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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/11/2022 in Posts

  1. Hi! I stumbled across this site from another fetish social site. Peefans is exactly what I’ve been looking for! A little about me: I’m Amhac from Ireland, 25 yo, bisexual guy. Like most people here I guess, I’ve been into everything to do with piss since I’ve been really young. Peeing in inappropriate places and in public are my favs. I love watching others pee anywhere and everywhere too. exploring my sexuality and kinks is super important to me and I can’t wait to explore some more here. If you ever want to chat feel free to message me! Amhac 💛 btw b
    4 points
  2. This is Mother May I, I know I said I would write this weekend, but things did not go as planned. It will make sense as I explain events. First, I read the advice by PaulyPeeps and was instantly mortified. I had never considered the prospect of them wetting their clothes AS WELL AS whatever they were sitting on or standing over. This became the worst-case scenario to be avoided at all costs. Second, as for what I find disapproval in; it is activity as whole. Nothing in my life would ever possess me to think of relieving myself in that manner. I am no stranger to camping and have done that sort
    4 points
  3. In the absence of a warm pee-loving partner, I figured I’d try filling some of my lifelong wet desires by sharing a few photos and videos here on the forum. Hope folks enjoy, and feel free to give suggestions of what you’d like to see. It’s a lonely fetish sometimes and I just want to share my passion with others who appreciate the journey! Here’s a fresh one from this morning to get things started:
    3 points
  4. Reading @Kupar's recent lucky experience in his garden prompted me to write about this one which happened very recently. It was a lovely evening and generally quiet. My wife and I were feeling a little frisky and decided to have some fun on the garden swing. It is one of those which is three seats long with soft cushions. She wore a dressing gown with nothing underneath and I wore some loose leisure wear. We went out to the garden and tried to be sure that nobody was looking, although it couldn't be guaranteed. We fooled around for a bit and got each other turned on. Mrs A then str
    3 points
  5. I had a bath afterwards and kick my legs in the water, does that count?
    3 points
  6. From the U.S. patent application, December 22, 1891:
    3 points
  7. I was in a public toilet at a tourist attraction on Sunday. There were five urinals and to the right of them was a floor drain. There was nobody else in there, but a good chance somebody may appear, so I stood in front of the urinal that was furthest to the right and aimed my pee off to the side to miss the urinal and hit the floor drain. I could hear it hitting the water in the drain, then I adjusted my aim and wet the floor around the drain and finished off by peeing on the wall above the drain so that it ran down the wall to the floor and then the drain.
    3 points
  8. Just an update with my most recent outdoor peeing. I went out on my bike for about an hour yesterday lunch time to get a little exercise. As is often the case I elected not to pee before I set off and I stopped on an open woodland trail, put my left foot down and whilst still straddling the bike, pulled out my dick and peed directly onto the path. The ground was dry and hard so the puddle spread across the top leaving a foamy puddle. Finished, I gave a shake, tucked it away and carried on. Nobody around to witness it, but I didn't go off the path so there was always the risk that someo
    3 points
  9. Dear Mother May I It would appear that you still have a few hang-ups when it comes to peeing. You need to practice more to get better control of your bladder - not being able to go when you want to can be just as bad as going when you don't want to. You let yourself get desperate so you did not fully appreciate what your daughters are feeling, and left yourself with a much bigger puddle than you wanted. You should practice more before you can properly evaluate what it is like to pee freely. It looks like you have resolved your relationship with your youngest daughter, and clearly she
    3 points
  10. Hi all. Just wanted to say hello. I'm a 22 year old male from canada. I've been into peeing for awhile, since I was very young but really only have started to explore it. I found this site and I'm very excited to be joining. I'm into lots of different things with regards to pee. I love seeing girls desperate and wetting or peeing in naughty places. I also enjoy being watched peeing. One thing that's always fascinated me is when girls pee standing up like guys. It's actually what got me interested in peeing to start with. Hope to find some cool peo
    3 points
  11. The Bay to Breakers event in San Francisco used to be magic for public peeing 15+ years ago before authorities started to crack down and add toilets. The event was great because it started as a marathon across the city but the people of San Francisco unofficially turned it into an all day, mobile party of costumed (or naked) runners and walkers drinking heavily and pushing alcohol floats and wagons. It's hard to describe but it had a certain combination of cultures and circumstances that make it perfect; athletic functional necessity, hippy freedom, drunken debauchery and lack of toilets that
    2 points
  12. I was lucky this weekend. I camped at a campsite where there was another tent a little further on. Furthermore, only caravans and camper vans. When I had to pee around 5:30 in the morning and went out of my tent to a bush, I saw a young woman looking out of the other tent. She saw me pee, smiled and came out of her tent to go a little further into the bushes. Unfortunately I couldn't see her completely, but it was clear that she didn't want to walk to the toilets either. I mean: who needs toilets when camping and everybody else is asleep 🙂 ?
