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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/02/2021 in Posts

  1. I went for a walk with my husband on Wednesday. It was the first bit of nice weather we had here this year and I wanted to make the most of it, and what's a better way than peeing outside? I had finished work so I got changed into a loose flowy dress that reached my knees and a white thong underneath. I also put on some heels, Mark really enjoys the sound they make when I walk and I was more than happy to indulge him! I left the house feeling rather full and I made it my personal mission to relieve myself somewhere other than the toilet, and I definitely wasn't allowed to return home with a fu
    16 points
  2. This is the next letter from the daughter about her wetting experiences with her mother. It contains wetting, naughty peeing, furniture wetting, and masturbation. Dear Wet Carpet, My mom just hit me with a bombshell, something that in my 23 years of life I never would have expected: before she met my father, she used to enjoy peeing in naughty places. We were sitting in my living room after a long work day for both of us when she stood up and walked to the corner of the room and squatted over an area rug that we had agreed was acceptable for peeing without needing much c
    5 points
  3. Sorry I've got no pictures to share with this little account - one of those that didn't go exactly to plan... I had an appointment this afternoon, right at rush hour in Liverpool UK which is an hour or fractionally more from my house. In a normal year I'd visit the city maybe a dozen or two times in day or night, so I know it pretty well. Much of the journey is motorway, then the arterial roads into the city. My usual route goes through near derelict dock roads with plenty of potential to pull up in a sidestreet to water the tarmac, or park in a multi-storey car park and pee against th
    4 points
  4. Part 3 I had just ordered Molly to soak the rug when she looked at me and said, “I want to keep holding it.” I looked at her skeptically. “I don’t know if I trust you yet,” I began. “But,” I continued as I started to undress, “we can keep doing the holding contest on three conditions.” “Anything,” Molly said. “First, you start drinking this bottle of wine.” I handed her another bottle. “Second, we’ll both hold completely naked.” I stood in front of Molly without any clothes on now. The freeing feeling of being nude made my bladder start to feel even fuller. “And last,” I sa
    3 points
  5. Hello! I love pee. Watching girls pee. Watching guys pee (sometimes. I'm straight but ... pee is a gender equalizer maybe?) I love peeing. The beautiful feeling of release when you're bursting after (deliberately) holding for too long. I love drinking pee. Not so much pee on it's own, but pee as an ingredient, a mixer in a drink. My own pee, gf pee, ... other's pee. I'm a massive pervert / normal person. You also might slightly know me. I have neglected registering here for some time, but I've sometimes seen links to my Reddit posts mentioned here. I run (among others)
    2 points
  6. (A Dutch Barn is not the same in the UK as in the USA. Here in the UK it is a farm barn that is no more than tin roof on tall poles. It's often completely open on all sides, but sometimes there will be a breeze block wall on three sides, to give a bit of shelter, and perhaps not reaching to the roof. It's used for storing bales of hay and straw.) The Dutch Barn There was a sudden cloudburst. By good fortune, we were close to a farmyard. Laughing in the rain, and holding hands, we ran into a Dutch barn. We climbed the hay bales inside and sat together, watching a stream flow dow
    2 points
  7. Chapter 10. Lovers’ Quarrels Courtney lay naked from the waist down, her thighs spread and strapped into stirrups, a pee funnel encircling her vulva. Alison spoke. “Let’s run a few tests while that lemonade works through your system. Can you cough for me?” Courtney heard a slight splashing sound as she did. “Any improvement with the stress leaking?” “A little,” said Courtney. “And any improvement at night?” “A little.” “Well, it’s great news about your daytime wettings. You’ve managed to cut those down considerably?” “If I’m super diligent. But…I d
    2 points
  8. I've done it before many years ago but just now I needed to wee before going off to sleep and my only choices were the potted plants inside. I chose to wee specifically on this plant as I'm hoping it might revive it? I squatted over in a high squat but only drips were coming out and I really felt I had a lot more to let out. I squatted down low enough I could feel the leaves touching my pussy softly while I let my stream go full speed making sure I pointed at the base of this dead little tree. Has anyone had luck peeing in dying houseplants to revive them? Or does anyone else enjoy peeing in t
    1 point
  9. I have this sudden urge to want to piss letting it run down my legs into a puddle. I haven't done it in a while. I can't right now though because it will require me to spend a duration of time doing it then cleaning which will increase my risk of being caught (someone is home). I may do this tonight outside in my driveway. I CAN'T WAIT! 💦🦵🏾
    1 point
  10. MF piss, piss drinking, pissing sex A College Story My 7:30pm French class was absolutely brutal. I think I was just too old to learn a new language at 29 and it wasn't something I was genuinely interested in. It was a requirement for a Bachelor of Arts degree. But I wasn't the only older student in the class. Next to me sat Alexa, a fitting name for a tall brunette with exotic eyes. We were attracted to each other in a collegial way, exchanging smiles,changing seats in class so we were next to each other. We joked about the teacher, and how useless the class was.
    1 point
  11. I would be so happy... 😍 I would love to watch a sweaty girl wipe her feet all over my stuff, maybe my pillow so I can sleep with her feet smell and pee all over my car, house and me...
