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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/08/2022 in all areas

  1. I am currently on holiday on a cruise and have spent today with the ship docked in Lisbon. I took a train on my own to a place called Cascais with is a 40min ride along the coast to a town with a few very nice beaches. The first beach was a relatively small cove with two even smaller areas, one at each end and hidden from the main beach by rocks. I spent half an hour there and I needed to pee when I got there, I went round the rocky outcrop into the small rocky area and there was a girl in her twenties with long red hair and wearing a purple bikini. She saw me an looked a little nervo
    7 points
  2. I then went for a walk for a couple of hours, taking in a few other beaches. I saw other girls going into the water for a short time but not a lot else worth writing about for this forum. I returned to the original place and again went to pee in the quiet cove. However, this time there was a couple sat on one rock and a girl sat on another. I wasn’t sure if I could get away with it now, but I needed to pee so proceeded with the plan. I was sat just a few metres from the girl and again she would probably have heard what I was doing. I left the rock before she did and this time I lo
    6 points
  3. In the time I spent at that cove I saw several ladies walk into the water up to just below their crotch, stand there for 30s to a minute and then come back out. They usually had the waves just lapping their bikinis so it wasn’t obvious what they were doing. There were also a few ladies who had on summer dresses over bikinis or even just underwear. It seemed that the common way for them to pee was to walk into the water a gory way, facing away from the beach and hold the front of their dress up right out of the way then pee down their legs with the back of the dress hiding what they were
    5 points
  4. I finally had some fun and got to try our my new dildo. 8 inches of pure pleasure. I nearly "squirted" for the first time 🤤🤤
    5 points
  5. Hey All, the site can't seem to handle the size of my videos and I'm slow to upload them so I apologize for the lull in footage but last weekend was pretty good with some prime moments so I'll do what I can to upload them as they happen (I'm pretty busy so excuse the slow replies and uploads) Feel free to upload your own stories or bits of content as well. https://imgur.com/a/4uYv7EU
    5 points
  6. Who wants to play with "my" huge cock? 🤤🤤
    4 points
  7. Nipple suction cups on to get my nipples ready for clamping. Here's hoping we get some leaking from them too 💦💦
    4 points
  8. I love all your reviews so detailed and interesting. Looking forward to the next one.
    3 points
  9. @Peewee123 @gldenwetgoose @MonsterKane46 All great points and suggestions, and I objectively agree with it all. However, in reality, it is still a big step for me. Peeing can be seen as 'fun' and maybe somewhat 'erotic', but full-on masturbating can only be seen as erotic and may be crossing a line I am not entirely ready to cross. Yes, she casually plays with her nipples and I casually stroke my pussy, but IDK how she would react to me moaning and fingering and cumming right in front of her. I may try to make baby steps (such as start with just slowly fingering or something similar) and work
    3 points
  10. Sex Bizarre Eighteen We enter 1977, the date of this publication. I am two years old, so a brief glance at Wikipedia tells me that it was an eventful year with a ‘Jubilee’ and Punk sweeping aside the past and declaring that there is No Future. I am also informed that it is still illegal to distribute and buy Hard-Core Porn, with licensed sex shops still selling the magazines under-the-counter. The intention is to review the magazines up to and including 1980. The design remains the same for Issue 18 with stories, the first ‘Passion for Pissing’ starts with the inevitable gathering
    3 points
  11. New toys 🥺🥺
    3 points
  12. This may initially sound a little controversial, but I'd still like pee to be slightly taboo. What I mean is, if it was just a thing like sneezing or yawning, and everyone just did it everywhere - surely it would lose its magic and fascination. It'd be amazing for a few days, weeks or even a month or so - but then would be the norm. Instead I'd like to just take away the 'ewww' factor that so many people have about pee and relax attitudes to public nudity just a little bit - but not too much. That way we'd still see pee-dancing from time to time, there'd still be a knowing that a g
    3 points
  13. 2 points
  14. My most recent hotel stay was a lot of fun. I was just there for one night, but didn’t use the toilet (or even the bathroom at all) to piss in for the entire evening. Oh, I also deliberately picked up a 5 litre bottle of water from the nearby shop, to ensure I was regularly needing to piss. My first piss of the evening was the most reserved - the classic trick of pulling out the armchair in the corner, then just standing and pissing right onto the carpet. Anyone who has freely pissed on carpet will know what an amazing feeling it is. Next time I needed to piss, the bedside
    2 points
  15. Last time is stayed in a hotel I deliberately held it as long as I could then got completely naked and walked in to the bathroom and sprayed my piss absolutely everywhere soaking the walls and the floor.
    2 points
  16. Firstly, I'd say those initial estimates are far too high. I know this is not what you want to hear, but I really think you're thinking with the wrong head here. The true number is probably more like five percent than fifty. Please understand that not only are women not generally encouraged to explore and develop their arousal, a lot of this is internalised too. Many women will not even admit to themselves that they have a fetish of any description (not necessarily to do with peeing, any fetish), the internalised disgust and horror is too strong. How many women have a pee fetish? There's no wa
    2 points
  17. I’d say that definitely still counts! I mean you’re still peeing *into* the ocean that way, right? Besides, doing it off the side of a boat could be all the better.. has that feeling of really using the ocean as your toilet that way, right?
