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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/22/2022 in Posts

  1. Hi - hopefully you'll see this as 'adding' to the thread and not hijacking it too much... I just wanted to share a real life experience of yesterday. I'd been in Scotland over the weekend where because of train delays, I'd taken my car at the last minute. Travelling home yesterday I somehow had managed to avoid a hangover and my host cooked a good breakfast to prepare for my journey home. The first part of that journey was a lift into Edinburgh, where I grabbed a sandwich and a 500ml bottle of Sprite, before boarding a train back to Glasgow where we'd been the night before and where my
    4 points
  2. I am also guilty of this. What I think about depends on who they are. For celebrities I don't usually think about how they are styled down there or how they look, I think about how naughty they are, especially if they look really innocent. Taylor Swift for example, she can look super cute and innocent at times but I bet she screams the house down in the bedroom. For regular people it's a little different. I like to imagine what type of underwear they have on, if they have any sex toys, when did they last masturbate? What do they sound like? I also like to wonder when did they
    3 points
  3. Period sex really isn’t that bad at all, I tend to avoid it just because I wouldn’t want to upset any men but my ex husband was fine with it and we just put down a towel. However if I go to the toilet before hand and get clean and then get turned on the bleeding stops anyway and doesn’t start until a while after we’ve finished. So sometimes you don’t notice any difference to normal sex. Very occasionally you may have a small Bleed but you don’t notice as it’s all wet down there anyway and that’s what the towel is for 😉
    3 points
  4. A good place to empty your bladder @gldenwetgoose but with my twist on our fetish I'd have loved to see your pee falling into the small reservoir instead. Not possible I'm guessing from you description, with families camped out picnicking for the day, but I love the thought of you using the water in that reservoir as a toilet! 🙂
    3 points
  5. This is part two of Jonathan's story. You can find part one here: https://peefans.com/topic/22368-jonathans-fortunate-occasions-1/ The last occasion I had told you about - the one were Anna and I had peed in a storage room in the school basement - was not the last pee-incident I shared with her. Afrerwards we talked from time to time, but didn't became particular close friends, maybe even because it reminded her of the embarrassing situation each time she saw me. One day during break she came up to me while I was reading in the school's library and asked me if I could help her out, the
    2 points
  6. Thank you guys - such a shame you couldn't have come along for the roadtrip.
    2 points
  7. Outdoor peeing has advantages: no aiming required (unless you have something to aim at), no splashback, no wasted flushing water. It's the most natural way to relieve yourself.
    2 points
  8. Sounds like it is still pretty windy where you are! Lovely video - thanks!
    2 points
  9. Hope u enjoy https://redgifs.com/watch/buoyantpinkbarasinga
    2 points
  10. I'll do it on a towel on the lid!
    2 points
  11. It isn't a turn-on for me, but it's more like it brings out the affectionate and protective side of my nature. I think @puddyls is a total sweetheart in her willingness to share her whole experience with us.
    2 points
  12. Stubborn New York Italian Male is my nature, so persistence is what I do as well. :P
    2 points
  13. The difference is anatomic but not a result of the prostate or urethral length. The male stream spirals because the male urethra is flat, while the female doesn't because it's circular.
    2 points
  14. Oh definitely. I wish. My boyfriend won't swallow when I squirt
    2 points
  15. I once was in a bus going back from a hockey tournament. The group won, so there was a huge amount of drinking. After half an hour a girl screamed that se had to piss. As the toilet in the bus was closed, the driver was asked to stop. He stopped along the road in a wooded area. The girls and boys went out, Girls to the right, boys to the left, all peeing in a row. The best sighting I ever had.
    2 points
  16. "This should teach him a lesson" the teacher thought and got on the student's table. She squatted down and a hard stream of yellow piss blasted out of the teacher's skirt hitting the sleeping student right in the face. Torn out of his sleep he ecpected a "Good Morning" but the only thing he heard was "Never dare falling asleep in my class again".
