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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/26/2023 in Posts

  1. I’ve been home alone all weekend and i’ve been enjoying having free rein of the house to piss where I want. I’ve walked around the house diapered up and wet myself multiple times throughout the day. I’ve also gone out on my deck naked and just freely pissed even though my neighbors might be looking. Today was the last day I was going to be home alone and I wanted to piss somewhere really naughty. I chugged lots of water and touched myself while I scrolled through this site. I was sooo wet at the thought of releasing my bladder somewhere extra naughty. When the desperation really set
    7 points
  2. Three things about me before going into this. I love piss, I love panties, especially if they belong to people close to me and I love vandalising property with my piss. My name is Tom. I'm 19, fresh into college and I live alone with my dad Rob. Well... not anymore. You see my dad divorced my mom when I was young when he caught her cheating on him, so we've been alone for a long time, 11 years or so. For a few years he kept to himself and his work, never really bothered dating another woman. But as the years passed he started seeing a few women, but none of them really connected with him
    5 points
  3. Exactly, very well described! Let me add though that here in Portugal people are in general much less discreet when it comes to peeing... at the nude beach I often go to, it's not uncommon at all that girls, particularly the younger and prettier ones.. , decide to give "a little show"... for example, yesterday afternoon, a blonde skinny tourist which was accompanied by a couple of older girls, perhaps her sisters, at one stage, lifted her nice bum from the huge yellow towel they were all sitting on. walked gingerly a few steps towards the sea and then when it seemed she had made eye-cont
    5 points
  4. I resumed standing by the ATM people watching and after being there a while the next sighting of the night came along in the form of a gorgeous brunette in her mid 20’s. Three girls came along and joined the small queue for the ATM. They were all very giggly and chatty, clearly enjoying their night. They slowly made their way to the front of the queue and two of them used the machine to get money and once done they went into the shop. A couple of minutes later they came out and stood on the street corner chatting. I wasn’t paying them much attention until the brunette suddenly said “I’m just g
    5 points
  5. The other day, I made use of a nearby garage, and it felt fucking amazing https://www.erome.com/a/BYQSStgZ
    2 points
  6. I was driving home last night when I decided there was no reason to wait. I pulled off in a secluded area and had a lovely piss https://www.erome.com/a/K2oqbBOT
    2 points
  7. Great to have you onboard... Unfortunately though, I'm afraid you'll find difficult to reach people of your age here, we all seem to be rather older... hehe
    2 points
  8. Well, thank you ever so for brightening my Monday morning with this thoroughly delightful mental image! Safe to say I’m rather envious of the guys in question of who got to witness it first hand.. That also said, I can certainly attest to a somewhat more brazen approach to pissing at the beach in Portugal - upon attending one in Cascais, there was a woman sunbathing by herself and on a couple of occasions got up to walk to the waters edge, squat down and simply piss through her bikini bottoms into the sea - all very much in full view of anyone wishing to admire the spectacle (myself absol
    2 points
  9. This lady hits all the right pixels... 🤣 🤣 😉
    2 points
  10. Peeing and breastfeeding are two of my biggest kinks. I haven’t met many people who enjoy both 😊
    2 points
  11. A Golden Opportunity: How 'Pee on Earth' is Making a Splash for the Environment and Social Norms Billions of liters of water are wasted everyday flushing urine. 'Pee on Earth Day' was an event aimed at promoting the idea of urine as a free, abundant and surprisingly clean source of nutrients and hydration for plants, recycling urine instead of flushing it down the drain. While the initiative has been happening on June 21st for years, social stigmas have hindered it's success, which is why organizers smashed many social norms this time. Urination was renamed to "fertilization"
    2 points
  12. I'm truly sorry I missed this event. I'd like to think my time there would have been most instructive. I'm sure I would have taken advantage of the hydration stations, or should I say full advantage. And I would have seen to it that I'd experimented with as many surfaces as I had time for. Not being shy to start up a conversation with strangers, I'm sure I would have made many new friends, at least those of the female gender.
