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  1. Thought i'd share some pics of my current working from home uniform 🙂 enjoy 😛 x
    21 points
  2. The other day I was busy rushing round being productive, tidying and cleaning the house etc. It was all looking nice and sparkly and I was just putting on the last load of washing (a set of bedsheets, some pyjamas and a few clothes etc). I had dumped it on the floor by the machine while I grabbed the powder etc. But as my last job I started to relax and slow down, then I suddenly realised I needed to Pee and hadn’t been for about 7 hours as I’d been so busy. I planned to go to the toilet after I finished the washing but my bladder suddenly had other ideas. It started twinging, as did my clit a
    7 points
  3. I fulfilled an ambition this week, when I visited SOP in London on Sunday. (And I'll definitely be going again). I got a friendly welcome at the door, paid my £12, undressed down to my underwear and went in. There were perhaps 20 to 30 guys there, mostly in fetish gear or underwear. There was plenty of cruising going on, and open sex - but with the added advantage of free flowing piss everywhere. Guys were lying in the inflatable pool waiting to be be peed on, and there was plenty going on in the side rooms. I'm more of a voyeur than an out-and-out sexual player, but one of my highlight
    5 points
  4. yes. exactly. plus, not having to worry about finding a bathroom anymore. i mean unless i want to, or there really is a reason to use one. 🤣
    5 points
  5. I don't have the length of experience on the site as the previous two illustrious members, but there does seem to be an ever-changing pattern of activity. Sometimes the stories (real and fiction) threads are busy, sometimes it's specific types of original content, sometimes specific types of pee porn videos, ad the public chatroom does have its 'golden ages' where for a few weeks or even months there's a regular busy pub-style chat of an evening or even during the day. I agree with what I believe @gldenwetgoose has said elsewhere that people's working patterns during the last couple of years h
    4 points
  6. @gldenwetgoose My thoughts are I just enjoy the chat box (when I can catch it) and the PMs more than posting as of recent, but that's also because it has been real quiet around here recently and, again, I've seen the forum go through this before so I am not so worried about it haha. I still look forward to my alone time on here just as much as I did a few months ago when there was more to be seen!
    4 points
  7. So as I posted before it's now a part of my pee routine to wake up around 3 or 4 in the morning to pee 🙄 my bladder is literally like an alarm. Ya'll know me. I hate waking up in the middle of the night to pee so when it happened last night I decided I would just ignore it and go back to sleep. That was a bad idea cause my real alarm went off at 730 and I was sooooo full. Didn't actually think I was going to make it to the toilet lmao. But I did, and it was all good.
    4 points
  8. @Peewee123 i can kinda relate to that. when i first began exploring pee as a fetish, i learned about sooo many things i never would have guessed people would do with it. lol. but, being impressionable, i would experiment. and, the desire to relieve my arousal, or becoming horny, by peeing never really stuck. like i never felt that it really stimulated me in a sexual way, but was just going through the motions of what i read, seen, or had been told was a turn on. sure it was fun, and exciting, but just wasn't really satisfying. probably the closest i come to that is through extreme desperation.
    4 points
  9. Includes female holding/desperation/wetting and masturbating Warning: long(ish) story This is my first time writing a pee story so let me know what you think and hope you enjoy! This is a story about Nina. Nina is a 25 year old German with brown eyes and long brown hair. She has a slim athletic body and thanks to her running and yoga habit, she has the most beautiful legs to ever walk this earth. Still studying to become a surgeon, Nina is a busy girl and she never really has time for serious relationships. That being said, it never stopped her from fulfilling her own needs
    3 points
  10. This story was originally set in a Christmas tree lot and I changed it around to take place in a Halloween pumpkin patch after I had a hard time getting that idea to work the way I wanted it to. Anyways, enjoy and please check out my profile for more stories. *** This story takes place a few years back during my time as a teacher at a public elementary school. The school I was working at had a longstanding tradition of taking its students out on a trip to a local pumpkin patch a couple of days before Halloween. The kids would each pick out a pumpkin and take it back to the school to
    3 points
  11. I'll bring my secretarial skills whilst wearing this non-uniform too 😛
    3 points
  12. Would you care to crash my next Zoom call please @Barbieoxo? It would liven up a discussion of esoteric technology no end 🙂
    3 points
  13. female, usually fully shaven but slight growth coming back now as its been a few days. Hot tub weekend away for my wedding anniversary this weekend so waiting for it to grow a bit more to shave off for then 😄
    3 points
  14. I wear a bra when im working or if I want my boobs to look fuller or basically when im in a situation I don't feel comfortable people being able to see my nipples aha! but at home rarely and if its a baggy t shirt just popping out somewhere then ill not bother 🙂
    3 points
  15. My philosophy is that if I can get away with it then it is O.K...
    3 points
  16. I, too, have a spinal injury. Unlike you, mine limits rather than helps my bladder capacity. I typically don't notice mine getting full until I'm nearly desperate. On a good day I have 20 to 30 minutes, on a better day I'm lucky to have two.