    1 point
  17. wouldnt it also depend on the size of the vulva to like if the outer lips are bigger and close together and wouldn't it depend on being an innie or outie type
    1 point
  18. While on holidays in Africa my mum, my brother and I waited for an intercity bus to take us to the next city. As we were waiting, my mum had to pee bad and we were not sure if there was a toilet on the bus. There were quite a lot of people, but we were the only people of white colour there, so we already attracted a lot of attention. As the run-down toilet building at the gas station was closed she was thinking feverishly about what to do. She then said that she'll be back quicky and obviously walked towards one of the very few trees behind a building close by. However, she came back only a fe
    1 point
  19. I'll bet if you peed in front of me, I'd never find it boring. 😁
    1 point
  20. I am going to start a hold now. I am on my second cup of hot tea.
    1 point
  21. Happy Birthday to another two fine members today - well, every member is fine before anyone gets jealous. HB to @daemoniak & @brppfan
    1 point
  22. Pompous, overblown late-80s fey-folk-goth-rock. I *love it*! A glorious guitar solo playout starting at 5:48
    1 point
  23. Since I'm willing to wager that you have seen more women's streams than the average woman (you state yourself that you have seen many in photographs and videos), I'd say that you can most likely answer that question yourself. Have you ever seen a twist in a female stream? I have never seen them in my own. It's a common lament on this website that women won't discuss their streams. I'll tell you now: it isn't so much that women refuse to discuss them; it's that since most women either sit on the lavatory or squat down to relieve themselves, the majority of women cannot physically see their
    1 point
  24. Hi have been here for a while now, enjoying the site so much, didn't realise that there was so many people who enjoy peeing.. Just wanted to say a big hi from Ireland and would love to chat to others from Ireland if there is some... Im enjoying the content so much 😋
    1 point
  25. I should clarify, only when you get the opportunity. I certainly wouldn't expect you to make a special trip just for this. I'll next be there in October, I believe, for a gig.
    1 point
  26. And, y’know, with his mouth full of your cum, if you had a little left in your bladder, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind one last little spurt of it in his mouth, would he? Not with you being so wet and turned on… 😉
    1 point
  27. https://redgifs.com/watch/madeupmassiveminibeast
    1 point
  28. To Kill a Mockingbird has a scene in which Jem and Scout were sneaking around the neighborhood at night. Mr. Avery was on his porch peeing off the side an incredibly long distance. Jem was in awe, but Scout, not really having any basis of comparison, was unimpressed.
    1 point
  29. Challenge accepted - although it could be a little while before I get chance in practice. Son is a first year in the Uni so there should be a few visits to go at yet, will just have to be one where my wife isn’t with me….
    1 point
  30. Well if you are up for some more challenges Goose... You say that you have a relative currently residing in Newcastle. Mr E and I were there a few months ago. My challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to pee into the same drain that I peed in behind the cathedral. You can see the drain there, between the white arrowheads. The next time you're up there, let us know how you get on. Remember whilst you do it, you're releasing your pee where Eliminature released hers.
    1 point
  31. Unusually for me - fully dressed and sexy... Actor Lalla Ward, star of 1970's Hammer Horror movies and Dr Who companion.
    1 point
  32. Hey Camper, I do that too in the Netherlands. I see a lot of men pee in the bushes even at the parkings with toilets. I usually go too so people see me pee. Rare to see women though.
