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  1. Im a long time lurker here and I would usually just share these sorts of stories with my now ex-boyfriend who got me into naughty peeing. As thats no longer an option I thought I'd share with you all as I have a fantastic experience which just happened which I never thought I'd be brave enough to do! I had a flight coming up early in the morning. Had my usual coffee and got a taxi to the airport half asleep. Eventually after getting past security I felt hunger strike and settled in for breakfast at one of the cafes with a couple of large glasses of orange juice, a weakness of mine. I actu
    12 points
  2. I’ve been on a night out with friends and we left when the pub closed and walked back via a local takeaway. While queueing in the takeaway I felt my drinks catch up with me. I told my friend I was heading outside for some fresh air and I went outside and along the road, just past the windows of the takeaway. I sat on the kerb facing the road and pulled my knees up, parted my feet slightly and began peeing into the gutter. I was wearing a tight dress and no knickers so I didn’t need to remove any clothing. I was peeing virtually silently and only a faint hissing could be heard as my privates we
    7 points
  3. I'll share the story of me having to pull over for her. But first, let me describe what Kim looks like. She's 5'4, curvy but healthy, wide hips, very busty. At the time she had long brunette hair draped over her boobs, plenty of cleavage, and she was wearing a tight short skirt. We had been at a family event a couple of hours away and because I don't drink I was doing the driving, my cousin lived literally a 10 minute walk from my house so I was driving her. It was a great day, everyone had lots of fun and there was plenty of alcohol. We left the place about 10pm and Kim and I had a wee t
    6 points
  4. Alright everyone, this probably doesn’t sound like a big deal- but for me was a pee milestone 🤣. I have finally peed on carpet for my first time! And my god it felt absolutely amazing. That feeling of being naughty mixed with that feeling of relieving a very full bladder makes me feel so good. My initial plan was to only let about half of my bladder onto the carpet since I have fairly large pees, and was a bit apprehensive since my carpet isn’t even a year old yet. But once I started I knew I couldn’t stop myself. My carpet was absolutely soaked, but the way I felt, it was 100% worth it.
    4 points
  5. Wrote this in a couple of hours. Finally using a proper desktop computer to type rather than a friggin' phone. There will hopefully be a more substantial story soon. Contains some female semi-public pissing. *** This story takes place a few springs ago. I was in university at the time and had decided to take advantage of some of the first really good weather of the year to do some studying outside of my cramped dorm room. I grab a couple of textbooks and find a spot to read in the shade offered by an old oak tree located just behind one of the campus’s baseball fields. A pair o
    3 points
  6. Hey i’m new here. looking for someone to hopefully have some fun with sending videos and possibly video chatting showing each other peeing
    3 points
  7. When I see someone who has wet themselves, I don't laugh or anything, I just feel bad for them. They couldn't make it to the bathroom on time, and it was probably from factors out of their control. I'd even help them out if I could. Accidents are normal and they just happen sometimes.
    3 points
  8. I cannot sit still at all and I feel like I could let go at any second. I still need to get out of these jeans and thong and into my nice new knickers so I am going to say goodnight now. Thank you to everyone who has joined me tonight, you have made it all worth while. You're amazing. I shall post the story of my release in the near future! ❤️
    2 points
  9. I'm getting very jiggly now! I want to stay in this state for as long as possible but at the same time I want to have enough left over so I can actually get changed before the dam bursts!
    2 points
  10. I have a set of protective seat covers bought when I had a 4x4 and was doing outdoors type stuff. No idea if they’re truly waterproof - the fabric is, but they have stitching which I guess may leak a delicious submersion in pee - I haven’t tried them.
    2 points
  11. Good job, @Sophie! It's going to be such a relief - and such a naughty feeling to be doing it in your knickers. 💦👍😊
    2 points
  12. A couple of weeks ago I bought a multipack of briefs for everyday wear and I want to try them out... By wetting them! I'm going to start filling up now and once I have some privacy I'm going to let my husband pick a pair out of the five for me to let go in. He'll get a front row seat, of course.
    2 points
  13. A huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY to @stan4444 and @Zovad ! Have a great day guys
    2 points
  14. Now that ⏫ is the best advice I’ve heard in a long, long time. It should be in metre high lettering with a spotlight above it.
    2 points
  15. You wouldn't want to have to rub it to get the circulation back.
    2 points
  16. Peeing in the sink, like peeing outdoors, is an ecologically sound practice. Urine is relatively sterile, and rinsing out the sink uses far less water than flushing a toilet. If you need to pee while on a long phone call, or if someone is sleeping nearby and the sound of a flush might wake them, you can pee in the sink silently. It's also ecologically responsible if you hold your morning pee until you take your shower.