    2 points
  13. as I was waiting on a friend to leave work I was sitting parked inside a public parking garage watching all the cars drive by, after some time passed and traffic got heavy I needed to pee really badly so I figured I’d get off and look for a bathroom (if they had one) I walked up two flights of stairs and no bathroom, went down 2 to check, still no. By then my bladder felt heavy and I was already squeezing my thighs to hold my pee in. I walked back to my car hoping someone would park next to me so I could go in between cars, about 20mins pass and a older lady parks next to me,
    2 points
  14. At a recent match at my local football team Wrexham FC I usually don't pee at the game as toilets are alway busy but I had a few drinks before the kickoff and at about 20 minutes in I couldn't hold it so got up went to the women's toilet an all cubicles were in use, so I went to the gents to use the cubicle in there. I rushed in an thankfully one was empty so I went it found the lock was broke but had to go so left the door open a pulled my jeans down an sat on toilet and let it go. I looked up an saw a few men were stood watching me so I sat back an kept pissing an let them have a good view.
    2 points
  15. includes: pee vandalism, naughty peeing Mia walks through the economy isle all the way to first class as some stare while some do not care. Mia observed the plane planning on some naught actions later. Mia was a 25 year old girl with a stunning figure. Her silky black hair and her perky tits were eye catching. Her outfit was also stunning, with her cute blouse and medium length skirt she looked so sweet and innocent, but that’s what she wanted them to think. She sat in a pod as she waited for the flight to begin. She was watching the boring tape they play before the flight begins.
    2 points
  16. Good evening everyone. I'm a 24 year old guy from Italy. I love good food, music, mountain, trains and, obviously, pee! In particular, I like wetting, wetting desperation and, mostly, what I define "wild peeing" or "wild wetting". It means peeing wherever it happens, inside or outside, without taking any care of the place that will be wetted, like, precisely, wild animals: when they have to pee (or else), they... just go where they are (I'm not zoophile, obviously!). I appreciate naughty peeing too, especially peeing on particular objects or in strange places. I don't like, instead, ever
    2 points
  17. Long road to recovery but she'll get there. Need to keep my mental state level so I can help her, exercise definitely helps that
    2 points
  18. I just discovered Lauren Jumps - completely randomly - and I think she's sexy. Lots of lovely videos on her IG, eg https://www.instagram.com/p/CdTPnx3gbdc/
    2 points
  19. hows this dick in thigh highs?
    2 points
  20. Thanks. Don't feel too bad today, thought I'd be fucked after yesterday. It was a busy day!
    2 points
  21. Great stuff! You did it. Hope you recover quickly 🙂
    2 points
  22. Nothing. What has happened in the past has made me who I am today so by changing anything in the past means I wouldn't be who I am now and I am happy with who I am.
    2 points
  23. I had a nice drunk pee last night/this morning. Was away for work and got in from drinking with coworkers, took off my pants, sat on the chair and realized I needed to pee. Not a lot, just a little. Without really “deciding” I just sort of spread my legs and let my cock pee wherever it was pointing at the time. Only lasted for a bit but I haven’t done any kind of naughty peeing in a while and that was really nice.
    2 points
  24. I had a naughty pee in the men's room at work this afternoon... in the corner of the cubicle is a floor drain... the perfect aiming target...
    2 points
  25. Members of PeeFans, please join me in wishing the happiest of happy birthdays to @puddyls, @mariahernandez, @TOOS and @bbbb Have a great day, filled with fizz, cake and whatever else takes your fancy! 🎂 🥂 🎉
    2 points
  26. Sometimes on weekends my wife and I will wake up and both pee while we have a cuddle in bed. One of the best ways to wake up honestly!
    2 points
  27. Problem is, being English we always miss on penalties.
    2 points
  28. Sitting or squatting is more comfortable only because I do not have control over my aim too much. In the shower it goes everywhere, and if my pee stream is too weak it goes nowhere but down my thighs lol.
    2 points
  29. I find my fabulous piss sex geriatric nympho I am a sexual paradox. First, I am only 35 yet only attracted to old women – I get turned on by their droopy tits, flabby bellies, and wrinkles. I just love fucking them. Secondly, after being molested (it was great) by a plump geriatric nympho at 14 I also fell hook, line, and sinker for girdle sex. And lastly, my old nympho also made me piss on her hairy cunt every time she wanked herself on the toilet. Now, I can often find randy old birds who wear girdles and have saggy tits and bellies but none at all to date who enjoy or will have
    1 point
  30. What are your favourite pee fantasies? It would be great to hear different views and how imaginative people can be! I have many but my current favourite is... Having a lady lying down in front of me naked with her legs apart. I would be going down on her, but at the same time she would be slowly peeing so it is a constant trickle running downwards rather than outwards. It may sound boring to some but at the moment I'm loving the idea. I can't find any videos with a lady peeing like this and would love to see it. Does anyone have one like this or maybe make one like this?
    1 point
  31. You should leave pee messages xD. Maybe like secret spot for dead drop messages. The pee marks the spot and secret agent wet strikes again ^^.
    1 point
  32. I like that you like to pee more places?🥵
    1 point
  33. Often piss in a cup or glass, in fact rarely use the toilet.
    1 point
  34. I cannot aim to save my life so sitting down is much more comfortable for me.
    1 point
  35. Use it like an additional leg? ... I got nothin’
    1 point
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