the day in the summer, so I had to go pee a lot and it was very diluted. I would spend 8-10 hours in the pool on and off, having a blast. To keep my mom from getting
    1 point
  41. such a perfect depiction right there!!! so insanely accurate .
    1 point
  42. It was made worse by the fact the place in question is a place that I volunteer in an official capacity and the bonfire was in a field next door. People were coming from the field into our car park and peeing between the cars. If I'd known the event was on then I could have legitimately been there and would have had a good excuse to "patrol" the car park.
    1 point
  43. The only curse I can relate to is that how detrimental it can be sometimes when you're too into it and can't find a way to detach from that overly immersed moment - sometimes I can't get normal life things done because I can't get it out of my mind!
    1 point
  44. It isn't really people in real life that trigger me (because im a loner and dont really hang out with other people), but you better believe if I hear Emilia Clarke talk about peeing in one of her movies or see any dude in a movie pee anywhere I usually get triggered in a good way lol.
    1 point
  45. Every time I go pee, I’m almost always triggered. Yes, it’s a curse in a way!
    1 point
  46. I've never been to a nudist resort or beach (some day, I keep saying) but I've been nude in mixed company. Unless there's something interesting happening an erection was quite rare. I do remember one time when a new girl showed up .. a real stunner .. and when she got naked every cock in sight lifted. The girls just about pissed themselves laughing (figuratively speaking), including the new girl. I think she was quietly pleased with her affect on us but she covered it by laughing. Limpness was rapidly restored.
    1 point
  47. This is a story by Alfresco01, originally printed in the Wet Carpet magazine thread on Peesearch.net. As just one post in an entire thread it had no title so I have had to take the liberty of inventing a title for it...... Last week I went shopping in Reading, having travelled there by train. The train was a three coach set with a toilet in the middle carriage. The trip there was uneventful and I arrived in Reading to hit the shops. I picked up a coffee which I drank whilst walking to the shops. At lunch time, I grabbed a sandwich and a large drink and then I finished my shopping. I headed b
    1 point
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