    1 point
  12. Choices, choices! There'll be plenty of next times to do things differently - or the same 🙂
    1 point
  13. Thanks @Kupar Reading back I didn’t really express just how suddenly the all encompassing need to pee had grown. I think mostly because it was at the forefront of my mind. I was planning to pee outdoors somewhere and I think that’s why my brain was telling me just to do it. The other thing was maybe because I’d spent a lot of time browsing videos here, every side street seemed fair game. If it hadn’t been that car park it probably would have been a little dead end street with closed shutters and bins (perfect pee photo shoot locations). In the end I figured perhaps there’s truth in the t
    1 point
  14. Hi and a huge welcome to the site. Do shout up with any questions.
    1 point
  15. I have to say you have a huge talent for writing. Reading this (or any other story of yours) almost makes me feel like i was in your shoes. Lovely story, i love the mindset behind it that made you have a little dose of public naughtiness and on top of it you could share it with your loved one in that moment. That must be a great feeling for sure, pretty awesome. Thanks for sharing this!
    1 point
  16. Ayyyy welcome! Nice to see you here as well, I hope you flood the forums with sexy pics like you do over at r/pee. I doubt anyone will say you’re posting too much here 😉
    1 point
  17. Hi, I've just joined and I'm the author of these reddit lists. I now compile them in their own subreddit, r/PeeList which you can see here https://www.reddit.com/r/PeeList/ The lists are published weekly, click the "new" tab to see the latest. There's currently 223 pee-related subreddits listed there!
    1 point
  18. Decided to start a series. This is the first of many encounters between Kristin and Molly. Although I’ve known Molly since the 6th grade, it wasn’t until we were adults that we became good friends. After a few years away at school, I decided to move back to my hometown to look for a job. I ran into her at the store over the summer and we got to talking and she shared with me that her husband, Jeremy, was getting deployed overseas that August and would be gone for 6 months. Molly and I went on coffee dates together throughout the summer and went the time came for Jeremy to leave, Molly ask
    1 point
  19. Let me preface by saying how much of a chicken I am doing anything omo related in public. I never in my life would’ve dreamed I’d actually do this. But thanks to the few others who have shared their stories and the messages of courage, I did it! Here’s what happened: It was a Sunday like any other. Half day at work then usually free by early afternoon. I had no idea what I was going to do but I had a few ideas. Nothing crazy except one. Go to the park and have an “accident”. That was a no brainer decision. I left work and headed home to find my new flowy summer dress and a very old p
    1 point
  20. Does she even know how sexy she is? Actually, she probably does,
    1 point
  21. I LOVE that you scratch random cars. Purely for your own pleasure you damage stranger's possessions. I would love to join you 🥵😍Vandalism is so hot imo. I'd make sure to scratch an "I'm sorry" message on there too haha. Maybe kick in their window and aim my piss in the interior too if I could get away with it 😜😈
    1 point
  22. Just found this thread, no idea how I missed it. Like many I have had an interested since childhood. I lived on a small close and as kids we would play in a nearby field. We would make pretend houses out of cut grass, including a bathroom. No one ever used the bathroom. However the boys would occasionally piss behind one of the garages and the girls would always watch. Then I had a couple of experiences which I think started my interest. I was in the bedroom of one of the girls who decided she needed to piss. Her bed was one on legs, and she pulled her knickers down, aimed under
    1 point
  23. Peeing at home is not a good idea as for me. I see peeing more as an element of domination. If I pissed on the floor in a hotel (or bed) or in a restaurant I chose not a toilet, but a chair next to it, this is more of a reason to say: I am cool here, and you will clean it! Same with guys. I also really like to take revenge, even for the little things. Scratching the car of a rude taxi driver for example. Removing urine is a sign of weakness. And why spoil your things, you can spoil something for which nothing will happen. Alternatively, you can hire a housekeeper and watch he
    1 point
  24. Such a hot first chapter. Well done! I know the rest of the series is going to be amazing. Don't keep us waiting too long!
    1 point
  25. Dear Wet Carpet, I think I may have inadvertently broken (or fixed?) my mother. After her and my father split up, she called me and asked if she could stay with me until she found an apartment or something. Of course I agreed. She arrived a few days later with some suitcases of clothes and a poor attempt at a smile to hide her grief. I hugged her and welcomed her in. "You look like you need a drink," I said and started walking to the kitchen. "Bring the whole bottle," Mom said. We sat in the front room talking about what happened, and although Mom was hesitant to speak bad
    1 point
  26. Pissing Party Part 2 As we continued partying we noticed that there must be some problem with the toilet. The queue got longer and longer and nobody went in or out. I then noticed a group of 3 girls going up the stairs. I went after and saw them go into Study. I heard one girl say: There are already puddles here, we can't make it worse. After a few seconds you could hear the girls pissing, I peeked in and saw all 3 crouching on the desk. The ass hung back over the desk and pissed down on the carpet, one hit the chair with his piss flow. While I was looking at the 3 girls, 2 men came
    1 point
  27. I have used the excuse of going to pee myself quite a few times over the years. I remember the first time I ever used that excuse and the excitement of doing so and the nervousness as to how it would turn out. I was 19 at the time and had gone away to the coast for the week with my mum and stepdad. During the day we would do stuff and go places together and then in the evening after we had had dinner I would go off and do my own thing and they would do theirs. They were happy just going for a walk and then going to the pub for a few drinks. I would go down onto the front and wander about
    1 point
  28. This is Joss Stone the singer.She seems to have dropped of the scene lately,but she was very sexy.She regularly went on stage with no knickers im told.The top one im honest im not 100% sure its her,but the other one is definitely.
    1 point
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