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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/2022 in all areas

  1. Thank you for making this. Exercise is my biggest way of escaping from everything. No matter what happens when I'm out, no matter how bad things are when I leave, I always get back in a much better mood. I find myself struggling the most late at night, especially when everyone is asleep so I'm alone with nobody to talk to. I think my energy levels play a big part in it, I tend to have more episodes when I'm tired but my mind is racing so I can't sleep. Work really helps a lot too. It is super stressful at times but it is a different kind of stress, my job distracts me from whatever
    6 points
  2. I love this site for reasons exactly like this - the real and genuine care that exists here. Yes we may all have a really unfathomable and odd obsession with human waste, yes we may spend our time looking at the root of all degeneration and evil that is pornography. We may flirt and play around outside the scope of our marriages... But at the same time we have some amazing friendships - in cases people we're in contact with more often than our real life friends, colleagues and maybe only families. For some I guess maybe the only people we actually get to have two way interaction with f
    6 points
  3. I try to find a "nature place" like a place with some bushes or trees. Pretty unlikely to have cameras and the trees/bushes give you some privacy.
    5 points
  4. I too have been struggling lately with issues I am not going to go into. When I am struggling, underlying issues from my past make my social confidence extremely fragile.The tiniest of knocks and I retreat into my shell. That has been my lifelong coping mechanism. Right across my life of late - both online and offline - I have been over-reacting to every little thing and just find it easier to retreat to avoid silly meltdowns Which is the main reason why of late I have only been posting pics and the occasional story and not interacting at all other than that around here. Tr
    4 points
  5. I don't think size matters. I have only slept with one guy but my friends have frequently told me the best sex they have ever had hasn't necessarily been with the biggest guy. It's not about the ship, but the motion of the ocean.
    4 points
  6. Honestly the whole size thing annoys me, it’s only men that care about the size and then I don’t understand why mean are so obsessed with other men’s penises. 🤣 my ex husband was about 8” long and 6.5” girth when erect, he was pretty big when flaccid too. It hurt, sex was painful and not enjoyable for me. I grinned and beared it for his pleasure but was happy when it was done and we could get to playing with hands, toys and oral instead as that was what was enjoyable for me. Big girth can just be too big and cause pain with stretching and the length is pretty pointless as most vaginas ar
    4 points
  7. My ex had a ten inch penis and it did absolutely nothing for me lol. Just hurt me going in and coming out because he wasn't all that good at sex and insisted he couldn't use lube or condoms. Current partner is about 9 in. It's okay. I'm not really one to enjoy traditional penis-in-vagina sex so I put up with it when he wants it and just wait for the next time he wants to use his mouth 😝 So, IMO, no, size doesn't matter. And even if it did there is no reason to be shamed or feel shameful about having a smaller dick. I love all men no matter what size they are! There are other ways t
    4 points
  8. My aunt always used to make my brother wipe after he had peed. Weirdly if we were outside in her garden, she would let us wee where ever but always made sure he wiped but she never cared if I did or not. She was relatively close to our age so when we were 19 and 23 she was 40 and came out clubbing with us a few times. On one occasion we walked home along a cycle track with hedges along the sides. She stopped and said she was going to go to the toilet on the track, i needed to go too so we squatted and my brother stood weeing in the hedge and getting a good eyeful of me and our aunt.
    4 points
  9. Thanks for this. If my correspondents on here are anything to go by I would say there are many of us who have to deal with various issues around our mental health - some relatively minor (and I would count myself among those) and some more difficult to cope with. One of the great things about the PeeFans community is how many kind and understanding people there are - and that sense of community and the friendships it can create are a support to me and I think to some others. I agree with you about physical activity - and also long walks in the countryside. They always help me.
    4 points
  10. Hi - Im Crystal. I have had a pissing fetish since before I could remember. As my fellow piss fans know, it's a bit taboo to some people, so I always kinda kept it my dirty little secret. Obsessed with pissing, my pussy, and my pissing pussy (lol), I decided to start live camming, something I never thought I'd do. I'm new to it, I have been verified on all the normal sites and I make a decent buck I GUESS, but a lot of times it's pointless because I wanna just have my people around me..the ones who wanna watch me piss in kinky ways. I know you know what I mean..we, as piss fans, are always loo
    3 points
  11. @gldenwetgoose yes, talking really does help. Like you said, it doesn't have to be a deep meaningful conversation, just a "hi, hope you're ok" does wonders
    3 points
  12. It's mental health week so just wondering what you all do to help with stress/anxiety etc. Listing things here may help others by giving them ideas that they may not of though of before so let's try and help each other. For me, exercise is important as it gives me a chance to escape for a while and have nothing to worry about apart from where I'm running or biking to. I find it clears my mind. What do you guys do? And how are you all?
    2 points
  13. I was lucky this weekend. I camped at a campsite where there was another tent a little further on. Furthermore, only caravans and camper vans. When I had to pee around 5:30 in the morning and went out of my tent to a bush, I saw a young woman looking out of the other tent. She saw me pee, smiled and came out of her tent to go a little further into the bushes. Unfortunately I couldn't see her completely, but it was clear that she didn't want to walk to the toilets either. I mean: who needs toilets when camping and everybody else is asleep 🙂 ?
