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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/27/2022 in all areas

  1. Was at a local town park area, they have a building with bathrooms open during the summer and they keep it closed during the winter, they open in about 3 weeks coming up and close in September. People pee in the woods or behind a dumpster during the winter/spring There was a mom with a daughter , teenager maybe 13ish, and the mom had on black leggings and a pink hoodie. I was sitting in my car in a parking spot and I can see if people go in the woods and behind the building but there’s no parking spot where you get a chance to see anything besides there head because everyone seems to hi
    7 points
  2. So, I love pissing but I’m not much of a sharer lol. But the last person I was with was a long distance relationship, and the only way we could pee play for the majority of it was through videos and pics. I miss pissing for someone, and while this doesn’t replace the emotional connection I had, it is nice to share with other people who enjoy. I hope you like it. 😅
    7 points
  3. I’ll often go outside even if I’m not particularly desperate, firstly if I see a good spot where I know I’ll get away with it, or secondly because I have a good spot and I may not later (if I’m out and about). There’s been occasions where I’ve been somewhere with a toilet but I’ll go outside and pee there because I enjoy doing it. For example I’ll sometimes go and pee in the car park at my block of flats during the night. Or I’ll drive a specific way home knowing there’s a lay-by about 10 minutes away I can pull over and pee in, even though I’m sure I could wait ten minutes till I’m home.
    7 points
  4. So after trying out all kinds of pee play by myself for the last few days, I confessed to my wife about the kink today. Cause at some point she probably would have caught me anyway, right? While she was super weirded out at first, we had a nice long talk about the kink and what it involves, and my fantasies. Thankfully I'm married to the most amazing woman, and she was super understanding after all the cards were on the table. She totally isn't into it herself, but is completely fine with me indulging in the end. What surprised me when at the end of our talk, she asked if I really wanted
    5 points
  5. Who doesn’t love to lean back, relax and let loose into the warm water? It’s one of my favourite simple pleasures.
    5 points
  6. One of my fellow forum members here reminded me of something that I think looks incredibly hot; men who unbuckle or pull down their pants and whip out their already pissing cock. Here’s some examples: https://thisvid.com/videos/pissing-reader/ https://thisvid.com/videos/power-piss-whie-preparing-salad/ https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph601ccd1198c13 And a question for you guys; have you ever involuntarily started pissing just before the ‘finish line’ (the toilet, the sink, a tree, etc.)? Or -as seems to be the case in the first two vids- just waited to pull
    4 points
  7. I know I can pee with quite some force but I honestly prefer the more relaxed naughty kind of peeing. Like wearing a skirt with nothing underneath and just let it flow. In a nature environment.. maybe a park bench, etc. Feels so good to drain my whole bladder while chilling ☺️
    4 points
  8. That's because I'm a doofus - I'd posted her in the Attractive Nudes section (give or take leather jacket) and should have posted the one below in this thread.
    4 points
  9. Dear Wet Carpet I have been living in a shared rented house with two other young women, all three of us students. We don't want to reveal our identities, but here is a rear view photo of us taken by one of our guy friends..... We kind of got an exhibitionist thrill out of being naked for his camera, and owed him a favour anyway because he'd loaned us the money for our deposit. Anyway, not using our real names, I am the blonde on the left and I shall call myself Maria. Let's call the one in the middle Emma and the one on the right Janet. Well the house we were renting
    4 points
  10. Probably in a supermarket, but only did a small amount so just got my underwear damp and didn’t actually effect anyone else. Other than that a dirt/gravel car park in the woods.
    4 points
  11. For me it seems to happen every few months. Sometimes it's not pee dreams that make me cum in my sleep though. Although 10 times out of 10 if I am dreaming about peeing somewhere I usually wake up with cum in my pj pants 🤪
    4 points
  12. For me I’d probably say inside a ruined church. Morally wrong for some, just walls to shield me from passers by to others. I’ve used the same ruined church on several occasions. Sometimes I just squat in the grass inside what was once the church. Other times I’ll sit on a stone ledge and pee off the edge.
    4 points
  13. 3 points
  14. Me too. Enjoy watching guys and them watching me. Let me add bi-exhibitionist to the terms used.
    3 points
  15. I'm in a sharing mood today so here's another pic and video https://www.erome.com/a/IiD3J0ub
    3 points
  16. Definitely,count me in.
    3 points
  17. Yes - count me in on that 🙂 I like seeing a nice cock peeing too even if seeing women would generally be my go-to thing. I suspect you'll find there are quite a few people here in a similar situation
    3 points
  18. Yes, I've done that while out on a bike ride. I was really desperate while trying to find a hedge to nip behind. I started pissing in my shorts before I managed to stop. Didn't mind too much as I enjoy wetting but was still a bit embarrassed as I had to ride home with a wet patch
    3 points
  19. Yep pretty much always for enjoyment, I think it's years since I peed outside out of necessity, could almost always make it home or to a toilet just don't want to 😄
    3 points
  20. PS: I'll always prefer peeing outside to using a public restroom. Those places are just disgusting, I only use them if in company who wouldn't appreciate my behaviour. Otherwise, it has happened that I have actually peed behind the toilet building on a motorway rest area rather than inside as I was supposed to do...
