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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/29/2022 in all areas

  1. It's literally me lol. I loathe public bathrooms and would much rather wait till I get home to pee. I have held my pee upwards of 13 hrs or so at work just so I could pee at home in the comfort of my own clean bathroom. It happens so often that I don't have any stories in particular to share, but that is definitely my motto lol. Hold till I get home!
    5 points
  2. I remember when I was about 18/19, we went to a pub with college friends. I drove as I don’t drink alcohol so that makes me designated driver most of the time! We’d been out all evening, drinking, chatting etc and just enjoying a nice warm evening (lovely pub by the lake that does water sports etc). I don’t often drink too much as one or two cokes in an evening is plenty and as most of you know by now I have have a huge bladder and pelvic floor muscles of a champion lol. Home was only 10-15 mins away, plus dropping off friends on the way I would be a maximum of 30 mins. I wasn’t too desperate
    5 points
  3. I'm currently at my workplace and today I have it all for myself. So of course I had to take advantage of that to have some fun. I wanted to make myself super desperate and then record the final bit of my desperation to share with you all. Hope you like it. https://www.erome.com/a/LWjFCZsP
    4 points
  4. @Bacardi I’m the same, I almost never use bathrooms elsewhere. One thing I’ve noticed though is that my bladder is obviously used to peeing whenever I come home, so now even if I only pop out for 10 mins, when I get home I feel like I need to go 🤣
    4 points
  5. One of the very few times that K has had this experience was a walk in the countryside in the summer of 2020 (yes, we were allowed out) when her normally iron bladder control deserted her. We had actually not long started out on our walk (it was the first 15-mile stretch of a 40-mile walk that we did over the course of three separate days), and were planning a coffee and toilet stop about half way, so perhaps that was what had meant that her normal very carefully controlled approach to intake and output wasn't fully operating. We were a few miles from the town we'd started from when she s
    4 points
  6. https://www.erome.com/a/Kvm89fOc Need to clean the bathroom floor today so decided to get on trash it. Piss fountains are fun but such a huge mess!
    3 points
  7. Just in case anyone needed a little further visualisation, @LovesToWet has by coincidence pretty much captured an image of Pippa (or could that be Louise) here.
    3 points
  8. Hi again all - it's Pippa again here, with another exciting adventure. Maybe not exciting... or maybe it is. You need to decide. I know my opinion. So where were we.... My darling sister had more or less humiliated me in our desperate car journey home, I've taken over her house, kids and persona. I've dressed as her, and pissed myself in the supermarket in front of her friend who thought I was her. Oh and then I shaved my bits and had the most amazing orgasm on her bed. Did I tell you about falling asleep, then half waking needing a wee again and sort of wetting her bed?
    3 points
  9. Honestly @LovesToWet - it can often be a curse more than a blessing. The time lost typing for one, and the 'will you just give me a simple answer....'
    3 points
  10. Another phenomenal chapter! I was smiling the whole time I read it. Pippa is so naughty!
    2 points
  11. It just gets better and better 😊 Wonderful writing Goose. I'll be back in a few minutes ...
    2 points
  12. Ohh my, this nearly gave me a heart attack lol
    2 points
  13. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph626a2c42661d5&pkey=183836112 https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph62698638a0b9e
    2 points
  14. I remembered seeing a very sexy picture of this scenario which turned out to be from this forum: https://peefans.com/topic/19850-pissmess-multitasking-what-i-like/?do=findComment&comment=273038 There’s more in the rest of the topic but this one stuck with me somehow. Maybe because I imagine her having double the fun this way.. Edit: the link takes you to the right topic but somehow not to the same post every time. But anyway; I meant the picture of the lady sitting on all fours and pissing on the sofa 🙂
    2 points
  15. This floats my boat, love it
    2 points
  16. Wow! I can sense the relief from here!
    2 points
  17. Sadly I still struggle to get facial expressions right, but I'm working on it. Sandy was supposed to look more sorry rather than angry. It's actually the opposite lol - and the reason why is because for the ethnic series I use references so it makes drawing the pose much easier and faster. After that it's just about adding clothes and detail - and color of course. That's not as exhausting as you may think. For my illustrated stories however I don't use any references, I draw all from imagination and that makes it hard to get proportions, perspective and anatomy right. Because of t
    2 points
  18. I'm in awe once again of your talents @Gotah - these illustrations are absolutely perfect in my opinion. They are right up there with anything you'd find published and I see absolutely nothing that needs to be improved on. Body style wise, obviously it's your story, your characters and your illustrations. So your choice of exactly how Sandy and Liza look. As it happens they're ticking all the boxes for me, would love to meet either of them in real life.