    2 points
  13. Swimming pool if they've got one
    2 points
  14. Silently slipped out onto the deck again. This time I deliberately chose an area that was still dry but close to where the rain will reach. It will be hard to tell which part is wet from the rain and which from piss. I decided to try and take a few pictures. So I tucked my dress up my sweater and lifted one foot on a stair. My bladder was now very eager. The pee was already flowing when I managed to get the camera in the right place. The flow kept going. I managed to take about ten pictures before just allowing myself to enjoy the rest of the pee. Once I was done, I sat down in
    2 points
  15. This is a story about three women in their late twenties who go wild camping on a cold winter's night and must solve the problem of how to pee in their tent when the weather deteriorates outside. This story contains outdoor peeing and peeing into containers. I hope you enjoy it! Phoebe, Amy and Shannon stepped back, briefly admiring their handy work after they had spent half an hour trying to set up a four man tent in freezing conditions. The three women had come to the mountains of North Wales to do their first ever wild camp in winter, an activity that they had only previously do
    1 point
  16. Wonderful attitude of hers, but I assure you she's not an exception at all, scenes like the one I described are pretty frequent on nude Portuguese beaches... come and check by yourself...
    1 point
  17. I hear it occasionally, I think from older men. I really love it! It feels very vulgar and biological. Like you could just say morning wood, but they chose to connect it with that morning need to piss
    1 point
  18. Mary Dena had gone shopping and had taken her little girl along to shop for an outfit for her daughter to wear on Easter Sunday. As she went through the fancy girly dresses hanging on a circular rack, she suddenly experienced an urgent need to pee. She loved to pee in places where she was not suppose to relieve herself in public. Eventhough she had her daughter in tow, she was not going to let that stop her when it meant that she had the chance relieve herself somewhere new. She directed her daughter to wait for her as she parted the dresses hanging on the rack and stepped into the space in th
    1 point
  19. I cant say that I've ever lost interest in pee. Even when I was recovering from the shaming my ex boyfriend laid on me so heavy and I was actively avoiding piss porn I still had an interest. I guess to best answer this question I'll say that when I am masturbating and I get a little distracted or bored if I am having to sort through videos I don't like or stories that just aren't doing it for me, I always think about my absolute favorite pee videos and/or writing. Usually that jump starts my libido and I go searching for that particular piece of porn and end up consuming it. If it's one of my
    1 point
  20. I attend nude beaches regularly - at the sea and lakes. It is a matter of how crowded the beach is. I prefer just sitting at the edge of my towel and slowly let go into the sand/grass. You can cover it with your legs to the sides and if you brought a bag with you, simply place it in front and pretend to search for something in it. Afterwards, you can cover it with sand with your feet when going back to your former position on the towel. I have done this hundreds of times and am pretty sure I have seen people of both sexes doing so. If people are lying very close to me, I pretend to have a
    1 point
  21. Hey all, again. I'm not sure if anyone’s still here from before, but for a short rundown, here we go. It's me, the guy whose mom got divorced and married another mom. I ended up with a sister that drank my urine and then made a regular thing of it. I moved out of the house after I graduated college and thought that was the end of the story. Somehow, I think it got worse. I moved in with the two girl friends I have been around my whole life. Life was pretty good, they knew about the pee stuff, but it was fine. Occasionally they asked for a drink, but nothing too demanding, and once I was o
    1 point
  22. Soak the couch and chairs please
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. Morning shower pee https://www.erome.com/a/ukpCtGIl
    1 point
  25. We're back from the cottage, but I am still on holiday, so normal rules don't apply, right? It is a lovely morning and I felt like I could take a pee. We live in a flat/apartment, so we share the yard with plenty of other people. However, not many people seemed to be out and about yet. So I put on my trusty summer dress and a sweater over it, no panties, and went outside. I looked around for a suitable place. While the yard is quite big, it has very few places that are not overlooked by any apartments. So standing over a bench and lifting my hem was not an option. I need
    1 point
  26. I didn't write down or photograph all of my pees yesterday, but I guess I could upload one more picture I did take. It is the aftermath of a nice piss on the stairs leading to the lower deck. As most of these deliberate pees, it was about 15 seconds of a lovely steady flow that gave me a beautiful relaxing feeling.
    1 point
  27. So maybe I cannot go while sitting in a chair, but I can definitely go while standing over it. I straddled one of the deck chairs again and peed on it. Again, I was expecting a tiny pee since I just went , but I had a nice steady flow for 20 seconds or so. This is turning me on quite a lot now.
