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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/04/2022 in Posts

  1. So I stayed up late last night holding my pee and chatting to friends. Finally went to bed at 7am after a nice release into the toilet that felt great after holding for several hours. I'm a night owl but 7am is late even for me, especially after a work day so I was knackered. Luckily I have a few days off now because of the Queen's jubilee celebrations so I could have a long lay in. Didn't wake up until after 2pm and I really didn't want to get up from my nice warm bed so decided to lay there a bit longer chilling on my phone. Ends up two hours later and I'm desperate to go.
    12 points
  2. I had quite some time to myself this week and I was in the mood to play.. more than once ☺️ Aaaaaand of course I received some phone calls that I couldn’t ignore at the worst possible moments. The first phone call came in when I was just chilling and meanwhile drinking lots of water. I wasn’t desperate yet when I picked up the phone but that changed quickly. I was holding myself and rocking back and forth on my chair and after what seemed to be at least an hour (it was 20 minutes.. 🙈) I made up an excuse to end the call and just went straight to the toilet as soon as I could (I didn’t pl
    7 points
  3. When I go out to scope out sightings the time I go home depends on a number of factors. How busy the town is. How many sightings I have been getting. What the weather is like. The most important one being do I need to get up the next day and if so what time. If the answer to that question is I don’t need to get up as I’m not working, or I am working but I’m working the following evening then I can stay out as long as I want and if the other factors are all good I tend to stay the whole night and wait around to get the first bus home rather than getting a cab as its cheaper. A few weeks back I
    7 points
  4. Needed to pee so used mother nature 😀
    4 points
  5. I’d say in general I don’t pay attention to the sound of other ladies peeing in the ladies room. You respect my privacy, I’ll respect yours, something like that I guess 🤷‍♀️ It’s an ‘automatic’ proces in my brain, not something I actively choose not to pay attention to. I’m pretty sure that anything out of the ordinary would trigger my attention though. Like the sound of a pee stream clattering on the floor for example. In which case I guess I would be curious 🤫 Maybe it’s also because I’m a rather self-conscious/ socially anxious person myself. Although it’s not that bad anymore these da
    4 points
  6. Having a bit of fun 🤭🤭
    4 points
  7. Feeling cute this morning, just a glimpse into what I like other than pissing 🥺🤭
    4 points
  8. ngl It can seem a little weird to suddenly have loads of people following you, especially when you haven't posted a thing yet. I guess it depends on the person if they find that off putting or flattering, personally for me it's the former but it's part of being female on a porn site, just one of those things you expect as a female imo. What I was worried about and what thankfully hasn't happened is getting loads of requests for pictures and videos, sometimes without even bothering to say hello or their name. I have had quite a few messages and have tried to respond to them all but they ha
    4 points
  9. I was in a similar situation many years ago (where only the womens toilets were open). Not in a park though, but an indoors area. I was in a cubicle so I wasn’t aware of the situation right away but I think the guy might have asked a lady going in for her help, she checked if the coast was clear, (as far as that is even a thing in the ladies room.. it’s not like we have urinals or anything), he walked in and loudly announced ‘Warning; guy coming in! Mens toilets are closed, I’m sorry!’. I thought it was quite endearing actually :”)
    3 points
  10. thankful for comfy undies. 😞🩸
    3 points
  11. haha. even though i had to wear comfy undies, and am really not feeling my sexiest, i felt naughty enough to go for a pantsless walk. 😳
    3 points
  12. I love hearing girls pee. It is interesting to hear the variation in sounds that different ladies make and yes, I often conjur an image in my mind as to what the image would be if I could see it. As to the morality of listening, well I have no qualms about it. It is not like I am installing secret microphones to detect something that could not otherwise be heard, I am just enjoying hearing a sound that is being made anyway. Consider it a slightly different way; If a girl walks down a busy street and she is wearing tight trousers or a nice dress, chances are that men are going to e
    3 points
  13. Really my whole fetish is private as I don't really want to tell my husband. This includes holding, pee playing with my long distance friends, and masturbating to posts and videos on here!