    2 points
  14. Hi again, following my first post and the possitive and lovely replies i thought id post another to let you know how ive progressed. I have now started peeing through my panties stood in the bath, i loved the feeling of wet panties and how it flowed down my legs. My latest thing was laying down in the empty bath naked, lifting my legs up and peeing so it fountains up in the air onto my belly. Things are progressing quickly for me now, my latest fantasy which im planning to do soon is that possition where im on my back, lifting my legs and bum so i can pee on myself up to my boobs as in yhe pi
    2 points
  15. I hope this is the right section for a question like this! I’ve been back in my college town (the one almost all of my stories have taken place in) for the summer. It’s a place I feel more comfortable peeing outside in because I have more of a sense of where there are and aren’t cameras, where the best hiding spots are, etc. I also have the house to myself tonight and am planning on having some fun with peeing outdoors, definitely in the backyard and maybe even going on a walk to intentionally have a “desperation” pee somewhere. I guess my question is what kind of suggestions peopl
    2 points
  16. Cameras in hallways and parking garages are so small now. They are minimally always by stairwells, entrances, and by elevators. If I need to go where there may be cameras, I try to get between an object (such as a car or dumpster) and a wall or pillar. Just recently, when I needed to pee in a garage, I found a pillar next to a wall. Just enough room to slip in there, quickly pee and leave. I always try to be sure that any slope runs away from a visible area, because I tend to pee big amounts when I am desperate (like a lot of people) and the river of pee will give you away, sometimes whil
    2 points
  17. The last few times I’ve peed outside it was in a more natural area so I didn’t have to worry. When it comes to cameras, I just will go into an area and casually look around (and up!) to see if I can find any. I don’t care about windows or anything, I could care less if someone sees me from there. But I don’t want to get fined. 😅 Sometimes if I’m out and I can’t be absolutely certain there’s no cameras but I need to go badly enough, I’ll put on my face mask and maybe even some sunglasses if I have them (even though it’s usually night). I’m happy enough obscuring my face in an emergency.
    2 points
  18. So glad I started this, I hope it helps people. Thank you to those that have felt ok to comment and share
    2 points
  19. Thank you for sharing and I truly hope things get better. I'm the same with exercise, it has helped me a lot lately too. It's been very stressful with my wife's health but things will get better. Oddly, this site has helped too, it's been good to open up about things and everyone has been very nice about it. This site is great, far more to it than just looking at pictures and videos. Some very friendly people here. Sorry, I linked this onto you because I'm the same with exercise, I always come home in a better mood too.
    2 points
  20. Yes - I hear you!
    2 points
  21. As others have said a 'natural setting' is unlikely to have cameras. If one is in a more secluded place (alley, parking garage, etc) and behind or surrounded by things it is unlikely a camera will pick up one's activities. Additionally, camera footage generally isn't reviewed unless an actual crime (robbery, rape, murder, etc) is committed in the area; so even if a camera does see, it is unlikely anyone will see the footage.
    2 points
  22. Really well said 💖💖💖
    2 points
  23. @WaterboyUk here's another, enjoy https://www.erome.com/a/6mkoy40u
    2 points
  24. @DoctorDoctor when I said naturally I meant when I’m busy and haven’t been to the toilet and have “naturally” held rather than planning it. Then when the urge suddenly hits and you go, the release is such a relief it can feel amazing. I can’t go involuntarily, even when I’ve held to the point I can’t move or it’s agony, I don’t leak a drop. I think I’d cause damage before I had an accident, I just can’t see how an accident could happen (for me). i usually go when I feel the need to go, so urgency I guess. I’ve only got to the painful stage when seeing how much I can hold or when I’ve rea
    2 points
  25. Thanks 🙂 (though I put a fake birthday in my profile. Mine is actually in a couple months.)
    2 points
  26. I thought I'd try something as we all know people who struggle, whether they are on here or at home. I just wanted to do something to help, even if it's just giving people ideas of how to cope.
    2 points
  27. Video games are my escape. Especially ones that simulate life like Animal Crossing. As a middle schooler i was bullied relentlessly and for a while my little virtual villagers were my only friends. I also agree with physical activity. I enjoy walking, and if I'm wound up, stressed, or anxious I will literally pace my hallways with some music in my ear and mellow out. On a less healthy note, when shit really hits the fan I have one self destructive behavior for when I'm stressed beyond words, and that's hair pulling. I have literally put bald spots on my head before and its so bad.
    2 points
  28. My girlfriend does that also. Too lazy to walk to the toilets and very little chance to get caught between 12 in the night and 6 in the morning.
    2 points
  29. I have seen many incidences throughout my lifetime where women were peeing in the open. In fact, saw often since I was a teen. Here I will narrate many such incidences (only incidences involving adults) here. Incidence 1: I was waiting for bus in a small bus stop in rural area. I saw a girl like 18-20 ish along with a kid of 9/10 was going to the side of the road. The road was constructed very high so there was down hill along the side of the road. She went down the road and then she undone the kid's pants and pulled his organ out to pee. She moved a few feet and pulled her panties t
    2 points
  30. I am ready to do it again right now
    2 points
  31. I never really understood this male/female opinions/differences either. Like Eliminature says, if I pee standing up, my stream drops straight down and no mess is made. I know I’m rather lucky with my almost Barbie-ish very small labia, but even peeing sitting down, I don’t feel that the situation is much different from a guy who just took a piss, gives it a sqeeze and puts it back in his pants. I’ve encountered many situations where there was no toilet paper in the ladies rooms (or maybe just not the one where I was at because I didn’t check 😅). In which case; no problem, I will just
    2 points
  32. I don't have a penis, obviously. However, standing seems to eliminate the need to wipe, in both males and females. My stream comes out of the urethra cleanly, especially with my labia pulled back, out of the way. I only ever need to wipe if I sit (occasionally I have to do this for the other function).
    2 points
  33. 1 point
  34. Wow - what an amazing experience to have had. Just beautiful ❤️ Thanks for telling us about it!
    1 point
  35. when you’re waiting to make coffee, but also need a tampon, the kitchen is as good a place as any, right?
    1 point
  36. just a few pix i took during my last cycle.
    1 point
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