    1 point
  28. I am properly up now, having showered and put on some clothes. The choice of clothing is geared towards ideal outdoor pissing. I am wearing a summer dress slightly above the knee, several layers of sweaters and a scarf (it's pretty cold this early), and - oh the horror - socks with sandals. In other words, whatever is as warm as possible while leaving my pussy and legs exposed. Now it was time for my first proper deck piss. I had let out most of the strong morning piss boringly in the toilet, as I didn't want the smelly pee elsewhere. I got out, silently so as not to wake my boyfrie
    1 point
  29. I'm already up although it is very early. All the liters of water I drank yesterday and my bladder might have something to do with that. So I got up, left my nightgown on for now and layered a lot of sweaters on my upper body, as it is quite cold, but I don't want to wear underpants or trousers. I took our pet for a small walk. As we were exploring the lower deck, it was I, not him, who left behind a little puddle. 😜 We came back in and I made myself a small breakfast and headed back out to the upper deck. I sat down on a wooden chair and tried to relax my bladder, but to no avail.
    1 point
  30. Some of us are into the similar things and those who arent dont particularly care. Besides I can be sneaky af if needed because I dont want the others there to know.
    1 point
  31. Hi again @James_erased and love the thought of a "Guys getting a hard on from things Maggie has written club"!! 🙂🙂 Might I be pleased to hear that one of your most recent pool pisses went in exactly the way you've described? Of course I am, and in fact I'm delighted! So exciting to visualise you in the pool with a hazy yellow cloud of urine spreading out from your swim shorts. I love the way you kept on going, even though others could possibly spot you in action. That's incredibly sexy! It's also satisfying in the longer term as the pollution from the contents of your bladder
    1 point
  32. My favorite place to pee is a urinal in a men's room where the door has been propped open, and I am profile to the doorway where people going by can see my penis and pee stream.
    1 point
  33. A few more - apologies if they're a little lower resolution than ideal.
    1 point
  34. Yeah I guess most of us who enjoy peeing in pools will be giving clues as to what we are doing! 😉 A quick glance down - yes it's nice and yellow but not too obvious - then staring into the distance and focusing... I'm focusing on the warmth, first at my crotch and then spreading down between my legs, which lets me know for sure that my urine is spreading within the water. I'm using the pool as a toilet on purpose, keeping going for as long as I can, and it feels SO good!
    1 point
  35. Oh yes gldenwetgoose those childhood memories. As I've already said I was encouraged to pee in pools by my parents, with me accepting it as the right thing to do at first. There came a point though, I can't remember at what age now, when I realised it must be naughty. Just before a swimming lesson at school one time, I think when I was aged about 9, another girl in my class was hopping from foot to foot in the changing area. When I asked her why she said something like "I really need to go, and I want to do it in the pool!" At this moment I knew I wasn't the only one who'd realised peeing
    1 point
  36. Hi Taake, Nice to find you are still here as well! Lovely to think of the warmth inside your speedos as you begin to use the pool as a toilet. I also love the thought of your warm pee then spreading out to pollute the water all around you!
    1 point
  37. LOL - Well as I've already said my parents encouraged me to pee in pools! Always nice to see rivers and streams being peed into, polluting the water a little in each case. As I said "Good man!" 😉
    1 point
  38. Oh yes, I know exactly where Spectacle is coming from on this! He makes interesting comments about "naughty peeing" and I agree that for it to be considered truly "naughty" it must involve at least a potential risk of effect on others who won't enjoy it. For instance peeing in an elevator may leave a puddle that others will possibly have to step in if they need to ride in there. Also after a few hours the elevator will probably begin to smell of stale urine, this being satisfying for the person who peed in it but not pleasant for riders. As Spectacle has mentioned there is a differe
    1 point
  39. I've been on lil' boats before. And I've peed off them plenty of times! My thing is that I always cling to the side and dunk my butt under the surface of the water, so I can feel the sensation of peeing underwater. Worth it!
    1 point
  40. I really don't know. I didn't feel guilty when I peed in the river from our boat. When I'm at the beach on the river and have to pee I go in hte river just to pee.
    1 point
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