    3 points
  17. One of my friends was interested in the fiction that I was writing, and she soon cottoned on that it was written as my experience. I had to admit that it was mostly, and had only been a little bit enhanced. She was very inquisitive of what I did and why I did it, and was just completely accepting of it and did not judge at all. Of course she shared this information with several other friends, but in her open minded way that they had to accept that it was O.K. too. It is nice that I can wet myself openly around my friends now. They still find it a constant source of amusement - but still accept
    3 points
  18. In another topic, I mentioned having my best sighting ever in a big highway reststop. I didn't tell anything about it, as the topic was about something completely different but @The99Club asked for some details, so here goes! It happened a couple of years ago on a Thursday night. I was driving home from work late. I always pass a big reststop with a big petrol station, restaurant, Starbucks etc. As it was late, I decided to pull into the rest stop and get some food there as I didn't feel like cooking anymore. Ofcourse after such a long day at work I didn't think at all about pee sightin
    3 points
  19. Another day another clamping
    3 points
  20. I have been enjoying wearing my clamps recently so thought I'd share it with you too 😋 couple with and one after ive taken them off with the little pinches left on my nipples 😋
    2 points
  21. Basically, I think Putin is a heartless monster with more blood on his hands than Harold Shipman. It's completely illegal, entirely unprovoked, and I stand in full solidarity with the Ukraine. I know my words on this fetish forum aren't exactly going to reach very far, and they pale into obscurity when you consider the heartache, fear, anger, rage, and destruction involved in this unwanted war. However, my heart goes out to every Ukrainian currently fighting for their country/life. I propose that when Putin dies, we all organise a trip out to Russia for a huge collective disrespectfu
    2 points
  22. I was at home in the nude and became in need of a piss but because NO TOILET facilities are installed in my apartment I had to seek somewhere else to pee, so I decided to go in the corner of the room. https://www.erome.com/a/JjFPEchi
    2 points
  23. There's a fair amount of training involved but it's not too bad depending on how competitive you are. If you are taking part in a triathlon just for fun you can relax on the training a little. Swimming is my worst part of the three. I enjoy swimming, I really enjoy it but the whole thing is a bit of a pain. I hate having to get changed, dry off etc. It's just a faff. Cycling is my best but that's mostly because I do it often to relax. I'm fairly good at the running, I used to represent my school in the 200m sprint and 100m hurdles and moved onto longer distance running when I left school
    2 points
  24. I enjoy solo pee play, but I haven't done anything at work. Peeing outside in the garden or in the countryside, on piles of clothes before they're washed, into cardboard boxes (the sound is lovely!) and when I am feeling particularly naughty, peeing on washable walls and floors at home or in hotel bathrooms. But I have to clean up straightaway - I don't like the idea of leaving a mess. There are many, many threads on the site that will give you ideas I'm sure. Not sure if you are into wetting for your own pleasure - that's a whole different concept really, but can be just as enjoyable if not m
    2 points
  25. I have always kept my pee stuff to myself (other than the odd holding contest and what not on here) and I have just gotten used to it. For me it's been upwards of 20 years lol. I peed on the carpet all the time at my old house and pee on my bath mat every so often and in the tub and have never gotten caught.
    2 points
  26. That would be very helpful - thanks. "Take this down, please Barbie" 😉
    2 points
  27. I've been here probably just approaching four years now, so nothing like the same duration as yourself @steve25805 - and I think I've seen changes in that time. I do have a very slightly different take on it, and of course it's interesting to compare with your feelings. I definitely think the wider world has changed it's viewing, consumption and contribution focus and (IMHO) not for the better. I think on the whole there's been a movement away from appreciating high quality fine artistic pictures, with 'the norm' being a shaky blurry social media video clip. The younger consumers of to
    2 points
  28. I guess that disproves the argument that the size of a woman's bladder is usually proportional to breast size.
    2 points
  29. @puddyls yes that relief after being desperate is amazing and is kinda similar to the relief post orgasm but I’d say that’s more comforting/relaxing than a turn on. So for you it’s more about enjoying breaking the social rules? So more similar to say graffiti than sexual arousal? Or an exhibitionist type thing? (Sorry you don’t need to answer, I’m just interested).
