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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/29/2022 in Posts

  1. 6 points
  2. So last night my friend andI decided to have a few (many) drinks in the house. At one point we both went to pee but I only have one toilet, so she hopped in the bath and just went for it. We were both chatting and laughing, she hopped out and wiped off, poking the tissue between my legs into the toilet. When i finished up i noticed how wet the bath was and that it hadn't been rinsed. I dipped my fingers in every little puddle and sucked them clean. Still warm, clear and with a very light salty taste. I couldn;t stop thinking about it for the rest of the night 💗
    5 points
  3. Last night – in a sort of primal way. In ancient times, sex might have involved a literal pursuit of one person by another: behaviour we can observe throughout the animal kingdom. Even today, though the ways we choose to have sex are – wonderfully – very varied we still sometimes talk about pursuing or chasing someone – and I’m not thinking about stalking or harassment here of course. So when K suggested yesterday that we play a game of ‘strip hide-and-seek’ in the house against the clock (I love how creative she is!), it sort of made sense at a very fundamental level as a precursor
    5 points
  4. I had some great fun this morning! 😄 I woke up really quite early (about 7:30am). I checked the weather forcast and it looked really good. Dry, windy, and pretty mild. My favorite kind of weather to go for a nice long walk in. 🙂 I decided I would leave for my walk around 10am. I plotted a nice route, it involved some country lanes, a forrest section, and a good few farmers fields (on public footpaths of course). I also planned to be leaving the house with a nicely full bladder, ready for a bit of outdoor fun! I showered early, and dressed. I chose a nice tight pair of boxer briefs m
    4 points
  5. I had sat myself at the top of the church door steps and was sitting eating my food and watching along the street for any potential sightings coming along. The next sightings took me by surprise, for multiple reasons. As I was sitting watching along the street and up the main road it started getting busier and I realized a couple of the bars must have closed for the night. As I was looking at the people heading up the main road I heard voices and thought it was someone coming up the main steps. However as the voices grew nearer I found they were coming from around the side of the church
    4 points
  6. After the girls had gone back up to the street I wandered up the same way and headed along to check out the small crowd outside the taxi office. Whilst standing there I caught the smells coming from the takeaway next door and realised I was hungry having not eaten since lunch the day before. I figured if I was going to be hanging about a while I should probably eat something. I went in and placed my order and just as I stood off to the side to wait two young girls came in and walked up to the counter. I couldn't help but check them out. Both in their early 20's and both dressed up and loo
    4 points
  7. I was once at some motorway services about an hour north of London and sat in the ladies when two young women came in, taking the two stalls next to mine. Everything was pretty normal for a little while, the girl next to me finished peeing but her friend kept going. She would stop and then start peeing again for a few seconds. She kept doing it over and over and over. The girl next to me had left her stall and they were both laughing at what was happening. "Hurry up, we're going to be late!" "I can't help it! It was the milkshake!" "Where are you keeping it? Just let it go" She peed for about
    3 points
  8. Doubly jealous and envious! To stay on topic, I absolutely love the eye contact when sitting on the toilet, just sitting normal with a small smile. I think it's because it's relatable, imagine it's your partner or a friend on the toilet and you have just walked in. They will be happy to see you, not looking away!
    3 points
  9. Okay Kupar. Now that I know something simple will make you so happy, keep an eye on your messages because I will send you a picture of me looking up from the toilet 🤣 I've learned that looking up means you're likely to appear happier so I'll have to be a happy, submissive girl!
    3 points
  10. I worry now that masks aren't generally required, some one will actually see my mouthing the words 'f*ck off and die, you dopey c*nt'....
    3 points
  11. The time I made it happen Hi everyone! I’m back for 2022 with a fantastic double sighting that took place on New Years Eve. This one is a highly detailed account with a lot of preamble so if you want to just skip ahead to the sighting, scroll about half way down to where it says “The sighting begins now”. Otherwise, sit back and relive this carefree and exciting night with me. Let’s begin. So it’s Friday night and it’s New Years Eve. I’m heading into the city to spend the night at a club with friends. This club that we’re heading to is easily one of the top 3 clubs in my city.