    2 points
  18. I'll do this if I can do it from the side of a boat. I do not like swimming in the ocean lol.
    2 points
  19. This ‘bucket list’ style post.. 😅 I couldn’t agree more though - I absolutely love a wee in the sea on holiday! Half the fun of going in the sea is to poss in there, am I right? 💦
    2 points
  20. What an interesting topic! My universe would have instant travel where one could go to any place in the world instantly. Women would be equal to men, go topless at the pool or beach like men do. Women would be bolder, able to piss standing or however and let others see if they wanted. It would be nice to see a woman peeing on the side of the road for instance. Rest rooms would be unise
    2 points
  21. I would love her to pee outside and even better if she encourages the kids to pee outside as well, each one could pick a target (not animals or bugs please), I like your story
    2 points
  22. If we're going to be completely correct about this then 'in public' must mean surrounded by people - rather than leaving a public place to find somewhere totally hidden. There are still a lot of variables involved in what makes the decision for most of us. For example: - On a railway station platform waiting for the last train home with lots of other people all around after their night out, and station facilities being all locked up. I'd guess you wouldn't be the only one to take partial refuge in a station doorway or beside a rubbish bin and pee openly beside all the other people.
    2 points
  23. 2 points
  24. Showing off the curves today, no panties of course 🤭
    2 points
  25. Awake early for some reason 😩😩 who wants to suck on these?? You may get something out of them 🤤🤤
    2 points
  26. **UPDATE** Thus weekend I went to my moms house to visit. We spent a lot of time in her garden…potatoes were ready to be dug up, and blackberries were ready to be picked. It was hot so we drank a lot of water and peed when we needed to without warning. We were already nude, so we just let it flow. Later that evening, we were watching TV. I was gently stroking my pussy as I do when I am relaxing. I really had to pee, so I asked my mom where it would be okay to pee. She said “wherever you like since now that’s something we apparently do together. Haha!” I asked if I cou
    2 points
  27. What's your card number and social secu... Oh, not too personal. Oops! Is there any hobbies or activities you would really like to try but you haven't for one reason or another? Skydiving? Glassblowing? Swimming with sharks?
    1 point
  28. If you think that flimsy piece of paper is gonna stop me then you're wrong!
    1 point
  29. To answer the initial question: I'd probably say through the flies of trousers - assuming they are the classic style modelled after men's trousers rather than a specially made trouserfly for the female form.
    1 point
  30. I would always make it a point to go to the bushes and many a times I have been rewarded with ladies squatting there as well and usually none get flustered and in fact they relax and this has always given me chance to engage them in small talk or just steal a discreet look It also gets better when ladies in your own group accompany you to the bushes to relieve their bladders. In that case its absolutely more fun.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. If I needed to go in public and it was a park or a rural location with plenty of trees and hedges, I would have no hesitation about unzipping and having a discreet wee. However, if I was in a shopping centre or somewhere else in a city which afforded no discreet options, I would feel I had no choice but to wet myself.
    1 point
  33. Percentage of women into self pee fun (holding, naughty peeing solo peeing, wetting, enjoy peeing fun alone)? - My guess is 35 % Percentage into watching others (such as friends or partners)? - My guess is 80 % Percentage into participating in pee play with friends or partners? - My guess is 20 % These percentages were just based off of my experience and what I know about my female friends. Most of my friends admitted to enjoying watching other people pee.
    1 point
  34. I think women can owe anywhere that a man can pee, but many women wouldn’t do so. Thankfully we have plenty of ladies here who show that it can be done. I think the only place that ladies can’t pee that men can would be a place where women were not permitted to be such as a men’s changing room - however even that isn’t true because women can go into those places if they are bold enough. They may get funny looks or resistance, but physically there is nothing stopping them. These days all a woman has to do is say that they identify as a man (even if they don’t) and not a lot can be said.
    1 point
  35. Having a bit of fun 🤭🤭
    1 point
  36. I had made my way into town and when I walked down to the main street I found it quite busy with queues forming outside the bars along the street and a queue at the ATM, helped by the fact that for the past few months there has only been one ATM on the street. The second one midway along has been out of service for ages so now the one at the end of the street outside the shop tends to get busy which is great for witnessing desperation and getting sightings. I went and stood to the side of the shop checking out the people in the ATM queue and the queue outside the bar across the street ch
    1 point
  37. Welcome to this site.
    1 point
  38. I acted like it was no big deal and went to the closet to get a towel. It surprised me a little bit since I have never seen her pee outside of the toilet, sink, or grass, so I didn't think I was in the right mindset to venture the topic of me regularly peeing freely. Maybe it will happen again now that it has happened once, and it can just become a normal thing without a real conversation. I really had to pee at this time, as well. I dropped my shorts and peed in the sink, but from the side with my legs spread so it was more brazen.
    1 point
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