    2 points
  17. I thought I was on my own with a love of being desperate on my bike! It was may years ago, so I can't remember all the detail but I recall needing to buy something from the shops which were about a mile away and I always used to cycle there. I bought what I needed, feeling very desperate and nice, and then as I was getting on my bike to cycle home I just lost control. It was quite hopeless, the pee was shooting out of me, my skirt was not helping, and it just kept coming, there was a very visible instant pee trail on the pavement to my embarrassment and I know some people cottoned on to what w
    2 points
  18. This story includes female desperation, pee in car This is the first story that I wrote and English isn't my first language, so I apologize for any mistakes you might find. Characters: KYLE: male, 20 AMY: female, 19 POV: Kyle My friend Amy, a slim petite blonde, and I were returning from an out of town concert that we went to together. We've been on the road for almost two hours. Amy fell asleep about an hour ago, so it was really quiet in the car since I couldn't even listen to music because my radio was broken, but I didn't mind. I just reach the
    2 points
  19. For a rare moment I’m in the same time zone as @kalle2020 - and loving every minute.
    1 point
  20. Alright hun, well I hope you will enjoy catching up on here tomorrow and I'll get the full story posted ASAP.
    1 point
  21. I'll be there. In twenty minutes, it's Midnight at my place.... 😉
    1 point
  22. I won't be posting the write up of the wetting tonight i'm afraid, I think I'll be erm...'occupied' with something else after I have wet myself.
    1 point
  23. Would be kind of funny if you wet yourself before putting the right knickers on. 😉
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. Ditto - it’s very likely I’ll be in the real world tonight - but let’s face it, we’re not exactly target audience are we… I know though how much it adds to have a bit of support though - so I’ll offer mine now. Love the mental image you’re conjuring up so far and you have my 100% encouragement and coaxing into being super naughty - your husband is a very, very lucky man. Hope you have a wonderful buildup, an amazing and explosive moment of relief and a very special rest of the night.
    1 point
  26. Another hot story thanks for sharing. Bet it was a thrill with people about but not knowing what you was doing, apart from your friend 👍
    1 point
  27. Crikey, onion and garlic are going to be impossible to avoid, I suspect pretty much every meal I eat after breakfast has at least one of these in it! I suspect that the culprit might be fish then. It does not happen often, so perhaps is a particular 'unnamed' variety that gets slipped in as white fish instead of cod and haddock. I have on occasion been eating a pie before going out and realised that it had asparagus in it, and gone out anyway. When I know I just keep away from other people when I am wetting myself so the source of the smell is not obvious. I do drink an awful lot so my pe
    1 point
  28. Put some pics of me pissing in the garden earlier on this week, hope you enjoy.
    1 point
  29. Christine Baranski was describing her role and elaborate costuming in "The Gilded Age," which takes place in the late 19th Century, in New York, on Colbert's talk show, this past week. After she described the dresses and corsetry, making up the costumes, including the time required to put it all on, Colbert asked her, "Well, what if,...uh...nature calls, when you're in costume?" "Oh, there were no provisions made for that!" She replied. "You just made your way to the bathroom, and did what you had to do." She stood up from her guest chair, at that point, and demonstrated how she
    1 point
  30. I had a great experience a few years ago. I was hesitant to post this earlier out concern for the party involved. But, I think enough time has passed that this can now be seen as an anonymous encounter. I was on vacation overseas and booked a day-long trip into the jungle. It was my good fortune the only other passenger in my truck was a woman in her early-mid 40s and who spoke English fluently. We struck up a conversation almost immediately and, as the day wore on, got to learn almost as much about each other as we did the local flora and fauna. Being the rainy season, the dirt
    1 point
  31. Love the story great writing! I hope you get inspired to write part two 🙂
    1 point
  32. Aw you poor thing. Being a mum of young kids is tough, but equally heart Melting when they come out with such genuine caring comments like that! I enjoy wetting every now and again but only in the comfort of my own home, I’d be as shocked and upset as you so I get it. At least you had spare clothes so you could fix it quickly. Hope you had a chilled rest of the day!
    1 point
  33. Firstly, I fully sympathise with you and your plight. I am so sorry that you had to endure the embarrassment of wetting yourself in front of others, as like others here, I wouldn't wish that on anyone who didn't want it to happen. On the positive side, at least you did have some dry clothes to change into, so the embarrassment was limited to the exposure to those in the queue rather than you having to go back out through the store in soaked jeans. Despite the embarrassment, thank you for sharing the story with us and I hope you feel some support from the community. I have to say
    1 point
  34. No, I just lie back, relax and let it flow.
    1 point
  35. 1. One guy, fully clothed, restrained inside a bathtub - 30 girls partying and drinking for the weekend and only using him as their toilet for the two days. Hopefully until he is completely submerged in their piss. If no moral was taken into account drowning him i their piss too 2. Two girls breaking into a private house and pissing everywhere they can until it's a complete mess 3. A group of girls vandalizing a luxury walk in wardrobe - I imagine it full of expensive and branded clothes, bags, shoes (Gucci, Dior, Armani, Hermes etc.). I would love them to power piss all over and us
    1 point
  36. nice pee! wish I could join you, looks fun 🙂
    1 point
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