    3 points
  12. Colin returns. Part 27 Mum woke us with tea. Before I sat up I stretched and opened my legs wide and peed as hard as I could making the most of taking up a lot of room in the bed. I felt my pee spraying as far as my knees and a few drops making it all the way to my ankles. I kept going until I was empty and then sat up and took my tea from mum. Erica took longer to wake, but she had a similar idea but she raised her knees a little and I saw her move her hips so she could properly spray her feet with her pee as she hissed loudly under the covers. I even felt a few drops
    3 points
  13. I was having a beer and watching TV last night when I felt my bladder saying iam full lol. So I ventured outside and pissed in on a snowbank lol
    3 points
  14. So.. I was not joking, I really practiced this before at home, twice.. 🙂 It was in the winter one year ago, and thanks to covid there was not too much going on, so I had a lot of time to do some silly peeing things. 😅. This was my first try. I waited until my bladder was really full, and then tried to pee-write "PEEFANS.COM" on some towels in my bathroom. It did not yet work out perfectly and it turned out to be a bit harder than I expected, but I had a lot of fun with this.. I hope you enjoy the video! https://www.erome.com/a/x8TU7Gl5
    3 points
  15. That’s good! Who doesn’t love a pissy dribble in their boxers? 😂
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. There's a lovely delicate pee scent, but not overpowering. The amount I drank meant it was really dillute for both wettings. 😄 So at the moment it isn't noticeable at all until I pull my waistband away on my joggers and really focus on trying to smell it. 😛
    2 points
  18. That one was an image search of the previous. There's a few more in the set. https://novinhasnudes.com.br/amadora-gostosa-vestida-r2d2-sensual/
    2 points
  19. Fantastic images - and analysis. Thanks @gldenwetgoose. I'm pleased my little observation was the stimulus for your research, so we can all appreciate the results! And you are right: first and foremost it's the eye contact isn't it? Then afterwards, it's the 'looking up' thing, and that's coupled with the expression as a whole (smile, 'naughtiness', whatever). Thanks again!
    2 points
  20. True - and when they're wearing a mask it's harder to see them muttering under their breath at you - but I know my wife is still doing it 🤣
    2 points
  21. And just for good measure a few more proof-of-concept images. The first maybe isn't looking upwards so much, but it's an old favourite of mine.
    2 points
  22. I sort of think that any photo where is subject is looking into the camera is alluring, or at least a lot more engaging than looking away. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul - and those windows are definitely open in the example you've given. That and the smile clearly says 'it's ok for you to watch - I'm going to be a little shy and hide myself, but at the same time I love that you enjoy seeing me like this' or something along those lines. Maybe there is a deeper and more subtle psychological thing going on with the dominance and submission of the difference in eye leve
    2 points
  23. "These ARE the 'droids you're looking for"
    2 points
  24. This is the best advertising for the site I've ever seen. I think the admins should give you a free month of gold or something 🤣🤣
    2 points
  25. On a car trip my neighbor had to pee but my dad wouldn’t stop, so i was told to hand my big empty mcdonals cup to her. she went to the last seat and all i heard was a 10 seconds gush, then abruptly stopped. She put the lid back in the cup, even the straw and placed it on the cup holder in the van, the cup was clearly full, and when we arrived at a stop her dad emptied it on the ground. What amazed me was how fast she filled that cup, and i know she wasn’t done peeing, i can just imagine how much she can pee.
    2 points
  26. I was desperate tonight so I masturbated while pissing and it felt AMAZING
    2 points
  27. A few sightings from Saturday to share. I was debating whether to go into town to scope out sightings after work but my decision was made when my workmate came over and said a couple of others were going round to his house after work and asked if I was coming with them. I said I would go and I forgot about town. When we finished we headed round to his house for a few hours and about 2 am my friend said he was heading into town to get a taxi as he had work the following afternoon and I said I would head off with him. We wandered into town and he headed to the taxi office and whilst we wer
    2 points
  28. @ShyPeeMan, I sympathise with you and your dilemma. It is a difficult one without doubt. On one hand, you want to be true to your wife but on the other hand, you have sexual desires which she doesn't want to satisfy. Only you can make the final decision on what is right and acceptable for you, but I can tell you what I've found in my own situation. Firstly, I let my wife know quite some time ago that I was turned on by seeing women pee - particularly outdoors or in places away from the toilet. She didn't understand why I could be turned on by this, other than the possibility of se
    2 points
  29. There aren't all that many, but some of the photos in this thread: https://peefans.com/topic/2351-using-the-toilet-or-a-urinal/ show women sitting on the toilet and looking up at the camera. And I wondered why it is that I (and I know many others) find the sight of a woman looking up so appealing. Any theories? Is it to do with dominance and submission do you think? I'd like to think not, but I'm prepared to believe it is. Here's an example of what I mean