    3 points
  14. And just to add… im going to be very straight to the point here @runningback because we have spent a lot of time in the past trying to support you. - You’ve responded to a thread called ‘I’m out’ - if you are asking for your account to be deleted then just write a post in the ‘how to delete your account‘ thread and Admin will do as you request. https://peefans.com/topic/22660-how-to-delete-your-account/?tab=comments#comment-320566 - You are not allowed to post about sexual experiences with others when you were under the 18. Straight, gay, bi or whatever makes no difference
    3 points
  15. Hello all, this is Mother May I writing for probably the last time. I wanted to let you know that things have gone well since I reached out and got assistance here. I had not been here since the last post, so this is the first I saw of Paulypeep's reply. Let this post show you how it all turned out, I think we are doing just fine now. There have been a few hiccups and I thought you might enjoy hearing about them. As you know my youngest daughter caught on quickly and adjusted her behaviors for openly peeing. There was one day I arrived home to see her window open and an unmistakable jet of pee
    3 points
  16. * Thank you for keeping me company last night and making this so amazing. @LoveToHold @kalle2020 @Ozsport @gldenwetgoose @HitEmAll @Jar351 @steve25805 Live action thread posts begin here - https://peefans.com/topic/10299-live-action-thread/?do=findComment&comment=320601 After last nights hold in the Live Action Thread, I had reached breaking point, I was absolutely bursting for a wee. For reference, I was wearing tight dark blue jeans and a black t-shirt. Underneath I was wearing purple bikini-cut briefs, a white bra and black socks. We moved to the kitchen and I gave one last up
    3 points
  17. Finally! Boyfriend 2 is also into piss and has been working on being less pee shy. He's been doing so well with it. I have some good stories but today I got to hold him and aim while he pissed. The first time I have ever gotten to to that. It was so hot to feel. I aimed his piss all over these dead plants we have in the garage that I pissed on earlier this morning.
    2 points
  18. Golden Strings, Golden Rain, Golden Pussy, Golden PuddyLS...Lovely style...
    2 points
  19. I'm an outdoorsy sort of person, so my choice would be c). Others might readily guess why I briefly disappeared into the bushes, but to me it seems the most acceptable option and the one causing the least offense. There's another option you left out that many would prefer. You could always wet yourself.
    2 points
  20. Personally in a 'public' scenario like that my thought (which is by no means gospel) is that there are two aspects: There's the 'what we fantasise about doing' and there's the 'what's a reasonable course of action'. In the 'reasonable' course of action, we have to consider how others who don't share our willingness would react - whether they would freak out at our 'rational' course of action. So, walking into the ladies - if for example your wife checked the coast was clear could be perfectly viable. but on your own could lead to lots of screaming and outburst if you did it solo.
    2 points
  21. Hope you enjoyed doing it half as much as I enjoyed reading it 😉
    2 points
  22. A photo of me pissing off the side of the bed.
    2 points
  23. Oh my, just seeing this now but is super arousing and might just make me want to be “naughty”
    2 points
  24. If you were to write of these experiences and just omit any age references or anything that signposts minors, it will I am sure be ok. It is not an anti-gay thing. The same applies to straights too. Almost all of us had our first pee-related sexual experiences whilst still under 18. Yet we find ways to talk about them mostly by avoiding obvious age references. I am no longer a mod but used to be and know we have no policy against gay material here. As for the poster you responded to, it is unfortunate if she made anti-gay references but it was an old post and she has long since abandoned
    2 points
  25. A very practical ánd hot solution to your problem; the bucket 😚 I don’t care all that much about quantity though, but I’d sure like to see you make one or more video’s of it.. Assuming that you are having on videocalls though; do you mute both your camera and audio shortly while you’re pissing? I imagine a bucket making quite some noise, with a peestream going into it…?