    3 points
  21. I’ve reached another pee milestone for myself tonight! 😆. I went to the movies with my mom, and I pretty much finished the large soda I had by the end of the movie. I didn’t really feel much of an urge to go pee, but because we weren’t 100% sure if we were going to stop anywhere else before making our way back to my house, I decided to use the restroom at the theater. I also decided to go because I noticed they had two separate family/unisex ones, so I wouldn’t have to go through the stressful situation that is trying to use gendered restrooms being transgender 😪. Anyway, I got into the roo
    3 points
  22. I've been visiting this site for a while and join recently. I stated that I'm a straight male into pee and wetting but recently I found that I actually enjoy watching women wet themselves as well as getting slightly stiff watching a man pee and wet themselves. Seems that I like seeing a man who's hard pee. I've decided to come up with a new sexuality....bi-voyeur. Someone who enjoys watching both men and women. Is there anyone else out there to that thinks this way too?
    2 points
  23. Hi guys! I've only recently discovered the watersports kink, and it took me a while to try it out. But 2 days ago, I finally did. Here is my first time: https://www.erome.com/a/8RwGcQJ7 Absolutely loved that, so I had to do again: https://www.erome.com/a/u7GzEE9w
    2 points
  24. It has happened to me when once I planned to have a naughty pee in abandoned building not far from my home. I drunk a lot of water and I was really really desperate. When I finally reached my target and found the right spot to pee, it started flow out while I was still getting out my penis. I had a fully power pee on the floor but a lot of pee wet my underwear and pants 🙂
    2 points
  25. Snap, women are still my go too just like @Kupar
    2 points
  26. Bi-voyer. Sure. I fit the bill. I still lean more toward women in my fetish but men can still get me going if the circumstances are right!
    2 points
  27. Think I'm that too as I don't mind any watching, just glad people like my videos & pictures
    2 points
  28. @T00rpedo, That is so good that your wife was understanding when you told her and was willing to indulge you. I am in a similar position that I have told my wife and she is not interested herself, but has been willing to pee on me and for me on a number of occasions. It is a difficult decision to tell a partner as it is possible that it could be met with a bad reaction, so it is great that you took the step and have such an accepting wife.
    2 points
  29. Here is an older pee adventure I had a couple years ago while in New Mexico. I went for a hike and found a nice big rock to sun myself on. After laying out in the sun for a little while I had to pee. There was a parking lot full of people not too far away so I didn't want to stand up and pee. https://www.erome.com/a/TJYFhjTg
    2 points
  30. I will be the ripe old age of 27 this year too and this made me laugh 🤣 make me feel ancient and I'm not even 30 yet!
    2 points
  31. I enjoy wetting myself in lycra too. Don't get much chance to do it though. The last time I did I was wearing running tights and kept rewetting them. That was fun. https://www.erome.com/a/vBq4gtxI
    2 points
  32. Mini me having a mini pee lol
    2 points
  33. I think the last 1 has happened to all of us at 1 point, and I'm the same as @DoctorDoctor the drunken pee accident cos I couldn't coordinate properly to get my cock out in time before starting
    2 points
  34. I think the most morally bad pee i had was next to someones front door. I just pee outside for the feeling not with the intention to destroy something, so most of the time is just in a forrest and that not morally wrong i guess
    2 points
  35. I have outdoors while drinking heavily. I'll blame it on "anticipation" peeing. Getting my cock out, but starting the flow before it is fully out. Sort of a drunken coordination problem.
    2 points
  36. Not sure if this should be here or in funny pee pics. If you’re into bouldering I guess it is cool.
    2 points
  37. A wee outside is always better than in a bathroom toilet.
    2 points
  38. I suppressed it for years after being shamed about it by an ex. But, luckily the sex positive movement ran through the internet a few years after that and I was able to see that it's a safe, sane, and consensual way to enjoy myself. Now I embrace it, and even though I embrace it by myself I have the forums to help me explore aspects of my fetish in a healthy way!
    2 points
  39. Possibly…? 🤷‍♀️ But I will have to change the setup a bit then, or I’ll hit the tv :’) Now that spring is here I am looking forward to some outdoor playtime first though ☺️ But I’ll keep it in mind. Oh, and yes, I did measure how much volume I can pee once or twice and my best ‘score’ was just over a liter.
    2 points
  40. I was walking through the town centre after work this evening and felt the need to pee. I knew I’d end up uncomfortable if I tried to hold it till I got home and very often the bus station toilets are closed. On my route I pass a public toilet in the main shopping street in which you insert your 20p and the door automatically opens then closes behind you. Wanting my money’s worth, I ignored the toilet. I removed my knickers and pulled my skirt up to my waist. With my back to the wall next to the sink I squatted with my legs wide open and forcefully pissed the biggest, messiest puddle I could,
    2 points
  41. I like to kneel and place a rolled up towel between my legs and hold it there to pee directly into it, feeling the warmth round my crotch.
    2 points
  42. Challenge accepted!
    1 point
  43. It makes sense to me @Kupar I would like to involve peeing on and getting pee'd on in my sex life not in a dominating way, that just doesn't appeal.
    1 point
  44. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph62673a8f02704 full video on onlyfans but at least you see the cum on the clothes
    1 point
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