    1 point
  30. The relief was incredible!! Wish I hadn’t done it in the shower- would have loved to see the puddle
    1 point
  31. If you have a potted plant, you can water it with your own pee...
    1 point
  32. Today it's the turn of @JoeBob563 & @PeeFan86 - Happy Birthday
    1 point
  33. I’ve been on a night out with friends and we left when the pub closed and walked back via a local takeaway. While queueing in the takeaway I felt my drinks catch up with me. I told my friend I was heading outside for some fresh air and I went outside and along the road, just past the windows of the takeaway. I sat on the kerb facing the road and pulled my knees up, parted my feet slightly and began peeing into the gutter. I was wearing a tight dress and no knickers so I didn’t need to remove any clothing. I was peeing virtually silently and only a faint hissing could be heard as my privates we
    1 point
  34. Absolutely love that @ukpeegirl86. Very discrete way to pee in a public place. Others would only notice if they were close to you on the road side, i.e. where they would see the pee running in the gutter or could possibly see up your dress. I love the fact that you were wearing a tight dress and no knickers. That is definitely helpful peeing discretely without the faff of having to lift your dress, pull down your knickers and then reassemble everything afterwards. I love the idea of girls not wearing knickers under dresses anyway, but to pee whilst wearing that outfit is super hot.
    1 point
  35. I find it is pretty common among outdoor people, whether hikers, runners, cyclists or boaters. (I'm not as familiar with others.) At some point, they all have to pee outside. If they want to enjoy their favorite activity, they need to accept the fact that sometimes it may be in an open setting. Even though most may never find it pleasurable, they'll at least be comfortable enough to not make a big deal. If you don't make a big deal about it either, a great many will drop their inhibitions around you. Going back to ShyPeeMan's original question, if he finds enough release in the voyeu
    1 point
  36. I played softball in high school and I peed myself several times. As with any sport, you have to be hydrating, especially if you play outdoors. The uniform sucked too. Spandex, a belt, pants, and a tucked in shirt all delayed my pees. I normally tried to hold it because the porta potties were disgusting, but many times my urge was too great to ignore. One time I was in the infield, which being in the field already sucks for a desperate bladder since you obviously can’t just run off the field and pee, but also because you have your legs slightly wider than shoulder width and are bent over, whic
    1 point
  37. I think @gldenwetgoose gave a superb answer to this. I will try and put it a slightly different way. There are plenty of things in relationships that one person wants and the other does not care for. Could be a kink, but it also could be golf, shopping, skiing, or any number of other things. In each case, both sides have to make a decision if they can live either without their interest...or with what the other's interest does to the relationship. It may seem silly to think golf can ruin a marriage but it takes time and money. Not all marriages can survive it. So decisions need to be made.
    1 point
  38. After the two girls had gone off to join the queue I stayed standing by the bottom corner of the town square and shortly after I saw the queue start to go down quite quickly so assumed the event must have started and people were going in. As I was watching the queue slowly go down a girl caught my attention across the road. Her and her group of friends had walked up the main road about 20 minutes before and had gone into McDonald's. She came out and stood looking around for a moment before walking down the main road and when she reached the little back road behind Mcdonald's she stood on
    1 point
  39. I borrowed a van today to pick up some large items from a seller. When I got there, the person I was waiting for said they were running late - bad news as I needed to pee. I looked around for somewhere to go but I couldn't see anywhere. There were industrial units like the one I was waiting outside on one side of the road and houses along the other. The safest place I could see was the overgrow side walkway and entrance to a house opposite. I'd have had cover but with people working from home I decided not to risk it incase the occupier stepped outside for a cigarette to find me peeing on thei
    1 point
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