    2 points
  19. Would that make it an "openet"??
    2 points
  20. I'd just call it a 'backless' dress. And I like the style too. A woman's back and shoulders can be very sexy. Often-overlooked parts of the body I think 🙂
    2 points
  21. My favorite fantasy would be to host a pee sex party for a large group of bisexual women where I would be the only male present. In return for me providing a room with soft carpets and comfortable sofas for their pee play, they would invite me to join in. This movie from 2011 where the women pee all over each other and lick pussies would be a fine example. Lesbian piss party with 18 women - part 1 I would let them know in advance that if any woman wanted to pee in a man's mouth, she need only ask me and I would guarantee not to refuse. Of course, my orals skills would also
    2 points
  22. I just can't get away from dreaming about women who accept damage to things in their quest for satisfaction through peeing. Not hardcore vandalism, or getting off on destroying things. But rather a woman who feels the empathy yet can't help herself, her desire, her longing the next giant orgasm, simply drive her beyond her sympathy and compassion and make her do things she knows are wrong. This has been a recurring theme in my dreams and features in a number of my stories (many of them unwritten, sitting around in my mind for years, waiting to be typed). "Walk Home" (series) is a good exa
    2 points
  23. I don’t know what exactly I like about the pee & blowjob combo but it looks and feels hot for sure! 🤤 Maybe it’s true what a friend once said to me ‘so.. basically you just love everything that comes out of a cock?’ :”) Here’s the womanizer topic btw: https://peefans.com/topic/22871-using-clit-suction-vibrator-on-urethrapeehole/ I tried it on my clit the first two not so successful times. Then while getting more and more desperate by the minute I took some time to shave and look at my pussy in a mirror so I exactly knew where my peehole was. It took me one or maaaaybe two s
    2 points
  24. Couldn't decide whether to post this or not but then thought sod it, why not! https://www.erome.com/a/q6TpMb37
    2 points
  25. This site does seem great at accepting people for who they are. Very welcoming
    2 points
  26. 2 points
  27. Must be difficult keeping it from growing like crazy when you keep it so well-watered! 🤣
    2 points
  28. Sorry to keep spamming you all it's just I've been really horny lately and had this urge to keep sharing. I'm sure it will pass soon
    2 points
  29. Dear Wet Carpet. I am a lucky guy, with a glamour model for a girlfriend. I think she looks absolutely beautiful. Judge for yourselves.... And we have a secret understanding. Her thing, her naughty pleasure, is to have me watch as she pees on our kitchen floor. She does it often. And leaves me to clean it up. That's the deal. She gets to pee on the kitchen floor for fun. I get to watch. And I am the one who mops it up afterwards. To see such a gorgeous beauty squatting and peeing on the floor is such a turn on, and clearly she gets a kick out of it too. Sometimes, she doe
    2 points
  30. Dear Wet Carpet I have been living in a shared rented house with two other young women, all three of us students. We don't want to reveal our identities, but here is a rear view photo of us taken by one of our guy friends..... We kind of got an exhibitionist thrill out of being naked for his camera, and owed him a favour anyway because he'd loaned us the money for our deposit. Anyway, not using our real names, I am the blonde on the left and I shall call myself Maria. Let's call the one in the middle Emma and the one on the right Janet. Well the house we were renting
    2 points
  31. Haha! As Goose says, there's more than one way of getting a story across effectively my friend! Your descriptions are just fine 🙂
    1 point
  32. Using tissues (if you don't dispose of them properly) I'm sure creates more pollution than the pee. I usually pee in my bathing suit in the ocean, although discreetly peeing in my wet swim shorts can be even more fun.
    1 point
  33. Wetting blue lycra in the garden A few days ago when the weather was warm, I really fancied wetting some short running tights - I was feeling like I needed a little naughty time by myself - so here's the result. If it's your thing, then I hope you enjoy it as much as I did 🙂 https://www.erome.com/a/DcAmuGtW
    1 point
  34. I suppressed it for years after being shamed about it by an ex. But, luckily the sex positive movement ran through the internet a few years after that and I was able to see that it's a safe, sane, and consensual way to enjoy myself. Now I embrace it, and even though I embrace it by myself I have the forums to help me explore aspects of my fetish in a healthy way!
    1 point
  35. Chapter 3 As Sophie walked into the school’s meager library early in the morning, far before school started, she was met with Emily’s smiling face waiting amongst the shelves. Her red hair swished as she walked forward. “Hey, I’m glad you came. I wanted to talk to you,” she said, washing away Sophie’s worries with the smile she wore. Guiding her deeper into the library, they sat in opposing armchairs before Emily spoke again. “I-I really enjoyed hanging out with you and P-peeing with you,” she said, a blush spreading across her cheeks. “I’ve never felt like so good w
    1 point
  36. Lovely stream, impressive veins and some pretty nice foreskin 😻
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. It's been far too long since I went to a beach in the summer. Last time I was walking on a beach and there wasn't really much cover, ended up kneeling by a dune with some waist high grass, pull my cock out and try to pee in the sand without getting my knees wet. If it's hot and I'm in my suit and swimming I'll usually just pee in the water through my suit. One of the last times I was on the beach I had a chair set up right at the waters edge and just kept peeing whenever I felt the need while keeping myself well hydrated.
    1 point
  39. We pee in front of each other often, specially outdoors
    1 point
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