    2 points
  30. @puddyls interesting, thank you for answering. I do kinda see what you mean and think we are similar in some ways, because I also don’t find peeing a turn on really, I go to the toilet regularly just as others do and it gives me no satisfaction whatsoever and I don’t think twice about it. I also don’t think about it or get turned on seeing or hearing others, like you say, it’s just a normal bodily function. However, if I am turned on, suddenly the pee kink kicks in (or sometimes anyway). Then I have an urge to do naughty pees or experiment etc or read/post here. Although downside is after I or
    2 points
  31. I haven’t done anything to be able to do it, I think I just have a large bladder naturally. Although I avoid going to the toilet in public places as they feel dirty and I rarely went at school so maybe I trained it or stretched it to make it big by doing so?! Another reason could be due to my spinal injury, I don’t always have full feeling below my waist so that might make it easier to hold as I can’t feel how desperate I am. I think stopping and starting is easier for women, I can easily do it at will and only half going to the toilet is fine as long as I don’t still feel “desperate
    2 points
  32. I had a horny week recently and ended up doing a few pees for enjoyment. None of them were planned and just happened as the urge came over me. Didn’t think it was worth a post so adding in here. I was sat on a bar stool at the breakfast bar in my kitchen doing some work. I realised I needed to pee which turned me on a bit. I decided to test whether I really needed to go or was just horny so pushed to see if my bladder was full, but never intended to let any out. However doing that test push just made me tingle more as I felt the pee get close to coming out, so I decided to do it a fe
    2 points
  33. Fantastic sighting @JDG. I'm guessing those girls were super desperate when they got off the bus and didn't want to wait the extra few minutes to get inside and use the toilets, especially as 30 girls arriving at once would definitely result in all cubicles full and more waiting. The alcohol took away their inhibitions and they just did what they needed to do without any concern for who could see them as they wouldn't know the person anyway. I had a similar sort of thing once in Bristol. I've probably posted it somewhere before, but to summarise, I was walking along a main road and a
    2 points
  34. Not so much me because I am rocking my mom bod 😎 but it's cool. That's why I have a team ready to come feel out my bladder for me!
    2 points
  35. It's really obvious on me! My abdomen really bulges and then when i pee the bulge goes and you can see my stomach deflate! haha
    2 points
  36. Bailey is spending a weekend in Miami Florida with her friends. Bailey is a young adult from South Carolina. She has armpit length natural blonde curly hair, normal weight and medium height. Bailey went down to the hotel pool for a swim. While swimming, Bailey begins to feel a full bladder and exits the pool to the nearby bathrooms to urinate only to find out that they are out of order. Bailey heads up to the bathroom door "Fuck! I really need to pee! I can not make it all the way up to my hotel room." Bailey walks around the pool hoping to find a secret place where she can pop a squat but can
    2 points
  37. First post since joining yesterday. I enjoy using this bathroom at my apartment as one big urinal - no need to lift the toilet seat. https://www.erome.com/a/24DxFonu
    1 point
  38. Looking forward to a part two! Maybe where the girls start getting a little more adventurous with where they relieve themselves? This would cause the POV to have to clean up the mess they made as it’s apart of the rules for him to clean up after the girls, after all. This could lead to some interesting events.
    1 point
  39. haha. it looks your undies got wetter than mine did though. 💕
    1 point
  40. Be careful as this is likely to annoy the owner (unless you know they’d like it) and is probably considered vandalism.
    1 point
  41. I originally wrote this up for another forum, but thought y'all might enjoy it too! I finally got to try a long-time wetting fantasy of mine Saturday! And man, was it worth the wait. After a truly hellish Christmas with family, my husband (29, kinda looks like David Tennant) and I (27, blonde, slim, AFAB nonbinary) ended up returning to our home Friday instead of Sunday as originally planned. We decided to spend Saturday aggressively relaxing. To help achieve that goal, we each took a weed gummy. I'm very much a weed lightweight — didn't try it til last year, when we moved to
    1 point
  42. It was about 3,5-4 years ago so from way before Covid. So toilets weren't closed or anything! I was very surprised as well that nobody went inside, but there was a very exuberant atmosphere among the girls. They were dressed up, singing songs loudly and all a little bit tipsy (though not drunk!). About nobody going inside, that's technically not true, as 3 if the girls did go inside after they peed to buy more cans of beer in the petrol station's shop 😂
    1 point
  43. @Sophie most of the time I'm perfectly content being single, but I do envy those perfect little moments sometimes x
    1 point
  44. Kitchen pee No video this time - just a couple of photos. Still horny after the pee on glass, so later I just released some more in the kitchen - and hands-free for a while too! OMG it felt gooood! When I'm in a that kind of mood, I need to do something about it 🙂
    1 point
  45. This isn’t to say that I wouldn’t be into any of the various things I’ve scored lowly on the questionnaire - I haven’t tried them so can’t know for sure. I will generally try anything once xP
    1 point
  46. I have to say I do have a second big one. I would like to age play with a guy a bit older than me in public. I would go places like movies, park, or anywhere and act like I am a little girl. I would get desperate and tug on his shirt and say "daddy I have to go potty" and have him either take me somewhere to pee or say just go here. Omg I am already wet from thinking about this.
    1 point
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