    2 points
  26. Thanks for the compliment 😊 About the adrenaline; a little bit, yes. But I had pissed in a towel before and if you just press it between your legs there is nothing that can possibly be heard, you just feel the nice warmth spreading against your pussy 🤤 (that would not have made a very interesting video though :’) ). I suppose it’s the same when you fold a towel around your penis, but maybe someone should check, just to be sure 😇 I don’t think ányone would suspect you are pissing in a towel while on the phone so even if you sound distracted or strange for a little bit you can just m
    2 points
  27. I didn't wake up intending to get off but I woke up to a message from a friend that contained a link to a peeing video made just for me 🥺🥺 there is just something so special about it. I love it when my friends make porn specifically for me! Even when it's posted publicly I still love it!
    2 points
  28. Hi All. Today I had some great fun after work. I had worked from home all day finishing at 4pm. My house mate has gone over to his girlfriends so I was free to have a bit of fun. I drank loads all through the day, peeing about 3 times during the day and then at around 2:30pm I began holding. No more peeing until the following had happened. A) Finished work at 4pm B) Been for a 3 mile walk around where I live. C) Picked up food on the way back. The amount I was drinking meant my bladder filled fast from 2:30pm onwards. By 4pm I was already getting kinda full and I
    2 points
  29. Showing off the curves today, no panties of course 🤭
    2 points
  30. The Men's Association in Stepford Connecticut is the only place I can think of 🤷🏽‍♀️ Anywhere a man can pee I can pee too. Doesn't matter if I have to squat or stand. I'll pee anywhere I want to!
    2 points
  31. Yesterday, Mr Eliminature and I were at an 'alternative' pub where there was also a record fayre. We sourced quite a few vinyls for our collection. After two beers (albeit the second one was non-alcoholic), I was actually fidgeting in my chair - don't ask, this doesn't usually happen. It was because Mr E was still sourcing records and I had been left to guard the recently acquired ones; but I knew if I didn't go soon, the beer would make a reappearance on the pub floor and I would be walking home wet from the waist down. I quickly made my way to the ladies' lavatory (they were both
    2 points
  32. Not everyone’s as well hung as you, girl 😉
    2 points
  33. I have been on the receiving end of random dick pics and very crude messages and have just chosen to ignore them because I thought it just came with the fetish forum life. Fortunately it has not happened recently and it's been very pleasant! Thank you mods and admin for keeping peefans wonderful!
    2 points
  34. How did it take me four hours to see and love this! 😉
    1 point
  35. I think a lot of the themes have already been covered, but in the interests of pulling it together... My perfect video is a lady who's able to talk naturally and honestly to the camera - describing how it feels, what she's experiencing without it being over acted or just her saying what she thinks we want to hear. A girl who enjoys being full to the point of not being able to sit still and potentially leaking. Then to either pee or to wet somewhere other than a toilet. Risky is fine, and naughty is fine too - noting the 'not causing loss or distress to others'. I must admit I'm no
    1 point
  36. So far I have only ever pulled down my pants and peed on the floor, but I think I would prefer the second option. The only problem is I am definitely not a dress person lol. I am very tomboyish and never wear dresses. But if I were, I'd definitely go pantiless and have a squat to pee. There's something so naughty about that that I love. I like to see women pee from under their dresses in public, like on a shop or hotel hallway floor! So easy just to pull up dress, squat, pee, then stand and pull it back down. I love it!
    1 point
  37. It was mostly so I could keep an eye on the bike. I could have taken it into the toilets with me I guess but then I'd still be locked in a stall with my shorts pulled down. I wouldn't know anyone was going to take my bike until I heard it moving and then it would be too late. I could pee with the door open I suppose. By peeing in the bushes I could see my bike at all times and see if anyone was approaching. I wasn't that deep in the trees, maybe 10 feet away at most so if someone did grab the bike I could quickly pull up my shorts and chase after them. I quite liked the idea that people
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. I'd love to rent a hotel room for me and a hot ladyfriend for a night and have her perform a striptease for me where she incorporates peeing into the routine while she's dancing naked and sexily swaying her hips. Of course I'll happily do the same in return if she wanted to see that. Gotta be willing to give if you're going to take. Another thing i'd love to do is get me and a nice peegirl naked and like stand and embrace her in a room with a hard floor. Then I'd start kissing her on the lips really romantically like she's the centre of my world, and while we're kissing, we both just pee
    1 point
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