    1 point
  33. Hey thanks to @lilyc_400 for bumping this thread. Somehow I missed this post almost 3 years ago! 😀 Obviously I'm disappointed to hear you didn't piss in the pool every time @oliver2, sometimes using public showers to relieve yourself instead. As everyone here knows I would never miss an opportunity to feel the warmth spreading down between my legs while in a pool. 😉 Thanks for telling of your thoughts and experiences, both as a kid and later, as it's interesting to know how you reacted to discovering that 'stinging eyes' were caused by urine (and sweat) in the pool water. Having be
    1 point
  34. I love pissing in hotels! Gets me hard just thinking about my next trip.
    1 point
  35. I no longer identify as female, but would like to give what advice I can since I still have the anatomy lol. For me, positioning plays a big part. I’ve found that I can try to go in the same position or spot twice and it can go very differently just based on how specifically things were placed, so there’s still always chance for those messier streams. But what has helped me have less of that happening is just really making sure that my pee hole is as exposed and unobstructed (for lack of a better word) when I go. So basically making sure labia is outta the way. Second thing I’ve come to not
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. Part two After my bladder froze up on me, I sat on the now-damp rug and drank even more water until I finally felt the next wave of pressure and was able to relax again. I managed to pee for another 20 seconds, truly saturating the rug and the seat of my pants. (The seat had mostly escaped damage before, as most of my earlier pee had run down my legs from my crotch.) I got a video of that, too, though I was interrupted by my cat. Here's that second wetting video! The rug and my socks, pants, and underwear went straight into the wash! I didn't start the machine right away, though
    1 point
  38. Another weekend somewhere sunny…. Another outdoor pee. This one may need a fraction of explanation…. Out for a Sunday morning stroll a couple of km from the house to a small reservoir. It’s obviously a local beauty spot, a few cars dotted about with guys fishing and a couple of families camped out picnicking for the day. This is the view from the top of the dam, looking down onto The Valley floor and out of sight of everyone. Just one guy, one full bladder and one long drop. Bliss.
    1 point
  39. Time for a quick follow-up to the post above - and a recap that I'd had a few days in a slightly warmer climate. Still autumn, but nice in the sunshine. I was feeling accomplished in having achieved some key bits of business and had the best part of a day free before heading to the airport and home. Around lunchtime I threw down a can of pop and jumped into my hire car. First stop was to see a local restaurant owner who I hadn't been able to catch up with. They were open, but he was in the kitchen preparing food so I sat and had a coffee instead. Then back to the car, throwing down a
    1 point
  40. My ex husband would have sex during that time of the month, we just put a towel down. To be honest when you get turned on the bleeding often stops anyway so isn’t as messy as you might expect and if you go to the toilet before then sex can be as normal as usual anyway.
    1 point
  41. Just me. Just unusual pee. https://redgifs.com/watch/lustrousnavyshearwater https://redgifs.com/watch/unsteadyveneratedanaconda
    1 point
  42. I think I owe @Eliminature a few pints of her favourite bitter... not just for the visual imagery of a lady standing to pee in my garden here, but more for the suggestion that I should do so... I'd had a black coffee earlier and a can of coke, then several glasses of fresh water. No alcohol (so not sure where I got brave from). I have a front garden which isn't at all private, but a rear yard at the house which is a little more secluded. And it was fairly quiet, I hoped. The need to piss had grown to the point where I was getting up from browsing to pace about, then my neighbour
    1 point
  43. Time for a bit of an update (and maybe a few excuses): So the other day I did find myself after a couple of cans of beer laying on my back on an unmade double mattress and letting a full flow of dilute pee soak into it. However a day or so later I tried the splash across, but it seems I was much less hydrated and hence released a more concentrated splash of yellow pee. By the end of the day, the room seemed to be smelling like a gents public urinal, not in a good way - especially as the house is going to be locked up again soon for however long. So apologies, that's sort of
    1 point
  44. It was a private club pool so I would have been in troubles if somebody noticed, I have Always had to be VERY careful. Plus, the water was artificially heated up so nobody noticed. The only risk, beside my movement, was the Yellow cloud, as the club was paid by a previous employement I was at, thus I visited the pool after work and this means that I hadn't had much chances to stay as hydrated as I usually do at home, where I drink water & piss in a no-stop circle...
    1 point
  45. I do for sure. I even scoff my bikini to one side in order to pee more freely!!!
    1 point
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